chapter eighteen

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Grace's POV: 

A chill ran through my spine as my body finally awakened, freezing in the hospital room. I slowly opened my eyes to the dark room, sunlight sneaking in through the cracks of the curtains. 

Turning my head slightly, I saw Spencer asleep in a chair beside me, his hand in mine. I couldn't help but smile. 

But I shouldn't. Spencer is my best friend. Best friends aren't supposed to love each other like that. 

I turned my head back, now staring at the ceiling as every memory flooded back in my head. 

The pain. And the good ones. 

This nagging memory wouldn't go away. I tried to convince myself it was just a dream. I could just hear Spencer standing in front of my crying, and then saying he loved me. 

Nope, definitely a dream.  

"Hey, you're up." Spencer turned to me, his morning voice giving my butterflies. 

I just smiled, unable to really say anything. Mainly for the fear that I was going to regret anything I said. 

A nurse walked in, making her way over to my IV bag to refill the fluids as Spencer's hand just stroked my thumb. 

"Well Ms. Miller, it looks as if they are letting you out early. The doctor believes that since the wound wasn't extremely damaging, and we have supplemented your blood supply already, you should be just fine." the nurse informed us. 

"So does that mean she'll get to leave today?" Spencer asked. 

"This afternoon actually sir. We just need to get her prescriptions and then paperwork." she said before spinning of the tips of her toes and walking out. 

"Well, at least I don't have to stay in this ice box forever." I slightly laughed, pulling my hand from Spencer's hold. 

His eyes shot to his now empty hand still resting on the edge of the hospital bed, but Spencer didn't bother to say a word. 

"I-I'm going to go find some coffee." Spencer stumbled on his words, getting up and sliding on a sweatshirt that Emily had brought to him last night, along with a gift basket from Penelope. 

I nodded my head, fixing my gaze on the window that had been revealed after the nurse drew back the dark curtains. 


Spencer's POV: 

I softly shut the door behind me, walking out into the hall and pulling out my phone. I didn't know who to call, but I needed someone to talk to. 

So, I dialed Emmy's number, better known as Grace's best friend, also named Emily, and found a seat in the common area. 

"Spencer, why are you calling me?" she answered the phone, obviously confused. 

"I-I did something that wasn't good."

"Where the hell is Grace? I swear if you hurt her Spencer-" Emmy threatened. 

"Well, we are in the hospital, but don't worry she's okay." I assured her. 

"Spencer Reid, I am so going to kill you. Be there in five." she hung up the line before I could even tell her which floor we were on. 

Accepting my defeat of keeping Emmy away, I stood up and walked over to the Starbucks to order a coffee. 

"One black coffee and then an iced water please." I asked the barista as she punched in the order before swiping my card. 

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