chapter ten

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Wake Up

Spencer's POV: 

"One vanilla latte and a caramel iced coffee please." I handed the barista at the local coffee shop my card, watching her swipe it through the machine. 

It was about half past ten, which meant I was supposed to be at Grace's in half an hour. After last night, I couldn't help but worry about her and think of why she is acting so different all of a sudden. 

My foot tapped the floor slightly, as I watched people walk past me, sipping their steaming coffee. Eventually, the barista called out my name as I walked up and grabbed the two coffees I ordered and headed back to the car. 

Turning up the heater once I started the car, I headed to Grace's apartment right up the street since I was far too cold to walk. Luckily, I was able to find a parking spot before heading up the stairs. 

I knocked on Grace's door at least three times. No response, so I called her. And once again, no answer. So, I unlocked the door with my key. 

Her apartment was absolutely freezing, as she liked it, but Grace was nowhere to be found. I made my way down the hall to her bedroom door, softly knocking before I opened and there she was fast asleep. 

Not wanting to wake her, I shut the door and walked into the kitchen, putting her iced coffee in the fridge and sitting down on the couch with a book while I waited for her to wake up. 

Honestly, her book taste isn't the best, so I settled for Romeo and Juliet, which I am pretty sure I left here after staying the night. On the couch of course. 

I curled up on the couch, reading away at the play, which was one of my favorites as I waited for Grace to wake up. 

Damn, that girl loves to sleep. 


Grace's POV: 

Once again, my head was pounding from my obvious hang over due to the wine I drank last night. Too many glasses to count on my hands. 

Rolling over, I grabbed my phone that was on my charger seeing that I had three missed calls from Spencer, so I called him back. 

"Wait a sec-" I could hear a phone ringing in the living room as I got up out of bed, realizing that it was Spencer's. 

"What are you doing here?" I walked into the living room in a t-shirt and way too short shorts. 

"I called you a million times and told you I was coming over last night." Spencer sat down the book. 

"Shoot. I totally forgot." I rubbed my eyes, walking into the kitchen to make a coffee. 

"I got you a coffee, it's in the fridge." he interrupted before I made my own. 

Grabbing the drink, I walked back over to the couch, sitting across from Spencer. 

"So, what's up?" I curled my legs under me, throwing a blanket over them. 

"What was last night all about?" he began, the memories flooding back. 

"Which part?" I played dumb, the moment of him grabbing my wrists so vivid in my pounding head. 

"When you freaked out over Heather wearing my sweater and then went off on me. What's bugging you?" Well, I wanted to tell him that I was jealous of her but no way could I. 

"Nothing." I rolled my eyes, shutting down as I always did.

"Gracie, I know you better than that." he persisted. 

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