Imagine 30# - Cute

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Imagine a cute evening with Austin:

Austin invited you over to his house to hang out with him and have dinner with his family. You wanted to look decent so you decided to wear a dress compared to what you usually wear which are jeans and shirts/hoodies. You picked out a beautiful dress which was a mint green colour. The dress made you feel fresh, young and beautiful. You fixed your hair and sprayed some sweet perfume as you smiled at your reflection before leaving your house to go to Austin's. You decided to walk there as his house was on the next street which wasn't far from your house.

You arrived at his front door and you couldn't help but feel slightly nervous as you were going to formerly have dinner with his family for the first time. Even though you already met his family you've never really had a serious meal with them so you hesitantly knocked on the door hoping Austin would open it to make you feel more calm. Fortunately, the door opened to reveal the boy you've always loved in front of you wearing black jeans with a dark green checkered shirt that was done up. He had his hair slicked back and you couldn't help but stare. "You look stunning {y/n} " Austin complimented you making you snap back into reality. "Thanks and you look truly handsome" you responded whilst giving him one of your cheesy smiles.

He led you inside and towards the dinning table where his family sat. "Hi" you greeted everyone whilst giving them a small friendly wave. Austin led you to a chair and you sat there as he sat in the seat beside you. "It's lovely having you over {y/n} for a dinner with the rest of the family" Michele, Austin's mum exclaimed, happiness clearly radiating off her. "Thank you" you replied with a small grateful smile. Around the table sat Austin's auntie, his grandpa, his baby cousin Logan, his mum and his uncle. They all begun to eat as Austin and you started your own conversation.

"Later we can hang out and chill in the game room that now has a huge TV on the wall" Austin told you as he grinned widely like a small child who just got a bunch of chocolates. "Cool you finally sorted out that room" you commented whilst smiling as you took a bite of your meal. "Yup and I have a bunch of new movies that we can watch whilst we eat popcorn and I have some new board games and video games too" Austin said whilst blabbing on about how he was excited to use the room and how he couldn't wait for you to see how he changed it. "So {y/n} How's your day been?" Austin's grandpa asked you curiously whilst taking a bite out of some garlic bread. "Today has been quiet a good day especially because I was soo excited to have dinner with you all" you responded with a friendly smile whilst a small blush slowly crept on your face. Austin entwined his fingers with yours under the table and you smiled up at him as he smiled down at you.

You looked back to Austin's family and they were all grinning at you and Austin as they continued eating. Soon it was time for dessert and that meant cake, ice cream and chocolates! "{y/n} what would you like for dessert we have vanilla ice cream, chocolate cake, red velvet cake and chocolates?" Austin's auntie asked you with a friendly smile. You looked at Austin unsure what to pick. "Ummm I don't know.. I'll just have whatever Austin will have" you replied polietly. "Alright, Austin what will you have for dessert then?" His auntie asked him with a small smile.

"Well seeing as I have to choose for us both I'm going with the classic Vanilla ice cream. Can we have 2 scoops or 3 each please" Austin responded with a cheesy smile which made his auntie chuckle and you giggle. "I'll give you both 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream because I love you two" his auntie said as she got up and went to the kitchen. When she came back she brought two plates and each plate had 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream and a chocolate flake beside it. She put each of your plates in front of you both. "The chocolate flake is an extra treat" she whispered to you both. "Don't tell your mum" she sent Austin a wink and gave you a nod.

You both finished eating your dessert and Austin decided to speak up. "Mum can we please be excused and go to the game room?" Austin asked his mum politely. His mum just smiled and nodded at both of you. He got up and stuck his hand out for you which you gladly took as he led you to the now finished game room he was soo enthusiastic to show you. "So where's this amazing game room?" you questioned him looking around as he held your hand dragging you through the halls until you both stopped in front of a door. "Right past this door you will be let into the world of...". "Narnia" you finished off his sentence whilst bursting into a laughing fit the same as Austin. You recovered from all the laughter and Austin cleared his throat. "Before I got rudely interrupted I was gonna say the world of Austin but I guess I can rename it to the world of Narnia instead" Austin said whilst letting out a small chuckle and you couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Are you gonna show me or not?" you questioned impatiently. "Soon my young grasshopper" Austin said whilst imitating an old guy and patting your head. "Yeah yeah whatever" you replied whilst rolling your eyes. "Okay you're gonna love it" Austin said as he opened the door to reveal a huge room that had the walls painted black and the floor was wooden. There was a large white couch and a large TV screwed onto the wall.

"Woah you're such a rich kid" you commented whilst you looked around still in shock. "Well, I do work for a record label so I saved up quiet a lot of money to make this room the best room ever" Austin replied whilst shrugging his shoulders effortlessly. "You're lucky! This is awesome!" you exclaimed whilst running to the couch and throwing yourself onto it. Austin just laughed and followed you to the luxurious white couch.

"Guess what?" Austin said in an excited tone as he sat cross legged on the couch facing you. "What?" you questioned him curiously waiting to see what he wanted to say. "You see the painted black walls?" Austin commented as you dramatically nodded in reply clearly eager to know more. "They are painted of not just a normal black but a chalk black that you can draw on with white chalk and then rub your drawings off with a wet wipe" Austin stated clearly proud at his choice of paint.

"Oh merr gosh can we draw on it now?" you asked him enthusiastic to try it out. "Yeah sure, I have white chalk right here." Austin replied whilst getting up and grabbing a little box that contained white chalks. You both approached the wall with a white chalk each and then you both begun to write your names in huge bubble writing. You filled the wall with little drawings of Spongebob characters and Austin filled the wall with little drawings of the Super Mario Bros characters.

When you got tired of drawing, you both decided to play some video games on his large TV on the wall. Austin was overjoyed to play Mario Kart with you since he wanted to show off his great 'driving skills' which turned out to be horrible as you won all the races.

"That's not fair!" Austin protested as you had won again. "You were meant to be crap at this so then I could help you and you would be impressed by my skills." Austin complained like a little child. You just kept on laughing at Austin as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh you think this is funny?" Austin asked you with his straight face. "Yes" you replied with a cheeky smile. "Well it's not" Austin fired back whilst hovering over you until he was sat on you. "Hey! Get off you fatty!" you tried to push him off but he was heavy af. "Oh you think I'm a fatty well looks like I'm gonna be sitting here for a while then so I might as well make myself comfortable" Austin said whilst straddling you to make himself more 'comfortable'.

"This is soo not comfortable for me so get off or else.." you threatened him but he didn't seem the slightest bit phased by it. "or else what? Just remember who's on top of who" Austin said cockily whilst smirking at you making you roll your eyes at him. "Austin I will murder you later if you don't get off now" you blackmailed him again. Instead of Austin getting off you, he slowly leaned towards your face. "I love you, you know that right?" Austin questioned you as he looked at your lips and then connected his gaze with yours.

His minty breath was hitting your lips now but you both never broke eye contact.

"Yeah. So why don't you love me like you do and kiss me already" you commanded wanting to feel his smooth gentle soft lips against yours. Austin let out a chuckle clearly amused by your desperation and then connected his lips with yours like a jigsaw puzzle.

From that kiss on it turned into a make out session which may have led to more but I'll never know only you will.

Hey guys!!!

Hope you enjoyed that! :D I thought this Imagine had some humour and sweetness in it which made it quiet good so I'm kind of satisfied with the outcome.

18 votes and 1 comment for next update! :D

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Have a nice Spring break or Easter break :) !!!

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Love Yall. <3

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