60- 2Ho : Voice

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Little : Jongho
Caregiver : Yunho
Yunho's POV :
I sighed and kept starring at my reflection on the mirror feeling helpless . This morning , i had to go the singing practice and even tho i gave my best , i couldn't reach a specefic highnote that everyone was able to , and that's frustrating .
I started walking out of the bathroom to be met with a red head peaking from the wall and i smiled weakly when i knew what's happening
'' hey little one '' i waved at jongho who walked to me before wrapping his arms around my chest and i let a sigh of relief before hugging him back .
'' how you doing baby ? '' i asked and he showed his cute precious smile
'' good dada and chu ? ''
I gulped and forced a smile
'' daddy is doing well . What were you doing from earlier ? ''
'' emmmm , i was wid sannie and woo , we pwayed '' he replied titling his head to the side
'' how about you go back to them till i finish my work ? '' i suggested gently and he pouted
'' why the pout baby ? ''
'' cuz baby missed chu daddy '' he said with a sad tone and i bite my lower lip debating with myself if i should give up or take him to the boys
'' alright sunshine , you can come with me , but you have to promise that you will behave and let daddy work '' i said caressing his hair and i can literally see the stars in his eyes
'' baby Pinkie pwomise'' he said holding his pinky out and i wrapped mine around his
'' let's go then '' i said taking his small hand in mine and he started humming a song that i can't recall since i am busy thinking about something else
'' dada '' he called suddenly and i looked down at him
'' yes honey ? ''
'' we passed the studio '' he said pointing at the door behind us
'' oh '' i massaged my nape awkwardly '' sorry sugar ''
We walked back to the room and got in before i closed it and made sure jongho was comfortable and i gave him my phone to keep him entertained , before turning the microphone on and putting on my headphone
I started singing but when i reached the highnote , i stopped and the maknae looked at me briefly and i smiled at him reassuringly and he went back to his game
I restarted the music but this time my voice cracked and i had to go and drink water before i explode then and there
I took a deep breath before starting again but yet , again , i couldn't focus and missed the beat
'' daddy ? '' i heard jongho calling me and i turned to look at him
'' you cwy ...'' he said sadly and got up from his seat to come to me
When did i start crying ?
'' daddy isn't crying sweetheart '' i smiled and he starred so deep in my eyes that i broke down in tears
'' no lie to me dada '' he whispered wrapping his arms around me and patted my back so gently
'' it's just ... Hard '' i said between sobs and he just listened to my complaints one after one without interrupting or judging me
'' daddy '' he started once i calmed down for a bit
'' you no need to go so high to be pewfect . Youw voice ish beautifuw and aww of us wuvs it , and no have to sing like othews , you speciaw jus' wike you awe '' he said smiling and i felt butterlies in my heart . Why does he have to be so sweet and lovely ?
'' i-i ...'' i really didn't know what to say
'' nah ah ah '' he said putting his finger on my lips as a way to tell me not to talk
'' you know how chu aways say dat i youw speciaw staw ? '' he asked sitting on my lap and i nodded '' and chu my speciaw puppy '' he giggled and i couldn't surpress the chuckle
'' thank you baby boy '' i said leaning my head over his shoulder '' you mean looots to daddy , believe me '' i finished pressing a kiss to his cheek to which he just crossed his arms making me laugh
'' oh sorry bub , i forgot you don't like kisses '' i said and he nodded puffing his cheeks
'' bu' i wuv dada's kisses so i fowgive chu '' he said bopping my nose
'' you wiw continue wowk ? '' he asked after a while of cuddling to my chest and i shook my head
'' i am a bit tired so i prefer going home and cuddle with you properly precious '' i said picking him up before turning everything off
'' yaaaay ! Dada's cuddles '' he sang hiding his face in my neck and i smiled at his cuteness .
When we arrived home , i walked with the maknae to my room that i shared with san but since he wasn't there , i suppose he will pass the night with wooyoung .
'' wanna wear you pajama darling ? '' i asked sitting the sleepy boy on my bed and he nodded
'' matchy one '' he mumbled and i smiled .
Days ago , me and jongho went to do shopping and he got all excited and happy about the idea of us getting matching pajamas , so that's how we ended up with the same pajamas , mine in yellow and his in blue .
'' of course princess '' i nodded getting them from the closet and i helped him changing
'' up we go honey '' i said and he lifted his arms
'' good boy '' i praised gently and he smiled .
We got in bed and he immediately snuggled in to my chest
'' baby ''
He just hummed and i tightened my arms around him
'' i am really thankful for your words and comfort earlier , it really helped daddy'' i said caressing his hair , he just sat up a bit before pressing a messy quick kiss to my cheek
'' no teww hwa he be jeawous '' he said and i chuckled quietly to not disturb his sleep
'' i won't baby ''
'' night night '' and with that he felt asleep , me soon following after pressing hundreds of kisses to his face .

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