22-SeongSang : Birthday boy

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little : seonghwa

caregiver : yeosang


Seonghwa's POV :

today is my birthday and i am so excited for that , when we say birthday , it means cake , presents , songs and games , everything happy in general . 

after we came back from our practice , i immediately ran to the bathroom and took a shower , i even had the time to play with Miss Duckie but i kept quiet to not get the members attention . 

once i finished , i went out to the living room wearing a big hoodie and shorts 

" what are you doing ? " i asked yunho and san who were sitting watching TV 

" i was waiting for you hyung " san said and i smiled expecting him to say something but he just stood up and stretched his arms " hongjoong hyung called and told me to tell you thathe won't be back till the tomorrow night so don't wait for him " my smile fell slowly as i nodded 

" alright then , good night hyungie " he said and yunho did the same leaving me standing there alone , i pouted and tears filled my eyes , i thought they will congratulate me and we would play or just talk for a while but it doesn't seem like the case , did they forget ? i looked up at the clock and it was past 11 p.m , couldn't they wait for few minutes to wish me a happy birthday ? 

i walked to my room , sad thoughts clouded my mind as i sat down on the the carpet and kept looking at the floor for about ten minutes crying silently before i crawled to the closet and got my box of toys , i also got my plushies  , i prepared a tea party and sat talking to them 

" you think they no cawe ? " i asked the bear and felt frustrated when i didn't get an answer even the imaginary answer , i kicked the small table away , i was about to talk when the light turned off , i immediately hugged my knees and when the door opened i screamed at the top of my lungs ,i felt scared , so scared 

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ...." i can hear the voices of the members but i didn't get what they are saying , i just buried my head in the crook of my arms and kept crying 

" seonghwa hyung ? " i heard yunho's worried voice " what's wrong hyung ?" he came closer and i shifted in my spot

" what's wrong with you hyung ? " the maknae asked and i sobbed louder knowing that i can't run away from the situation , everything is exposed to them , i can't even explain it , they will hate me , they will think-

" hey baby "i heard the soothing voice of yeosang whispering in my ear and i flinched " it's okay little one , it isn't dark anymore and you are safe , look up " i lifted my slowly looking around the room and whined when i was met with seven -including hongjoong- pairs of eyes 

" hey there " yeosang said and i looked at him with teary eyes as he caressed my face with his thumb 

" sangie ... " i sniffled and he hugged me gently " i sowwy sangie " 

" why are you sorry little boy hmm ? you did nothing wrong " he said rocking us from side to side " wanna me to explain to them ? " he asked me wiping the tears away and i nodded 

he stood up and turned around to the guys 

" i already know what's happening , don't worry " wooyoung said smiling and came to sit next to me as yeosang went to talk to the guys 

" what's his name ? " the dancer asked me pointing to the bear 

" jongie " i mumbled not used to get a lot of attention 

" ohh , like jongho ? " he asked and i nodded " oww you are sweet little one " he said and kissed my forehead making me hide my face between my hands feeling shy 

suddenly i felt someone'grab me from under my arms and lift me up which made let a surprised scream 

" shh shh it's okay " i looked at mingi who was carrying me up in his arms easily with wide eyes , which made him chuckle " never been picked up before ? " he asked and i nodded pouting 

" you will get carried around lots , promise " yunho said ruffling my hair and i smiled 

" how about you blow the candles sweetie ? " yeosang asked next to me and i felt excited when they started singing again  , i started clapping when they finished and i blew the candles after making a wish 

"happy birthday little prince " yeosang said 

" tanck chu " i said making grabby hands for him and he complied , i immediately nuzzled my head again his neck and he chuckled 

" you wanna open your presents ? " he asked and i nodded enthusiastically 

" let's go " we all walked to the living room and i started opening the different boxes letting happy giggles each time 

" thankies " i said kissing each member before yeosang pulled me to sit down on his lap 

" baby " he called for me and i looked from his chest to him 

" do you take care of yourself alone ? " he asked me and gasped when he saw my facial expression drop " no no baby i didn't mean to make you upset " he said and wrapped his arms around me as i hummed before nodding 

" well i can take care of you baby " he said and caressed my hair making me sit up quickly surprised at the proposal " if you want of course little one " 

i immediately hugged him and he kissed my neck gently " yesh pwease " i said feeling tears well up in my eyes , it was so hard to hide it and take care of myself , i struggled and fought the need of slipping , i always wanted to be a good older brother for all of them 

" baby boy , don't cry " he said and i nodded rubbing my eyes with my fists and leaned on my now caregiver , i was laying on top of him on my tummy , my head on his shoulder ,he kept patting my bum gently and swinging his legs from left to right 

" d-daddy " i called hesitantly and yeosang held my hand 

" yes baby ? " 

" you be hewe tomowow wight ? "i asked my voice cracked , afraid that all of this is just a dream 

" baby , daddy is gonna be here tomorrow , after tomorrow , next week , daddy is gonna be here forever , cutie " he said and kissed the spot behind my ear as i let a sigh of relief and went to dreamland in his embrace .


Emmmm , hi everyone *heart*

i hope you are doing great and you are warm , safe and happy 

i wanted to tell you that i running out of ideas , so if you have any idea please request it in the comments on in the DMs , i will be thankful 


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