32-SeongJoong : Blueberry

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little : hongjoong 

caregiver : seonghwa 


Seonghwa's POV : 

i looked at the TV not even getting anything that was played on 

" hyung stop worrying " san whined putting his head on my shoulder 

" he is right , you know how many times did you sigh today ? " yeosang continued 

" i get it " i said " but i can't help it okay ? he has been there for days and he isn't giving any sign of life " i said pushing my hair back 

" let's go to him then " mingi said not bothering to look up from his phone " if he doesn't come , we go " 

" you are right " i agreed getting up to get my coat and his 

" but hyung we didn't even change from our paja-" he started but him off 

" you are song mingi and i am park seonghwa , we look good in anything , now move "i said getting the keys and he sighed following me 

" fighting hyung " wooyoung said laughing along with the members 

we drove to the studio and headed directly to hongjoong's studio where i knocked 

" ya kim hongjoong , you better open this door now " i said getting more impatient every second 

" stop ignoring us hyung " mingi said knocking again 

" that's it " i huffed and went to get the emergency key from the direction room and when i opened the door , my face softened at the view 

there was hongjoong on his chair , his head between his arms on the desk , his headphone on and the most important things , there was his bear on his lap , the pacifier on the floor and his phone was on and it showed a picture of us 

i walked quietly to him before taking the headphone off which made him wake up 

" shhh it's okay " i whispered trying not to startle him " it's okay little one " 

i turned around and looked at mingi who was smiling " can you save his files and turn off his computer please ? " i asked and he nodded complying happily 

" dada " the little mumbled hiding his face in my tummy and wrapping his arms lazily around my waist 

" dada is here now princess " i said stroking his hair gently waiting for mingi to finish and hand me hongjoogn's jacket from the couch 

once everything was ready , i picked the small boy in my arms and he laid his head on my shoulder " sleep baby " i whispered and kissed his cheek gently before he closed his eyes again 

mingi drove us home , and when the maknae opened the door , he started jumping from excitement and i shushed him 

everyone gets excited when hongjoong is home , especially if he is in his headspace , he is always playful and clingy which never fails to make all of us coo at him 

" he is okay , right ? " yunho asked when he saw the little in my arms and i nodded before mouthing good night to the boys and walked to our room , i laid him down on my bed and tried changing him to more comfortable clothes , and i succeeded with a big effort . 

i laid next to him and covered both of us with a warm blanket before cuddling my doesang close to my chest 

" good night baby " 


i woke up a bit early today and i smiled noticing the fluffy blue hair on my pillow next to me , he was still sleeping which made me smile even wider if that was even possible , i stroked his hair gently and sighed knowing how stressed , pressured and especially lonely , he felt when he was in the studio to slip to such a young age . 

i snapped out of my thoughts when i felt hongjoong moving and when i looked down i was met with two shiny brown eyes looking at me 

" morning angel " i greeted in quiet voice and he let a heavy breath out 

" mo'ning " he replied putting his head on my chest 

" slept well ? " i asked drawing circles on his back and he nodded " still sleepy ? " , and i received another nod " want to go back to sleep ? daddy doesn't mind at all " this time he shook his head and i hummed. 

" daddy " he called sitting up to look at me 

" yes sweetie ? " i answered smiling at how small he sounds 

" wanna showe' " he said and i cooed 

" with bubbles and miss duckie ? " i said excitedly which made him nod and smile 

" okay then " i said getting up from the bed to prepare clothes for him and starting feeling the bathtub 

once i made sure the water was warm and bubbly enough , i went back to him and lifted him in my arms 

" cold little one ? " i asked when i felt goosebumps spread all over his thighs and when he nodded , i rubbed them gently 

when we arrived to the bathroom , i helped him get undressed and put him in the water and he immediately started splashing the water and giggle . soon enough , i was sitting next to him and shampooing his hair while he was playing with his toys 

" bu' duckie , you be mean to bob "he said to the yellow duck making me smile " wight dada ? " he asked turning around to look at me 

" yeah baby of course " i played along making him giggle 

" siwy daddy " he said turning back to continue playing 

after a while , i took him out of there and started drying his hair 

" what do you want to wear baby boy ? " i asked opening the closet 

" dada " he said smiling and i cooed 

" alright baby " i was about to pull one of my shirt when he whined " what is it baby ? " i asked and he pointed at me 

" dada " he whined louder and i thought for a minute before getting what he means 

" you want this shirt ? " i asked pointing at the shirt i am wearing and he nodded " whatever my princess wants " i said taking it off and put it on him , it looked like a dress 

" smew like dada and it wawm " he said rubbing  his cheek on the shirt fabric which made me smile 

" wanna go to hyungies and play with them ? " i asked picking him up 

" and dada chu " he said and i nodded 

" of course , and dada too" i said and he clapped his hands happily 

the second i stepped in the living room , the little started bouncing 

" sannie " he said happily and the vocalist gasped dramatically 

" babyyyy !!! " he said getting up from the carpet and took hongjoong from my arms 

and yeah , like that , my baby was stolen from me for the whole day making me pout and get teased by the other members , and also comforted by the most beautiful sweet precious blueberry . 

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