26-JongWoo : Play

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little : jongho 

caregiver : wooyoung 


Wooyoung's POV : 

the second i woke up , i whimpered hearing yelling from the outside 

" why since the early morning ??? " i yelled back and everything turned quiet before someone opened the door with force and jumped on me 

" 'oongiiie " i automatically smiled and wrapped my arms around the boy's waist , giving his bum two gentle taps as a sign for him to get up of me

 " if you want daddy to still alive , you have to get up baby " i said and he lifted himself up before sitting on my bed 

" well jongho , good morning " i said caressing his face with my thumb and he leaned into the touch 

" mowning dada " he said smiling and i returned the smile " sweep well ? " he asked bouncing up and down 

i nodded and sat up before pulling him on my lap " what was all the yelling earlier ? " i asked and he chuckled nervously 

" i bowed with no dada , so i pwayed with hwa and sangg" he said happily which made me smile 

" okay , let's go " i carried him on my hip and he chuckled , he started singing while playing with my hoodie fabric 

" good morning " i said plopping down on the couch next to san who was making silly faces to make jongho laugh 

" want coffee ? " seonghwa asked ruffling the little's hair who pouted and i nodded before looking at jongho 

" what is it ? " i asked running a hand through his hair and he let a dramatic sigh 

" hwa aways win " he said sadly and i shared a look with san , both of us trying not to laugh " hwa meanie " he said pouting but soon looked up when i kissed his temple 

" wanna play with daddy ? " i asked and san put his hand on the maknae's back getting his attention 

" i am sure you will win , wooyoung is a loser " he said winking and i , secretly , slapped his shoulder 

" yesh yesh " he said standing up and i shook my head making him frown 

" what's the magic word little one ? " i asked raising a brow 

" ahhh pwease daddy ? " he corrected himself and made sure to show me his best puppy eyes which made me smile and nod

" just let me finish my breakfast "  he immediately started running around telling everyone in the house the ' news' and gaining few warnings from everyone about running 

after i finished eating , jongho stood in front of me literally jumping on his spot 

" let's play !!! "i said standing up and he started clapping happily "what do you want to play ?" i asked holding his hips to calm him down a bit 

" hi' sheek " he said and i frowned not knowing what it is , i looked at my eldest hyung who was laughing at m facial expression 

" he means hide and seek " 

i made an 'o' before nodding 

" okay then baby , i will count to ten and you make sure to hide well " i covered my eyes with my hands and smiled when i heard ' no 'ook dada  no cheat '

" 9 ... 10 ! ready or not i am coming to find you " i sang looking around the living room 

i stopped a laugh when i noticed his red hair peeking from the couch 

" where did the baby hide ? " i said trying to sound lost and confused 

" is he behind the door ? " i was talking loudly and closed the door " well , no " 

i can clearly hear him laugh from where he is hiding 

" is my baby here ? " i asked looking under the table " emmm "

i kept looking around trying to keep entertaining the little who was having the time of his life , i turned my back to him and i heard his footsteps approaching before he jumped on me 

" ohhh baby !!! " i said 'surprised' " where did you go ? " i said turning around to hold him properly 

" no tew chu " he said shaking his head before hugging me 

jongho is the main vocalist of our team , he has a lot of vocals training and lessons , he always does the impossible to show the fans the best performances , and you can tell that it is stressing , so moments like those are precious and meaningful for the little , and i can tell you that the skin ship is something that jongho tends to need a lot when he is in little space . 

we continued playing till it was lunch time , jongho sat on my lap refusing to let go of me  

" thankiiies hwa " he said after finishing his plate 

" my pleasure little one " he replied smiling , the youngest vocalist came running to me and i made sure to wrap my arms around him 

" daddy " he called and i hummed 

" i tiwed , wanna nap " he said rubbing his eyes with his small fists and i nodded but before i can carry him to his room he whined loudly which made me stop 

" what's wrong angel ? " i asked in a soft quiet voice 

" hewe " was the only answer i received 

" you want to nap here ? " i asked to confirm and he nodded 

" alright " i sat him down on hongjoong's lap and went to our room to get his blanket , paci and plushie , when i arrived to the living room , i found the curtains closed and the T.V was playing a cartoon while jongho was laying on the leader's chest , eyes half closed , i smiled and took a picture of the cute adorable view before taking the little in my arms and laying down with him , i gave him his paci and he started sucking on it for comfort 

" sleep princess " i said stroking his hair and rubbing his back in circles 

" t'ank chu dada " he whispered quietly behind the comfort item and i held him closer  making sure he felt safe , warm and loved .

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