44-WooJoong : I want it ...

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Little : Wooyoung
Caregiver : Hongjoong

Hongjoong's POV :
I yawned and Maddox chuckled
'' you are still sleepy ? '' he asked and i smiled
'' yeah a little bit , i didn't get much sleep last night because of the members who didn't stop talking about their week "
I smiled wider at the memory . I have been busy this week and couldn't join them in any of their games , shopping ...etc that's why they made me swear that i will go home the weekend and i did . They welcomed me with wide smiles and after dinner , they started showing me what they bought and told me everything . They are so cute and i love all of them

'' good morning '' Eden greeted us with a coffee cup in a hand and one of the other producers following close behind him
'' good morning'' we greeted back and he took a seat before pulling his computer
'' so today , we will just make few changes and confirm other things before we start recording '' he announced and i nodded
'' starting with ... mist '' he said and looked up at me
'' well , we did the lines distribution ten day ago , and i gave the members their lines '' i handed him papers of the lyrics that will be sang by every member '' and they already started memorizing it , i believe that they finished '' i continued and he kept reading the paper before turning the melody in his laptop .
'' we need to change something '' he said after stopping the music .. this line ... '' he underlined it before giving it back to me '' i need it will sound better if san sings it instead of san '' he said and my heart fell to my stomach .
The first thing wooyoung told me yesterday was that he practiced his parts of all the songs all week and that he mastered mist since he wanted to give his best for it
'' but ... '' i started which got the three producers' attention '' i don't think it's bad if we give it a try '' i tried to sound as convincing as possible
'' the thing is that you have to record it soon and release it in less then a month , if we will give the lunes officially and wooyoung won't be able to do it , we will have to start all over and we don't have time for that hongjoong'' eden said
'' but hyung-nim - '' i stopped when Maddox interrupted me
'' he is right hongjoong-ah , we can't be so sure that wooyoung can do it , even if he does during the recording , he will have to do it live and mistakes happen, we try to avoid them . I promise we will give him another chance soon '' he tapped my shoulder and i sighed . Then we moved to the next song , honestly , i didn't focus too much , i don't know how to tell my doesang the news , he will be sad he may underestimate himself from now on , i really don't want him to look down at himself , their words make me feel sick, they sounded like the shitty haters even tho i know they aren't meaning anything bad .
'' with that we have finished '' eden said smiling '' practice hard and show your best , fighting guys '' he finsihed and went to his studio
'' don't overthink it , he will take it in a good way '' Maddox said and left too , i am sure it won't go well this time .
I took my phone out and called san to come over for eden to tell him the news .
I decided to go home and tell wooyoung , i need to be calm and make his understand the situation so it will be better there . While i was closing my door , i noticed something on the floor and my eyes widened when i recognized it as wooyoung's luck doll , i am sure it wasn't here earlier . Don't tell me he heard anything ?
'' hey hyung'' san said waving his hand
'' sannie , was wooyoung at home all the time ? " I asked hoping for a positive answer
'' no , he left to come see you . I called him but he didn't answer the phone . He didn't come ? '' i ran a hand through my hair before putting my other one on the vocalist's shoulder
'' go to eden and you will understand'' i told him running to the exit '' fighting san-ah ''
The drive home was so long and  the silence that i was met with when i went in was terrifying .
I walked to the dancer's room and when i opened the door i felt like crying , he was under his covers and his shaking was obvious from how violent it is .
'' wooyoung-ah '' i sang closing the door and i sat on his bed but he didn't move
'' i know doesang , i know that you heard everything '' i said putting my hand in his back and i can swear that he stopped breathing for a second '' stop hiding from hyungie '' i said trying to pull the covers off him but it was useless
'' baby '' i called trying to lull him to his little space slowly '' come to daddy sweetheart '' i encouraged rubbing his thigh '' daddy don't like seeing you crying angel '' and hell it was true . He is a brat all the time but i can't accept that he gets hurt, his heart is pure anf that what makes him my sweet baby .
He pulled the covers down still facing the wall and hesitated for a moment before crawling to my lap and immediately hiding in my chest and started sobbing , i wrapped my arms around him and rocked him back and forth
'' i got you baby boy '' i whispered and kissed his hair line gently '' it's okay wooyoungie ''
'' b-but ... I w-want it '' he mumbled tightening his grip on my shirt ans i had to contain my anger to comfort him
'' i know princess , daddy knows . I am sorry for not being able to convince them darling '' i apologized sincerely and he started crying harder .
At some point , his cries got the attention of the eldest member who always pay attention to others more then himself
'' wooyoung what's wrong ? '' he asked pushing the door open and when his worried eyes met mine i just shook my head . He sat next to us and rubbed the little's fist , i am sure his knuckles turned white
'' bubble , relax , you will hurt yourself '' seonghwa said taking the dancer's hand in his .
After a lot of comforting words and kisses , he stopped crying , he put his head on my shoulder and kept playing with my rings in silence
'' that's not fair '' seonghwa said after i told him what happened '' it's gonna be okay tho Bubba '' he rubbed the little's back and the latter looked up at me
'' daddy '' he said in a broken voice
'' yes love ? '' i tucked his hair behind his ear and kissed his forehead for the millionth time today .
'' i ... I good singew wight ? '' he asked and the tears came back
'' ow princess '' i wiped the few ones that escaped his eyes '' of course, you are the best singer for daddy , i promise that . You have a beautiful voice , just like you . You make everyone happy with it , don't think otherwise please , okay ? They took those lines so you can have others'' i finished when san came in
'' your daddy is right in all what he said except the last part '' he said kneeling in front of the little '' they won't take those lines sweetie '' he said and i looked at him confused
'' what ? How is that ?'' i asked and had to hold the bouncing little's hips
'' well , maybe someone called sannie refused to take the lines and convince Eden about it ? '' san said smiling and caressed the little's hands with his thumbs
And yes , i received a text from the producer telling me the same exact thing
'' you are right '' i said smiling and wooyoung got up from my lap to do a happy victory dance making all of us coo
'' thank chu sannie '' he said pulling the other to dance with him and he didn't hesitate at all to do so .
'' daddyyy '' he ran to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me and i did the same before mouthign a '' thank you'' to san who just smiled sweetly at the cute baby
'' we will work harder to prove Eden hyung-nim wrong , okay doll ? '' i said and he nodded strongly making me chuckle
'' guess we have something to celebrate '' seonghwa sang entering the room . I didn't even notice him leaving . He was holding a plate of cupcakes , wooyoung's favorite and the latter jumped when he saw them
'' thankiies hwa '' he said taking two with him before giving me one
'' thank you honey '' i said and we all sat eating while san was talking about a movie he wants to watch
'' look '' he suddenly whispered and i looked down at the curled up little on my lap , he didn't even finish his food, he must be tired of all the crying .
I smiled and decided to take him to my bed where i covered him with the warmest blanket , put his favorite plushie vetween his arms and the pacifier between his lips , i sat there admiring his beauty before kissing him gently and i left the room to go call the producers  and tell them that my pretty baby can and will do it .

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