chapter thirteen

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Brain or Heart?

background: the team had flown home from the last case, and all found themselves alone at home. garcia decided to call up the team, planning a night out- their favorite get away. everyone was in, and met at Riley's Pub at seven.


Spencer's POV:

"Howdy loser." I heard a voice approach behind me, turning around to see none other than Grace in a pair of red jeans and leather jacket.


"Hey," I smiled back, opening the door for her.

We both walked into the bar, to find the rest of the team already at a table and drinking away. I ordered a round of shots for us, kicking the night off.

"Cheers!" Garcia lifted a glass as we all followed, knocking them together before downing and slamming them on the table.

About two shots in, Grace walked over to talk with the girls as Morgan made his way over to talk with me after having at least three shots of vodka already.

"Pretty boy, you better make a move tonight." he persisted, once again.

"Derek, I am telling you, she's not in to me." I shook my head.

"Whatever you say pretty boy. Whatever you say." he trailed off as Penelope and Grace walked over to us.

"Reid!" Penelope giggled. "Come dance with me!"

"I've got her." Derek assured me, pulling Garcia onto the dance floor and leaving me alone with Grace.

Dammit. They had to of planned this.

"Want to sit?" Grace spoke up, starting to walk over to two empty barstools. I followed her over there, sitting down beside her.

"Two shots of fireball and a margarita on the rocks please." Grace ordered before turning to me.

I couldn't help but stare at her. Her hair curled, lips lined red, and her smile was contagious. Eventually, I zoned out while admiring her.

Grace turned to me. "Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I want to take ride on your disco stick."

"What in the world Grace?" I was surprised to even hear those words come out of her mouth.

"You heard me!" Grace smiled, her hands on my shoulders, leaning in for a kiss.

"Spencer!" she snapped me from my daze.

"What?" I asked, extremely confused as to what just happened. Did I just imagine that? About my best friend? Shoot-

"Are you okay? You've been staring at me for a few minutes now." Grace asked, taking a sip of her margarita.

"I'm fine," I slurred my words, downing another shot, grimacing as it burned.

"Whatever you say." Grace muttered, downing her shot.


Narrator's POV:

Derek's hands were on Garcia's hips as they swayed back and forth on the dance floor to the song. Every few minutes, Morgan would crack a joke, sending Garcia into a fit of laughter, induced by the alcohol in her system.

Hotch and Rossi chatted a bit about work, the only thing they ever talked about. Dave downed a glass of whiskey, while Hotch resorted for a beer on tap.

JJ and Emily sat at a table, adjacent to the dance floor. Rambling on and on, JJ couldn't get Emily to shut up half the time, but they both enjoyed each other's presence.

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