Chapter - Twenty One : BLOOD AND FEELINGS

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January 11, 2002

Secrets, they have the power to make you something you are not, something you don't want to be in most cases but in the end of the day, when you know that you have succeeded in keeping those secrets hidden from every eye in this world, the satisfaction is what makes you think that maybe it is worth it to be different and to be something you are not.

I myself was a soul full of secrets, some buried deep inside, some still fresh like a wound but they didn't bothered me more than the secret I held and secured for Ezekiel.

Today, three days after, there still wasn't a single sign of him, his brothers thought he was gone for some buisness to Costa Rica, to see for a deal which was offered there regarding a club, his father and mother knew the same but the pressure and the fear of being wrong ate me inside.

" So Aurora, how is your father? " Asked Ezekiel's father, Francisco who looked straight into my eyes, he was old but fit and Griffin and Ezekiel were his reflection while Miguel looked more like their mother with his green eyes.

" He is fine, decided to indulge in legal work and stuff. " I answered and took a small bute from my bacon.

Luciano family decided to have dinner together and Ezekiel's mother, Isabella, insisted that I should join so I did which suddenly felt like a wrong idea because Francisco didn't seemed to be okay with it and I was also loat in the storm of my thoughts.

Three days have passed, you should tell them.

My mind kept repeating the thought like an endless cycle but I ignored it. I ignored it because it wasn't and shouldn't be a big deal to me. Even if he is dead, that's good right?

But something inside me felt wrong, so wrong that all I wanted was to go seek him and bring him back.

" Hey you look pale. " It took me a second but I looked towards Griffin who had this soft look on his face.
" No it's fine. "

He trust you and so do Ezekiel for some reason.

" I am full, excuse me. " I said and with that left the dining area completely acknowledged of the scoff Francisco gave, the shush his wife did and the eyes of Griffin on me the whole time.

I was happy Miguel was gone to his apartment which was far from Monterrey and that he wasn't here to stare at me like his brother.
By the time I reached my room,I was sweating, sweating in the month of January and took off my sweater which left me in only my Bra.

I was pacing when I heard a knock on the door and for a second I thought it was him but it was Griffin.
" Um, wear something first. " I quickly  wore my sweater and told him to sit while I still looked like an ADHD patient.

" Now, where is Ezekiel? I know you are hiding something and I want the truth now. " He used that Mafia tone which would have frightened me but since I was used to it I faced towards the window.

" There is nothing you need to know or should be concerned about. "
I looked back to find him staring at me before he sighed and sat more comfortably.

" Aurora, I know when people lie, I just do and you are lying. Maybe you are doing it for him but you have to consider that he is my brother and if he is any trouble, he may need me. "

For a second I felt like telling everything because I knew I would have needed the information if Quinn was at Ezekiel's place but yet I decided to remain quite against all my thoughts and instincts.

Don't care Aurora, just don't.

" I dont know anything and I need you to go because I want to sleep as I am tired. "

He narrowed his eyes before he stood and went towards the door but then turned and looked at me with gritted teeth.

" I find you good, good for him for some reason I cant point out, and I know I shouldn't because we are family enemies and all that shit, but still, I find you good and want to believe in that because I consider you my friend too but I swear to God, if he comes to any harm, I wont ever forgive you. " And with that he left.

He left as I stood there staring at the fucking door thinking how I just lost the only friend I had.

And maybe that was the final string which broke, I knew Ezekiel was in trouble, I knew he would be harmed as he didn't come back and then it all hit me as once.

With every thing telling me to stop, to not care, I ran towards the door and stopped Griffin.

" He is in trou- "

" EZEKIEL! OH MY GOD! " we both paused by the scream that Isabella made and then came the voice of crying to which we both ran towards the hallways from where the entrance was.

The tears warned to strung my eyes and instead of thinking what and why that was happening I chose to run and when I reached the hallway, what I saw made me gasp. There in the embrace of Isabella who was crying and screaming was Ezekiel Luciano, bathed in blood with a large cut on his back that made his white shirt almost red and a cut on his head with looked old but covered with both dry and fresh blood as if it was hit many times.

Griffin ran and laid him on the sofa making it covered with blood too and ordered the men who toom him in to call the doctor. I was too hazed to even breath but moved forward and before I could touch him, Griffin pushed me back so hard that I stumbled a few steps.

" THIS IS HAPPENING BECAUSE OF YOU! DARE NOT TOUCH HIM OR COME NEAR HIM YOU BITCH. " I was shocked to hear such words ans no one ever talked to me like that my whole life.

" What are you saying son, what is happening? " His mother said with a sobbing sound but with a confused look too.

" She knew, she fucking knew, I dont know what he told her of how much but she knew that Costa Rica was a lie.  "

While everyone accused me and looked at me as if I am some whore to their trust, I stood there looking at him, he was unconscious and looked almost dead but instead of  the happiness I was trying to find, all I found was dread and fear, dread because it all indeed happened because of ne and fear because of the emotions that were stirring inside me.


Hey lovieees, so we crossed 1 k and oh my god, I am so very grateful for each one of you and just, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH.😭❤️

also, this chapter was emotional to me because not just Aurora lost her friend but also came face to face to her emotions for the first time.😩

I cant wait for you all to read what's next because believe me, its gonna be EMOTIONAL YET SWEET.✨

Next one will be a double update, and what happens when Aurora gets broken in more ways than imagined?👀

Be ready and stay tuned


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