chapter three

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Silly Goose

Spencer's POV:

"Get up!" Grace slapped me across the face with a pillow. 

"I'm up!" I sat up in bed, pushing her farther away from my face. "What the hell are you doing?" 

"You weren't up when I was, and now we're late." she smiled, sitting down next to my feet at the end of the bed. 

"Well, I'll have you know, I am very much awake now, and probably bruised." I pulled my feet to my chest before setting them on the floor and walking to the washroom. 

"Best get moving Spencer, I will leave you here." Grace sat back down on the bed, placing her heeled shoes on one by one. 

"Whatever you say loser." I shut the washroom door behind me. 

The cold tile that rested beneath my feet sent chills all throughout my body. It always woke me up when I walked into the washroom, especially after I splashed a bit of cold water all over my face. 

Once my eyes finally adjusted to the dim light that illuminated the bathroom, I stripped from my clothes, turning on the shower. 

"Hurry up Spencer!" Grace yelled from the room as I stepped into the steaming hot shower. 

The warm water ran all down my body, finally heating me up. I stood there, letting the water run for at least ten minutes until Grace knocked on the door. 

"Can I come in?" she asked. 

"I'm in the shower but whatever." I replied, turning off the water as the door opened. She walked over to the sink, pulling out her toothbrush from her bag. 

"You know, it would be nice if I had some privacy." I told her, reaching for the towel that hung on a hook outside of the shower. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just throw a towel on, I won't look." Grace giggled, brushing her teeth as I pulled back the shower curtain, her back to me. 

"Close your eyes." I instructed her as I stepped out of the shower. 

"Fine-" Grace spun around. "Holy Hannah Spencer!" she yelled, her eyes going straight to my abdomen. 

"I said close your eyes silly goose!" I reached for my white undershirt as she rinsed off her toothbrush. 

"Looks like someone has been working out. You know, gotta get those ladies." Grace laughed walking out of the washroom to let me finish getting ready. 

I got dressed, followed by combing out my hair as I managed to brush my teeth at the same time. Luckily, since Grace was ready to go, she packed my work bag while she was waiting. 

"Ready?" she handed me my bag as I tied my left, and final, shoe before standing from the bed. 

"Coffee time!" I smiled, opening the door for her as we made our way to the SUV. 

As I drove, Grace mapped a nearby coffee shop for us to stop at on our way to the police department, which was luckily not too far from the hotel that we were staying at. 

"Turn here." Grace blurted out, pointing to the coffee shop that was on our left as I turned right. 

"You have got to tell me earlier." I rolled my eyes, turning around and into the coffee shop parking lot. 

As we got out of the car, it began to rain, which was always our luck. However, we did manage to make it into the cafe before it was pouring. 

Grace headed to order our coffee as I stood by the tall windows, peering out into the town. Cars made their way by as rain drops ran down the glass one by one as it seemed. 

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