chapter two

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TW: brief talk of sexual assault.

Red Roses

Narrator's POV:

"Garcia," Hotch muttered, alerting Garcia to get going.

"Yes sir," she scrambled to find her remote.

"Okay, in the past two days, Chicago PD has found two women killed in their homes with a single stab wound to the back of the neck. Each woman was also found with a red rose in their mouths." she rambled on.

"What about these women's lives?" Morgan spoke up.

"The first victim, Roslyn James, 47, lived a very promiscuous lifestyle which was very high risk. However, our second victim, Danielle Jones, 32, was a middle aged wife, living a low risk lifestyle. But, her marriage was crumbling." Garcia continued on as crime scene photos appeared across the screen behind her.

"Any sign of forced entry or break in?" JJ asked.

"No sign of robbery either. The neighbors didn't even report hearing anything." Garcia took another sip of her coffee out of the lovely cat mug she held.

"Roses are typically a symbol of passion or love. The unsub could possibly be related to the victims romantically." Spencer chimed in.

"Or maybe he wanted to be and then things took a turn when he was rejected and this was his revenge." Emily added.

"Neither victims showed signs of sexual assault. And there is no denying that these victims had a dramatic age difference." Grace shuffled through the papers within the file.

"Wheels up in thirty." Hotch stood from the table, taking his file with him.

"Well, looks like we're going to Chicago." Grace stood from her chair also, as Spencer followed behind her.

"You know, this unsub has such an odd signature with the first victim. I mean burning an entire carton of cigarettes in the oven? Damn that's a bit much." Spencer rambled on as he walked with Grace, parting ways to his desk.

"I think there's a good chance that these victims knew the unsub. No forced entry, no cries for help. I mean come on." Grace packed the case file in her go bag as Spencer grabbed his bag also.

"And two victims on consecutive nights. This unsub will likely strike again soon." Morgan joined them, butting into the conversation.


"What book are you reading Spence?" Grace asked, sitting down next to Spencer with a steaming cup of coffee for him and herself.

"The Art of War by Sun Tzu." he replied.

"Oh I'm sorry." Grace frowned, taking a sip of her coffee.

"For what?" Spencer looked up from his book.

"Asking." she sat down her cup on the table before her, pulling her knees to her chest as she reached for her phone and earbuds to listen to some music.

"What song will it be tonight?" Spencer returned a question.

"Probably just going to shuffle my sad playlist as always." Grace didn't even bother to look up.

"Why? What's wrong?" Spencer became concerned.

"Just in my feels. And cold."

"Come here." he motioned to the empty seat beside him as Grace went and sat behind him, cuddling up on his arm.

"Thank you." Grace smiled, scrunching her nose, looking up at Spencer as she plugged in her headphones and he resumed reading his book.

"Look at them." JJ motioned to Spencer and Grace sitting together.

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