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April 2, 2002

When we were children, we hear a lot of love stories, fairytales and some of the folklores, telling us how love conquer everything and how the princess always end up with the prince charming in the end with an unbreakable promise of a happy ending.

And we even believe that it is what we will have in our life too, to have a happy ending and that we also would fall in love with the cute little love stories of our own.

But what no one ever tell us is that, these fairytales and stories are nothing but an evil yet sweet deception and that feeling for someone is not sugar and brownies but the most conflicting, confusing and difficult situation a person can face.

No one tells us that what our prince charming or the sweet innocent girl would be and from where. And in the end when that person really happens to come in front of your eyes, the world collapses under your feet too.

And in my case, it was more like that prince of darkness and the girl with innocence for only protecting her familia even if it is by shedding blood. But one thing I knew with all my heart and mind that my sins and his redemption were the perfect yet the most imperfect faces of the same coin.

The coin which would either destroy everything and burn us with everything else or we would end up having the good ending with the baddest of incidents for it to happen.

And either way, one thing was assured to happen, bloodshed.

I looked at the sky which was orange to its dark and deep shade as the sunset was happening on the other side. The surrounding area looked like another compliment to this beautiful day because of its lush green grass and then I looked beside me where Ezekiel was on Sophia and was looking at me with a smile as I continued to ride on Devil with a slow speed.

Yesterday night, we decided that Devil and Sophia should have some time with us as it was being very long since we actually spent time with them. So, today we ended up in the horse riding area with our horses riding beside each other. It was ironic as how the Reaper of the mafia world was riding a mare whose color signified peace.

" So, how you found Sophia or did you bough her? " I said as the breeze went right through us and his hair came to his eyes. He fixed them with a smooth swipe of his hand before he looked at me again, " Oh, I actually went to this place where we could buy horses or order them in San Francisco with Griffin, there I saw this little beauty just the height of my waist, she was just beautiful and I knew she is the one. You wanna know a secret? "

I nodded and he laughed, " so yeah, I wasn't into horses at all, it was all Griffin and Miguel who loved horse riding, and to be honest, Sophia is the only one that is actually mine, other horses in the stables are either Miguel's or Griffin's. It just, she looked so beautiful that I had to have her. "

He said as he pet Sophia and she neigh ever so quietly and it was something I would like to look everyday so I just stared at them.

" So our sweet little Sophia stole the heart of the Reaper. " I said with a smile and Ezekiel looked at me with the same smile.
" So, what is the story of our handsome Devil here? And why the name Devil? He so calm and gentle and even with such innocent face, he is named Devil. " He asked with a pout and it was so cute that I laughed, a full, stomach aching laugh.

" I got him as a gift from my father, he was also small and I was about eighteen. He used to neigh all night and always needed someone with him at that time. Which I think he used to get scared as he is the only horse I have. One day, I went to him and we were just walking by the field when one of our men came and spanked him. Ofcourse he didn't saw me at first but when he did, his face was like a about to cry baby. But I didn't say anything and the very next moment, the sweet little horse beside me pushed that guy so hard that he was lying on the floor groaning. "

I looked at Devil and he just looked calm, " he somehow got brave when I was with him and I started him calling baby Devil, eventually naming him Devil. "

For a moment, Ezekiel just looked at me with no expression but then laughed so loud that we all just stopped and looked at him. He laughed like he never did before and I couldn't help the swell I was getting in my heart.

" Poor man. " He said between chuckles and then stopped laughing to catch his breath. " He how about a race, a full round of the field? " He said as he wiggled his eyebrows and I got these butterflies I was never aware of.

" You will lose stupeziel. " I said as we positioned on the starting point. " Goodluck crackhead. " He said and on the count of three we started our race. He rode Sophia like he owned the field and Devil and I were just a little behind him. But even when we were competing like dogs, he looked so beautiful that I took a minute to really look at him, he hair were then almost all over his eyes and his read shirt was full of air but the most beautiful thing I saw was how fierce he was at that moment.

I also, tried more and finally got the lead, we were about five hundred metres behind the finish and he was behind me trying his best to get the lead. I grinned because I knew there was no way he could win by that time and rode faster towards the finishing point but just a 50 metres before the finish he called out my name, " Aurora, I know its not the best of the time but I think you complete me in ways no one can. "

Hearing that was not something I expected at all and that made me suddenly stop Devil mid sprint which caused him to stand in an angle of almost 85° and by the time we were back on ground, Ezekiel rode past us with a great speed and went ahead of the finishing point.

My heart was beating way too faster by the time I reached Ezekiel and saw him standing beside Sophia who was drinking water from a bucket. I also jumped to the ground and stood beside Devil as he drank water with Sophia on his left.

I walked towards where Ezekiel was standing and he looked at me with amusing eyes and a mischievous grin.
" You said that to win the race didn't you? " He looked right into my eyes and then took a step closer. He started to bend towards my face and I closed my eyes but instead of a kiss I though I would get, I felt his breath on my left ear as he whispered, " maybe I did but the fact that each and every word was true cannot be denied. By any of us. " My eyes were still closed but then after a minute I opened them to see him smiling.

Just when I was about to kiss him his phone rang from a notification and his expression completely changed.
He looked at me with a weird expression and then finally spoke.

" Your father is here and wants to see you. "


Hey lovieees, so how was this chapters and the competition 😏😏do share your views and I assure you that whatever the news Aurora's father has, its not good so be ready🤭🤭🤭

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