chapter twenty

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Spencer's POV:

It was a quarter before six when my alarm went off. I groaned, not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed and head into work, but eventually pulled myself out of bed.

As I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, I realized all that had happened in the past two days. It was like a roller coaster.

And not a fun one.

But, I couldn't focus on that, I had to at least try my best to give my attention to work for today. Between having to see Grace and deal with Morgan's cheap shots, I wondered how I would even be able to get through today.

Splashing the cold water across my face, I finally felt awake. That was before I did have my first of many cups of coffee that day.

Now that I think of it, I should probably cut back on the amount of coffee I drink a day. A bit too much.

The clock struck seven and I grabbed my satchel before heading out the door. My keys in one hand and my coffee in the other.

Today felt like any ordinary day. Cold and rainy but the heater within the car fixed that all.

As I backed out, turning the wheel, I looked over to my empty passenger seat and saw the hoodie of mine that Grace had on the other night. I tried not to put too much thought into the memory, but I couldn't.

The fight. The kiss. Too much.

But before I knew it, I had made it to the office at last.

Even though it was only half past seven, about ninety minutes before the team would be in, I still headed up to the office.

"Good morning Spencer." I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned around to see none other than Anderson. "Good morning to you too Anderson. Nice to see you." I flashed him a smile as I pressed the button for the lift.

Stepping into the lift, I hit the seventh floor before the doors opened once again, revealing the familiar glass doors in front of me.

I made my way over to my desk, sitting down and pulling the recent case reports I had in an organized stack. Before I did end up getting to work, I walked down the hall and to Penelope's office to see if she was in yet.

"Come in." she hollered from the other side of the door, my knock alerting her I was there.

"Morning Garcia, just wanted to see if you were in yet." I poked my head in the door.

"Boy Wonder, aren't you supposed to be staying at home?" she spun around in her chair, facing me.

I shook my head. "Not as far as I know."

"Hm. Odd." Penelope trailed off, turning back to her wall of computers.

I turned, softly shutting her door behind me and headed back to my desk.

Pulling out my first case report of many, I began to work, the time passing by quickly. By the time the clock struck nine, I had completed ten case reports and the entire team was in.

Except Grace.

"Morning pretty boy." Derek greeted me, sitting down at his desk located behind mine.

"Where's Grace?" I spun around in my chair.

He began to snicker. "You mean she didn't come in with you?"

"Real funny Morgan. But seriously, do you have any idea?" I rolled my eyes.

Derek shook his head. "When I got here her parking spot was empty. Maybe she's taking time off." he concluded, grabbing a case file.

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