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A dark hall resided beneath a small company storage building. It had grey walls, a grey ceiling, and a black floor. The hall's ceiling was slanted, in a very obtuse triangle shape. There were supports glowing red as lights. Only they weren't meant to glow red. It was an alarm! At the end of the hall, there was a black door. It almost looked like a wall. A white light in the center turned green, and the door split apart, and into the wall! A man in a lab coat rushed out! He had a white coat, black pants, and fancy dress shoes. His coat was closed, and all that could be seen behind it was a white button up and red tie. He rushed towards another door on the other side of the hall. An alarm blared through the hall, and all that was within. An automated voice rang out. "Warning, warning: the facility has been breached. Experiments One-Seventeen, and Two-Thirty-Two have been released. The facility has received major damage. Evacuate immediately." The Automated Voice said. The Scientist made it to the door. He was lit up now. He was white, with short brown hair, and blue eyes. He had no facial hair. He was average height, and average size. He wasn't buff, but he had some muscle. The door opened, and a group of tall people exited! They were wearing ballistic armor, with black gas masks! They had guns too! "Leaving, Doctor?" A Man in the front asked, "There is nothing further I can do. I told you all it was too soon for the hand experiment. Now look what it's caused." The Scientist answered. The Man's voice sounded very deep, and synthetic through the gas mask. His accent sounded like it was British, though it could not be fully made out through the mask. The Scientist's voice was medium pitch, with a British accent. The Man nodded. "Go ahead then. Take off. We'll deal with YOUR problem. For you." The Man said, "Are you trying to guilt trip me into going back in there with that...thing?!??!?! I'm sorry to say it isn't working. I'll see you later!" The Scientist exclaimed, before running past them! One of the men turned to look at him. "Should we shoot him?" The Man asked, "No. He is loyal enough." The Man in the front answered. They walked over to the open door on the other end of the hall. It led into a pitch black room! "Alright, torches out. Don't forget...these aren't Stalkers you can shoot once and they die. These are real monsters. One-Seventeen is the target. A living Ascended. Get them alive at all costs. Let's go." The man in the front said. They walked into the darkness, using night vision in their gas masks to see. Suddenly, all the alarms stopped. "All experiments have escaped the building. The area is now safe. The city is not. Have a nice day." The Automated voice said. The Men turned to each other. The Man in the front spoke out. "This...this is gonna be mayhem."

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