chapter seven

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Brown Eyes

Spencer's POV:

The bed was cold. I was lonely. Rain poured outside, crashing onto the gutters that rested above my window.

It was still dark outside so I assumed it was maybe two in the morning, but it was actually three once I checked my watch next to my bed.

Pulling myself from underneath the warm blankets that covered me, I walked into the living room, hanging my head low.

I had no motivation to anything today. I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to stay home and read and watch movies with Grace, not Heather.

Plopping onto the couch, I assume I fell back asleep. The next time I woke up was to a knock at my apartment door, yet before I could answer it, the handle turned and Grace walked in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked half awake, shirtless, sitting up from the couch.

She closed the door behind her, walking into the living room. "Spencer, I've called you a million times and so has the team. What the hell are you doing?"

I looked at her confused. "Uh, sleeping."

"Spence, we have a case, like now. After you didn't show up, Hotch sent me to come get you." I jumped up from the couch, walking to the bedroom without another word as Grace followed me.

My phone, still plugged in, sat on my nightstand with several missed notifications. I didn't bother to even look through them but headed straight for my closet to grab something to wear, a sweater vest and pants.

"How come you were asleep on the couch? Or do I even want to ask?" Grace sat down on my unmade bed as I dressed in the closet.

"I woke up in the night, and fell asleep on the couch. My phone was in my room so I didn't hear it. It's just a mess." I frantically rushed, brushing my teeth as I fastened my belt, also trying to comb through my hair all at once.

"Spence hurry up!" Grace continued to yell as I tied my last shoe, throwing another hoodie in my go bag and book.

"Let's go," I walked into the living room where she was waiting for me, following her to the door and down the stairs.

Once we got to the car, Grace didn't bother to swing by the office since we were already late as it was. I still couldn't believe I had slept in that long, but it also didn't help that I was a bit hungover to begin with.

Dates with Heather always equaled drinks, just to put up with her.

The weather was pleasant today, to me at least. Rain crashed on the windshield as Grace drove like a bat out of hell to the airstrip, trying to make it there before the jet left.

"Shit Grace! Slow down before you kill us!" I grabbed onto her hand that was shifting, as it fell to her thigh once we hit a bump.

"Damn first I have to come to your place and wake you up and now you're acting like this?" she looks at my misplaced hand, which I didn't even realize.

"Shit, sorry." I pulled my hand away, fumbling with my fingers in embarrassment.


Grace's POV:

Goodness why was I so dumb?

Why did I even say anything?

His hand was just fine there, I actually liked it, and didn't mind it a bit.

"No, Spence, you're fine." I giggled, pulling off the freeway trying to lighten the tension between us all of a sudden yet he didn't bother to look up.

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