52-SeongJoong x Ateez : Pacifier

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Littles : Hongjoong & Seonghwa
Caregivers : Ateez
Hongjoong's POV :
The weekend has finally arrived , i was so tired last night and slept for more than 9 hours , it really feels good after all the practice and work we had to do , we finally have time for ourselves . And by that i mean i can finally be little and have fun .
I was sleeping but woke up when i heard crying , i sat up and rubbed my eyes with fist , i was still sleepy but it seems that something is wrong
'' hwa ? '' i called when i noticed that the voice is crying from the other bed , i walked to his bed and found him curled up in bed , his cheeks all red and his chest was going up and down so quick
'' why chu cwy baby ? '' i asked him when i realized that he was in baby space . He must have been so stressed too .
I started looking for his pacifier in the room to comfort him a bit and stop all the crying but strangely , it wasn't there .
San always tells us that we have to keep our dearest comfort items close to us just in case , and the pacifier , more specifically the blue pacifier is seonghwa's favorite , and i am pretty sure it was here before i go to sleep earlier .
'' pwease no cwy hwa '' i pouted and caressed his forehead when he started coughing
'' i go bwing daddy '' i said and ran out of the room . I am surprised no one heard all the crying at this point . But when i found all of them playing games in the living room with headphones on i understood why .
'' daddy !!" I called shaking yunho's arm and the latter turned at the side to look at me startled
'' oh petal you scared me .. you are awake now ? '' he asked wrapping his arm around my waist
'' nopi , hwa ish cwying and no find paci '' i said and jongho was the first to stand up and walk to the room after thanking me and ruffling my hair
'' did you look well for it baby ? '' mingi asked picking me up in his arms and followed the other members and i nodded
'' hey hey baby '' jongho said to seonghwa who was still crying '' you will get sick if you continue crying like this '' he had a sad expression in his face
'' what's wrong baby ? '' wooyoung asked obviously worried now '' tell dada honey ''
'' he baby '' i said and they turned to look at me '' he so smaw '' i hided in mingi's neck blushing at the sudden attention
'' san-ah , it's not here for real '' yeosang said after closing the last drawer .
'' towd you '' i mumbled quietly which made mingi's chuckle and press a kiss to my cheek
'' you so cute '' he mumbled nuzzling his nose in my hair
'' what ? I am sure it was there '' san complained and started looking for it
'' come here princess '' yunho said taking seonghwa in his arms and started walking around the room and shushing him
'' do you know what happened sweetheart ? '' yeosang asked me and i shook my head
'' i wakey when he cwy '' i said and pouted
'' it's okay baby '' he said kissing the pout away
'' i will go make him milk '' wooyoung said walking to the kitchen but stopped before leaving '' do you want some darling ? '' he asked me and i shook my head thanking him
'' good manners sweetie '' he praised before winking and leaving
'' down '' i said tapping the rapper's shoulder and he complied
I remember from a cartoon i watched once that a good brother always have to make his brother ans make him happy so now ... Me , detective joong will find the pacifier no matter what .
I ran out of the room and put san's glasses on before standing in the hallway to think where it can be
'' hwa wuvs it , whewe was hwa yehtewday ? '' i asked myself puting on a thinking face
I walked to the living room where our bags were and started looking for it in our caregivers' ones . But it wasn't there
'' bub , what are you doing ? '' wooyoung asked kneeling next to me  '' it's not good to look in the bags of others '' he said and i shook my head
'' i wook fow hwa paci ! Me pwomise '' i said and he nodded understanding
'' can chu hewp joongie put thingies back in ? '' i asked fidgeting with my fingers which made him coo
'' of course baby ''
In the middle of the packing i started singing a song , well more of humming it
'' hwa loves this song , i remember jongho singing it for him to make him sleep last night '' he said smiling and i nodded before standing up and running to jongho's room
I entered and looked at the tables and the drawers but it wasn't there
'' it has be hewe '' i mumbled and sat on the bed ,but stood up quickly when i felt something hard , i looked under the blanket to see the precious blue pacifier !!
'' found iit !! '' i sang running to the room almost falling if it wasn't for jongho who caught me in the last second
'' careful little berry '' he said lifting me in his strong arms and i immediately shoved the pacifier in his face , he frowned first then the realization hit him
'' where did you find it ? '' he asked taking it from my hand and pressed a kiss to my hand
'' in youw bed '' i said chuckling and his eyes widened
'' really baby ? " He asked walking back to the room where seonghwa was in san' arms still crying but not as hard as earlier
'' hyung , the smart baby found the treasure '' he said handing the comfort object to yunho
'' good job sugar '' the main dancer said before putting it in seonghwa's mouth , he immediately relaxed and stopped crying
'' i am starting to think it's a magic pacifier '' yeosang said taking the bottle from wooyoung's hand makinf all of us laugh
'' thank you baby '' wooyoung said smiling at me and i felt my cheeks turning red before smiling back
'' look here joongie '' san said and i turned at him to find seonghwa making grabby hands for me , jongho put me down and i walked to him
'' wanna feed him ? '' yunho asked me and i nodded feeling happy
'' alright , sit here '' yeosang said patting the spot next to him and took the baby in his arms , i titled the bottle down and he took it in his mout after the pacifier was gently taken away
'' good boys '' yeosang said and my eyes started shining when seonghwa held my hand in his before slowly drifting to sleep
'' he wuvs me '' i said bouncing in my seat and all of them cooed
'' of course he does ! Who doesn't love such a precious pure angel like you !" San said kissing my forehead and i giggled shyly
'' let's go back to sleep bubble '' yeosang said laying down next seonghwa and he patted the other spot on his other side for me
'' sweep with chu ?" I asked excited and he nodded
'' yay !!'' i clapped quietly to not wake seonghwa up
'' night ni '' i said after kissing all of the members and waved bye bye at them
'' you did so well honey , i am proud of you just like your daddy , dada , papa , mama and hyungies are '' he said drawing circles in my back and kissing my cheeks multiple times .
And like that i fell asleep and the next day was full of playing the detective and the thieves  and of course i got a lot of praises from all the members , it was one of the best weekends ever .

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