55-HoHwa : Tears and Candies

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Little : Yunho
Caregiver : Seonghwa

As much as i love little hwa , i love him as a caregiver too . I am just too soft for this man 😩😭♥️

Seonghwa's POV :
After waking up this morning ,in the best mood ever , i walked downstairs to the kitchen , played music in my phone and started making breakfast for my members .
No one woke up yet , except me and mingi who was watching a TV show . I am sure all of them stayed up late knowing that we don't have work today and it's okay from time to time .
I was making the eggs when i felt arms being wrapped around me and steady breaths on my neck , i turned my head to the side slightly and smiled when i recognized who it was
'' morning baby puppy '' i said nuzzling my head against his gently . I knew from experience that he was in his little space . I have to admit it , yunho has worked harder than any other member this time , he had more lines and he is the center of most of our choreographies .
'' mo'ning '' he replied nuzzling his head deeper on my neck and i just chuckled at his clinginess from tge early morning .
'' how about you go and sit with mingi till i finish preparing the table and i will call you back baby ? '' i proposed caressing his hands on my tummy and he whined but did as told
'' good boy baby '' i praised pressing a kiss to his jawline before he left .
I set the table and filled three plates for us before calling mingi and yunho to eat but surprisingly mingi walked in alone
'' where is yunho ? '' i asked hil a nit confused and he sighed
'' i don't know what's wrong with him , he just shook his head when i called him to come with me '' he replied and i frowned
'' okay thank you mingi , if you are hungry start eating , we will join you in few minutes '' i said patting his shoulder and he nodded.
I walked to the living room and croushed down next to yunho who was sitting on the carpet playing with his horse lego
'' where is Mars going baby ? '' i asked stroking his hair and he just shrugged
'' to help the prince save the princess ?'' i asked again pointing at the castle that we built together the previous week .
'' i no know '' he replied putting the toy down and he started fiddling with his fingers and scartching his hands .
'' nah yuyu baby , we don't do that '' i said holding my hand out for him but he didn't react '' sweetie , come on , gimme your hand please '' i insisted and he hesitantly complied this time
'' good boy darling '' i said kissing the red skin of his hand
'' what's the matter bubba ? '' i asked gently but he just shook his head
'' look up at me sweetheart'' i demanded and he didn't so i raised his head by my fingers and that was when i noticed the tears in his face
'' hey baby '' i said softly and gently pulled him in my arms
'' daddy ... '' he cried and i just kept stroking his back with my hand . Even tho he had a big body , he still fits very well in my embrace , i don't even know how he becomes so tiny .
'' it's alright baby , calm down for me now , daddy is here '' i kept repeating such comforting words and after few minutes , he started to calm down
'' good job petal . Now tell daddy what's wrong '' i said and he just shook his head , his grip on my hoodie getting tighter
'' baby boy , you know that i can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong , and you also know that if you don't tell me , i can't help you and that hurts daddy's hurt, hmm '' i said wiping his tears away .he kept quiet for a minute before he finally looked up at me , fresh tears in his eyes
'' down ... '' he said and i cooed
'' you feeling down darling ? That's all ? '' i asked hugging him and he nodded sobbing . It happens alot to yunho , whenever he is stressed a lot , he feels down and  upset . It's not the first time we have to deal with such a thing so i knew how to act .
''  daddy got you little one '' i whispered and stood up with him on my hip
'' it's okay , all of us can feel down and be tired , it's a normal thing baby . We all need a shoulder to lean on and cry our overwhelming emotions out , okay ? '' i said
'' even daddy ? '' he asked looking at me with his big eyes and i nodded
'' yes baby even daddy " i said kissing his forehead
We sat there in silence , me rocking us from side to side and yunho clinging to me like a little koala .
'' are you hungry little peach ? '' i asked and he nodded
I carried him to the kitchen and took a seat next to mingi who waited for us
'' hey look yuyu '' mingi said and yunho looked up from my chest , but soon was bouncing on my lap when mingi handed him a butterfly made of tissue
'' can me have it pwease " he aqked doing his best puppy eyes
'' if you are gonna smile for real '' mingi said and yunho giggled happily
'' and here you have it ''
'' wook daddy " he said shoving it on my face and i chuckled
'' it's so pretty baby '' i said and caressed his hair with my free hand
'' tank chu minki '' he said and mingi held his heart from the cuteness
After finishing our food , mingi sent out of the kitchen to the dishes , and like that we ended up sitting on the couch yunho curled up in my lap sucking on his bottle filled of juice
'' baby ? '' i called and he looked up at me
'' always remember that you are daddy's precious little bean , you are hard working and you always do a great job in singing , dancing and teaching all of us . You are beautiful inside out darling , alright ? And most importantly , keep in that little golden head of yours that daddy loves you no matter what '' i said and kissed his nose .
He kept starring at me for a while before giggling and lifting his body up a bit and kissed my lips so gently
'' wuv chu too beautifuw dada ''
I cooed and leaned back on the couch watching yunho as he watched his cartoons

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