34-JongHwa : Nightmare

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little : jongho

caregiver : seonghwa


Jongho's POV :

this week has been exhausting , performances , variety shows , lives , recording ... i am exhausted , i just want to sleep and rest well .

once we got in the van after the shooting , i put my head on my hyung's shoulder and took his scent in 

" what's wrong maknae ? " seonghwa hyung asked patting my hair with his hand 

" sweepy " i mumbled against his neck 

" sleep bubble " he whispered sounding happy but i shook my head "and why is that little one? " he asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders 

" scawed " 

these last days , i was having nightmares , the night always ends up by me crying all night and not being able to go back to  sleep, the black circles around my eyes say it all  

" ow my baby " he said and pulled me to sit on his lap 

" noo " i said trying to pull away knowing very well that i will fall asleep if i cuddle with him 

"nah ah , jonghi baby " he said tapping my butt gently " you've got to listen to daddy " he continued and i started crying , not even knowing why 

" baby boy please " the leader said sadly rubbing my thigh 

" daddy " i cried hiding in my caregiver's neck 

" shhhhh it's alright " 

i kept listening to his comforting soothing voice till my eyes were closing " sleep princess , daddy's gonna be here " 

and everything went black 

" ya jongho , do it right !! " 

" i am sorry " i mumbled looking at my feet " i didn't mean to " 

" you always don't ! but you still do it ! grow up " 

i couldn't bring myself to look up at the person talking to me  , i already know this voice 

" i am sorry hyung please " 

" jongho "

"jongho "

" jongho ... "

i opened my eyes and sat up and started breathing heavily 

" no i sowwy , i-i am sorry hyung please " i cried looking at my hyung who was sitting next to me in the bed 

" no baby boy , it was just a dream "he said trying to pull me into his embrace but i ran away to the corner and hugged my knees to my chest and kept crying 

" you hate me " 

i heard footsteps approaching but i refused to look up 

" hey there , can you please take daddy's hand in yours ? daddy is scared love " seonghwa hyung said and i took a shaky breath before holding my hand out for him , i can't let him be sad or scared 

" do you know who i am , jongho ?" 

i nodded and gasped for air but soon relaxed when he rubbed my hand with his thumb 

" can you tell me please sweetie ? " 

" seongh-hwa hyung " i said looking up but not fully 

" and who is seonghwa hyungie ?" 

i kept quiet for a while before looking at his eyes and he smiled warmly at me 

" d-daddy " i said tears falling down my eyes and i let my hand fall to the floor , soon i was picked up and i hugged my caregiver tightly 

" good boy . Sweetie , you know i will never hurt you , i don't know what you saw in your scary dream , but daddy is here , hwa will never make you sad or hurt no matter what " he whispered in my ear and i laid limp against his chest 

he kept rubbing my back and giving me light kisses all over my face till i calmed down 

" what time is it daddy ? " i asked him after a long silence 

" it's ... three of the morning " he replied and i sat up shocked " what is it ? " he asked smiling 

" i-i sowwy " i said looking at our intertwined fingers sat at his lap between us " no mean wakey you late " 

" precious , look at dada " he said wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me closer to him " you are my baby , i accepted to take care of you and do whatever it needs to make you happy, safe and comfortable so please stop apologizing " 

i nodded smiling at his words before leaning forward and giving his lips a gentle kiss 

" thank you treasure " he said laying us down and i whined " shhh you are with me " 

i closed the distance between us and he chuckled 

" you know we can sleep in today so if you are still scared we can talk all night muffin " 

i nodded " me knows , dada ish bestie " i said going deeper in my head space 

" owww my small bear " he cooed at me and kissed my forehead and caressed my hair till i fell asleep again but this time with no nightmares , maybe i just needed a good rest and comfort from the best person possible , my daddy  

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