chapter twenty four

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TW: Talks of blood, homicide, and self harm. 


5 x 7 - The Performer. Continued. 

Narrator's POV: 

"Spence, get up." Grace rubbed Spencer's shoulder, hoping he would finally awaken because she was starting to get bored. 

The sun was starting to come up at the clock struck nearly a quarter after seven. Unable to sleep, Grace had already been up for an hour, reviewing the case file on her laptop, trying to figure out even a broad profile for this unsub. Other than they were well, a vampire. 

"Five more minutes." Spencer groaned, pulling the blanket up closer to his head. 

Grace sighed, pulling the blanket up from the other side of the bed and crawling in right next to Spencer. 

"You're warm." she smiled, Spencer's arms wrapping around her neck pulling her closer to his body as she kissed his cheek. 

"See? Five more minutes isn't too bad." Spencer convinced her, his smile soon fading into a kiss on Grace's lips. 

"Yeah, yeah, you're warm and all. But we have to be down to the station in-" she glanced down at her watch. "Forty five minutes and counting. You're lucky all I have to do is change." 

Spencer sat up in the bed, bringing his feet to the edge and dragging himself to the washroom to shower and get ready for the day. 

Meanwhile, Emily and JJ headed to a local doughnut and coffee shop, picking up breakfast for the team as Derek and Rossi were already down at the station. Yet, Hotch was stuck on a call with none other than Erin Strauss that morning, whom wasn't in the best mood to say the least. 


It was rounding ten in the morning as Grace and Spencer found themselves sitting in the conference room together, alone, and trying to narrow down their search profile. 

Grace picked up a picture of a victim off the table, hanging it on the case board. "So we're looking for a connection between the witnesses."

"When vampirists become obsessed, they aren't likely to find a random victim." Spencer explained while reaching for a paper. "If we can find a cross relationship, someone in all the victims' lives, that'll be incredibly helpful." 

"Gina King knew Tara the longest." Grace pointed to a note within the contents of the case file. "They apparently had some classes together."

"Let's get all the information we can on that relationship. As a matter of fact, get me everything you can on all of Tara's friends." Spencer asked Grace as if she was Garcia. 

"Whatever you say genius. I'll call up Garcia and get the details later." Grace trailed off, hanging another crime scene photo onto the glass case board behind her. 

While Grace and Spencer remained at the station, JJ was also there running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Rossi and Emily were examining the latest crime scene all while Derek and Aaron were at the medical examiner's office. 

Grace sighed as the TV behind her played the latest news of the last victim being found. "So much for keeping the media out." she huffed as JJ walked into the room, sitting down and not saying a word. 

Dialing Penelope's number, Grace was lucky that she picked up. While the line rang, Grace plugged in Tara's laptop for Garcia to investigate. 

PG sighed on the other line, the computer keys tapping away. "I always feel skeevy going through someone else's life." 

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