Answers at Last

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Alex and David were walking through the many halls. They had been going for a while. Though there was a promising door up ahead. It was rather large, which seemed to point towards it being something special. "That's a big door." Alex said, "That's true." David replied. They walked up to the door.

"Hmmm, do you also have the odd instinct to touch this door?" Alex asked, "Nope, that's just you." David answered, "Ah, got it." Alex said. A strange sound started on the other side of the door. Almost like shoes clicking against tile. Alex walked up to the door, only for it to burst out towards him!

He turned to wind to avoid this! He appeared besides David, and they both saw the strange shape that emerged! It was the red haired Man from Red's memory! "Woah! He's still here!" Alex exclaimed! Only something was different. The Man's skin was turning red. It was cracked.

It looked as if he had dry skin, though that couldn't be it. He let out an inhuman roar, before rushing towards them! Alex met his rush with a punch, only for it to do nothing! He followed up with a very odd move. The air around him flowed into his hand, then took the appearance of a sword!

Though all that could be seen was wind, it did appear to be some sort of curved blade made from it. He spun around, and sliced right through the Man! Though it didn't seem to affect him at all! The Man punched him back! Unfortunately for Alex, this hurt quite a lot! "Ow! That hurt..." Alex said, "Looks like it." David replied.

The red haired Man charged them, and Alex barely had time to dodge! David simply stepped to the side, it seemed he was not the current target! "He isn't getting hurt by any of my attacks!" Alex exclaimed, "Hit him harder I guess!" David responded! The Man charged Alex once more, but this time he had an idea!

He threw his hands out, and several ice spikes formed! They shot towards the Man, stabbing right through him! He slowed down, and odd ice bubbles started to form on him! They were clearly bubbles, but they had the texture of ice. A strange mist began emanating from them, as if...he were dispersing the cold!

The bubbles were losing the ice texture!
Alex took the opportunity to turn the mist into more ice spikes! They shot towards the Man once more, this time stabbing him in the legs and arms! Once more, bubbles formed where the ice hit! Alex dashed over, and sliced through the bubbles with blades of wind!

The Man let out a roar of pain! He seemed stunned! Alex noticed a part of the door falling behind the Man, and knew what to do next! He delivered a crushing kick, which knocked the Man back a ways! David saw this, and threw fire at the broken part of the door! The Man flew through the broken door piece, right into the next room!

The Man laid on the ground, completely on fire! He started to stand, only for the fire to increase! He slammed his hand into the ground, causing it to break! He fell into a dark area, which Alex quickly covered with ice! "Jeez..." Alex said, "There is something really wrong with this facility." David replied, "Yeah...definitely. Let's check out this room." Alex said.

David nodded, and they continued into the room. The room had several test tubes around. Each one contained a strange yellow liquid. "What is all this...?" Alex asked. David looked around, and noticed a large computer at the end of the room! There was a chair in front of it. "Over there. A computer." David said.

"Maybe it has information on it." Alex replied. They walked over to it, and powered it on. It turned on extremely fast! "I wish my computer turned on that fast..." David said, "Same." Alex responded. They immediately realized it needed a password! "Aw man..." Alex said, "Maybe there is a clue somewhere?" David asked.

Alex glanced around, and noticed a small picture on the ground. The glass was broken, but words could be made out on the inside. There were two. "Autumn...and Spring. Huh, they are kinda cute." Alex said, reading it aloud before showing David. It was a picture of two babies. "I'll try Autumn." David said.

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