chapter seventeen

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Grace's POV: 

The pain began to fill my body. My eyelids grew heavy, I felt so tired. 

"No, no Grace please keep your eyes open." Spencer repeated, applying pressure to my wound. 

"Spence," I whispered, unable to talk in full sentences. 

"I'm right here." he pulled me into his lap, holding me tight. 

"I-I'm tired." I mumbled, reaching for Spencer's hand. 

"Keep your eyes open Grace." he muttered back, stroking my thumb with his hand. 

"Please, let me go Spence." I begged as I could see the tears running down his face. 

I wanted to be okay, I just wanted to be okay. I repeated to myself. 


Narrator's POV: 

The clock was nearing midnight. Everyone on the team except for Penelope and Emily had headed back to the hotel to get some rest. 

No, they were still at the station, waiting for Grace and Spencer to get back. But in the meantime, they were looking into victimology of all the victims. 

"You know, it doesn't make sense how all these families are so alike, but have not a single connection." Emily sat down the file on the table, leaning back in her chair. 

"I can't even focus right now." Garcia sat forward, placing her elbows atop the table. 

"I can't either, I'm just worried about Grace and Reid." Emily admitted, crossing one leg over the other. 

Garcia went away to typing at her computer once more, trying to find a location of their phones, but instead got another unexpected notification. 

"The-their car's GPS was just disabled." Garcia realized, the comment frightening Emily. 

"Either that crime scene was not empty, or they are just really trying to hide something from us." Emily concluded. 

"I-I think you guys need to get out there as soon as possible, before-" Penelope told Emily, trying to think of good things. Butterflies, kittens and baby cows. 

Emily immediately called Morgan, filling him in on what was going on while Penelope rang the rest of the team telling them to get back to the station. 


"What the hell?" Morgan began to freak out once Emily explained to the team what was going on. 

"So, you're telling me that this unsub possibly has Grace and Spencer?" JJ asked, biting her nails out of nervous habit. 

Emily and Penelope both nodded their heads in reply. 

"Then why the hell are we still standing here?" Hotch spoke up, everyone filing out of the room to grab their vests. 

Penelope stayed behind at the station, pacing back and forth every second that they were gone, unable to calm down. 

"Deep breath, deep breath." she instructed herself, trying to calm down. 

While she was panicked, the team was already on the highway, making their way to the last crime scene. The drive was an hour, making everyone worry more. 

What could go wrong in just sixty minutes? 

The road seemed never ending to Rossi as he pulled off the freeway and onto the unpaved country roads, making the car jumble all over. 

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