33-HoHwa : Little Hyung

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little : seonghwa 

caregiver : yunho 

includes baby space !


Yunho's POV :

" no baby " i said approaching the boy who is trying to munch on his blocks " we don't eat that " i continued crouching down in front of him and trying to take it from him , his eyes immediately got teary and soon he was crying loudly 

" oh baby boy , what's the matter with you today hmm ? " i asked sitting the little on my lap after taking a seat on the couch " it's alright buttercup " i tried to shush him and it worked 

after a while , he looked up from where he was hiding in my chest and giggled when i made a duck like lips and landed a kiss on his right cheek 

" that's my boy " i said nuzzling my nose against his 

" oh hyung " i looked behind me where mingi was standing 

" yes mingi-ah ? " 

" we are going out , do you need something ? " he asked and i nodded 

" can you get a new pacifier for him in your way ? " 

" yeah of course . see you later hyung , bye bye hwa " 

seonghwa titled his head to the side not knowing what mingi meant which made me chuckle . i took his hand in mine and waved it toward mingi who did the same before leaving not wanting to upset the leader who was waiting outside 

" now little mushroom " i said facing the little again " what shall we do ? " i asked caressing his hips and he just kept looking at me with his big eyes . 

seonghwa hyung can hold everything he feels in , from sadness , stress , pressure , anger ... which makes him sensitive at some point , which makes it normal when he started crying and went nonverbal when the dance teacher snapped at him earlier . 

" da..." he mumbled and i looked at where he was pointing ; yeosang's room 

" wanna go to hyungie baby boy ? " i asked no one in particular before carrying him on my hip to the blond's room 

" wha- oh hey sweetie " he started with a questioning face and finished with starry eyes , that's the power of little hwa 

when the little made grabby hands for the other vocalist , i sat him down next to him and took a place on wooyoung's bed . seonghwa crawled to yoesang's lap 

" hey littl-" before he can finish his sentence , the little had his hands in his hair which made yeosang take a deep breath trying to keep calm "-le one " he finished his sentence forcing a smile on his face , but unfortunately , even when he is in head space , seonghwa can read our faces easily 

" no no , i am sorry " yeosang said hugging the baby gently when the latter let go of his hold and he started sniffling " hyungie is sorry baby , you can do whatever you want " 

i kept watching trying to let yeosang control the situation but when seonghwa didn't stop crying , i decided it's time for me to take action 

" i am sorry yunho hyung " yeosang said when i took the little in my arms 

" don't worry about it , he is in a bad mood since earlier "  i said walking with the little on my hip " c'mon bubba , it's fine " i whispered in his ear gently 

" yah ! who made him upset ? " wooyoung demanded as soon as he came in , the little looked up from my shoulder and pointed to his and yeosang's room which made me laugh " yeosang did ? yeosang !! " the performer walked to their shared room before he came out of it again chasing yeosang 

" i didn't mean to !! " the latter said 

" wait till i will get you " wooyoung said 

" oh baby save me " yeosang said hiding behind me and holding seonghwa's hand who was laughing loudly at his silly doesangs , well hyungies 

" got you !! " wooyoung screamed jumping on yeosang and started tickling him which made yeosang laugh 

i watched how my baby's facial expressions changed in a positive way every second 

" thank you woo " i said after he stood up 

" anything for him " he said kissing seonghwa's forehead before disappearing in his room 

i looked down at the boy who just tucked on my shirt 

" what baby ? " i shortened the sentence for him to understand 

he started rubbing his head on my chest and whining 

" shh shhh here " i said sitting down and took off my shirt , he immediately cuddled into my chest . 

one thing to know about seonghwa , whenever he slips to his baby age , my chest is his safe place , when we talked about it , he said that he feels small and warm when he hides there , and can i say no to that ? of course no 

i turned on the TV to play background sound and let the little play with the rings on my fingers , till i heard the front door open

" did he sleep ? " hongjoong hyung asked in a quiet voice

" nope , but he will " i replied and he gave me the pacifier that he has already washed 

" thank you hyung " i thanked him and put the comfort item between the little's lips and he immediately started sucking on it , and me , i watched in slow motion how his eyes closed and he drifted to sleep peacefully .

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