chapter fourteen

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This Isn't Good. 

background: majority of the team was extremely hungover from the night out. however, serial killers did not care, leaving them with a new case. an urgent one at that. 

Narrator's POV: 

It was already seven in the morning and Garcia had arrived at the office, heading straight back to her lair as everyone called it. 

Sitting down at her desk and logging into her computer, she saw that an agent from VICAP had sent over a tagged file for the BAU to look in to. Immediately she forwarded it over to Hotch, before even getting a chance to read over it. 

"Okay!" she excitedly said to herself before opening the file, hoping that it wouldn't be anything too gruesome. 

Her eyes ran across the screen, left to right, her finger periodically scrolling down on the mouse. 

The farther along she read, the more gruesome and confusing this case seemed. Even though she wasn't a profiler, Penelope could tell that this case made absolutely no sense and needed the teams attention. 

As much as she hated doing it, Garcia called the team, telling them to be in before nine. 


Spencer's POV: 

"Yes, yes I'll be in." I replied to Garcia who was extremely energetic. 

"Thank you boy wonder!" she thanked me before the line went dead. 

Half awake and still in bed, I laid my head back down on my pillow and stared at the blank ceiling. My head pounded, probably a result from the drinks from last night. 

"Shoot." I sat up in bed as last night came back to my mind. 

I do this way too often. I get drunk when out with the team, do something stupid, wish Grace was next to me in bed, and then realize at the end of the day I have a girlfriend. 

I really need to fix that last part. 

Swinging my legs around, I placed them on the ground and stood from my bed. The tile was cold underneath my feet as I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. 

Once I downed the water, which woke me up a bit, I went back to my room to call Grace and make sure she was up. 

That's what friends do for friends, right? 

"Spencer, I swear if you are at my front door right now and calling me I will deck you on the head-" Grace began, clearly still half away by the sound of her voice. 

"Calm down, I was just calling to make sure you were awake. You have to be at the office," I glanced down at my watch. "In 45 minutes." 

"Holy Hannah, shoot." 

"I'll be over to pick you up in 35 minutes." I informed her, turning on the coffee maker. 

"And I probably won't be ready so, expect to wait." she assured me, as always, before hanging up. 


Grace's POV: 

"UGHHHH!" I screamed, slamming my phone down on my bed. 

I did not want to get up. 

I did not want to go to work. 

And most of all, I did not want to see Spencer. 

But, I managed to drag my hungover self out of bed and to the shower to wake up. I always liked taking longer showers in the morning, but they had to be near boiling temperature. 

i think i'm in love with you |s.reid|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن