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        {It's from bad to worse}


                🌹STACY POV🌹

"erm... I'm sorry... I just thought..."

"Fuck your thoughts bitch!!" He brought out an epinephrine auto injector from his pocket and injected it forcefully on his thighs.

God I'm so dead.

He closes his eyes as he regains his breath and opened his eyes at once.

His eyes found mine as he walks up to me.

"What did I tell you about my coffee?" He scowls at me as I continue moving backwards.

"You said no milk, no sugar and you like it black.... But you didn't say no honey."

"Why don't you listen?" My back finally hit the wall and I'm faced with this cute crackhead.

"I listen. You should have simply said no sweetener...."

"Seriously? Are you gonna teach me use of English?"

"Yeah I guess so, cause you don't know how to use it."

His cute face stares at me. I must admit, he's hot but with a black soul.

"I'm hungry." I finally spoke and he chuckles walking to his bed.

"What's funny?"

"You still got guts to ask for food after what you did. You really are stupid."

"Hey Caleb! I didn't come here to be insulted by you. Fuck you. Who do you think you are anyways?"

"Did you just call me by my name?" He asked obviously angry but fuck his anger.

"Yeah I did. What are you gonna do about that? Lock me up? You know what? I'm out." I open the door and walked out.

Heartless prince, he doesn't even have feelings.

               🌹CALEB POV🌹

I watch her walk away. Crazy bitch she's definitely gonna get lost and I don't care.

She's pretty though but very stubborn, stupid and annoying.

A call came jogging me out of my thoughts. It was an unfamiliar number. I pick the call and place it on my ears

☎ "Hey babe. Missed me?"

☎ "Clarrisa... How did you get my number? You fucking abandoned me."

☎ "Caleb I'm really sorry." I heard her sob.

☎ "Fuck off bitch!" I yell and cut off the phone. She tried calling again but I blocked her number.

I huff and continue with what I was doing. I bet her boyfriend dumped her and she wants me back but she ain't gonna get that chance.

                   🌹STACY POV🌹

I stroll round the palace. I wanted to go to the kitchen but I don't even know where that is. Now I'm lost.

It feels like I've been walking for eternity and I can't even find my way back. This is all Caleb's fault.

"Hey Stacy. You look lost." A familiar voice called. It was the other prince.

"I am lost and hungry. And I need to take a good bath." He chuckles at my words.

"Stacy what did you do?" He asked like he knew I did something wrong.

"I didn't do anything." I lied.

"You did something Stacy."

"I kinda added honey to his coffee."

"You did what? Caleb is allergic to honey."

"I didn't know..."

"Come on let's get you some food.'' Finally, I'm starving.

"Finally some food." I giggled and he smiled. So much better than Caleb.

He led me to his room and he left minutes later saying he needed to get some thing. I rush into the bathroom and had a quick bath.

I walked into the room and a maid's presence greeted me.

"Stacy, Prince Arthur says you should put this on." She gave me a friendly smile.

It was a sweat pants and T shirt.

"Thanks." I smiled back and watched her walk out. I quickly put on the clothes as someone knocked on the door again.

"Come in." I hope that's food cause I'm starving.

Another maid walked in with an angry expression.

She drops a tray of food on the table and scowls at me.

I ignore her and pick up the spoon and began to eat. The food was scrumptious and hunger made me eat it with some much vigor.

"So you're sleeping with prince Arthur huh? Ain't you shameless?" I chuckle loudly.

"Did I sleep with your boyfriend? Your work here is done. You may leave and stop sticking your nose in someone else's business." I hiss and continue with my food.

She stared daggers at me and left.

Prince Arthur walks into the room moments later.

"You should leave Stacy. Caleb would be looking for you."

"I don't wanna go. Your brother is very mean."

Just then Caleb walked in with an angry expression.

"Stacy what the fuck are you doing here? Come with me now!" He yelled.

"I don't wanna come with you." I retort but he dragged me out. This guy is a beast.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He yelled as he dragged me into his room.

"You are the one with a problem."

"Bitch. You made me turn down this entire palace to find you."

"I didn't know the devil cares." I crossed my arms.

"Don't let that get into your head cause I don't care about you."

"Who cares? I just wanna go to my room and have some quiet time away from you."

"Which room?" He raises his brow at me.

"My room of course or don't I have a room?"

"Your room is here."

"What?" I can't possibly share the same room with him..


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I love you all.

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