The Battle Continues!

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Varoka held his hand out, and an arm blade extended! It was on the outer part of his right forearm! The blade was long, and looked very dangerous! David pulled out a knife! They struck out at each other repeatedly, not landing a strike! Every attack was getting deflected!

Red had chosen to stay with David and Alex. She firmly believed they would protect her! The only question that remained was whether or not they would come out on top. David and Varoka struck out, and locked blades! "Why would you lock blades with me? My blade will destroy that knife." Varoka said, taunting.

The knife started to heat up, but Varoka didn't notice! He kept pushing as hard as he could to win! The knife got incredibly hot that the blade turned red! Varoka couldn't stop putting on the pressure in time! David pushed the blade forward with as much strength as he could! He had been saving his strength since the beginning of the lock!

With all the pressure, and the intense heat running against Varoka's armblade, the steel shattered! David had pushed the heat onto Varoka's blade, and that caused his knife to break straight through! "How?! What kind of knife is that?! How did it not break...?!" Varoka asked! David threw a punch at Varoka, and it knocked him down!

"I don't want to kill you...please just back down..." David said. Varoka slowly stood up. "That's how weak you think we are? A broken blade and a single punch? I think you'll find we're a lot stronger than that..." Varoka said. He held his hand by his hips, and something started to form in his palm.

"This is one of our greatest accomplishments. The ability to transfer the power of an Ascended to a non Ascended." Varoka said. A white mist formed in the palm of his hand! It was ice cold! Even from where David was standing, he could feel the cold running through him!

"This feels so overwhelming!" David thought to himself! Meanwhile, Alex faced off against Kimera! "The real battle is going to begin, you say? Heheh...good. I'm just getting a little warmed up." Kimera said. Alex just stood there. He was so still...Kimera almost thought he was a statue! Though Kimera wasn't that dumb. Varoka might have said otherwise though.

Kimera stepped to the side, and within a second he was behind Alex! Kimera punched through Alex again, only for him to fade into wind again! "It doesn't matter how strong you think you are. Fighting wind is a pointless battle. The only way to beat me is to know exactly how to fight me. And even then that's a long shot. Well, for you it's more of an impossible shot." Alex said.

Kimera turned, and threw something into the air! It was...some kind of sand-like substance! "I was saving this for me and my partner's other target, but I think it might work better on you." Kimera said. The sand was black, and strangely stayed still in the air! It wasn't moving at all! Alex thought to himself. "He's trying to prevent me from using my wind..."

Kimera appeared behind Alex once more! He threw a punch, and Alex dodged it! He tried to turn into wind, but the sand started to surround him! It became a solid dome! "Turn into wind, and it will just close around you until there's but a sliver of air. Then you will be captured easily." Kimera said, "Quite the contraption...almost like it's made for wind users. It makes me wonder just who you were preparing to capture." Alex said.

"That's none of your business." Kimera responded. Alex stretched out. "Well, in that case, I suppose I'll just have to finish you while wondering who it is." Alex replied! He swung his hand to the side horizontally, then vertically through it! He had formed a cross. He punched forward, and a blast of wind flew forward in that shape! Kimera dodged, and the attack struck into a wall! The wall burst apart where the cross hit!

"That's quite impressive..." Kimera said, "Indeed, but I'm just getting started." Alex responded! He swung his hands around in all in front of him front of him, forming a lot of lines! He punched again, and a massive barrage of the wind shot out! It was like blades of wind coming from many different spots at once! It would be impossible to dodge and approach!

He would have to dodge to the side, or above! He tried to jump over it, so that he could approach! Only the wind bent upward, and hit him in the legs! He fell down, and quickly jumped to his feet! But his legs were hurt. He would not be able to move as easily now!

While they faced off, Varoka was charging David! The mist in Varoka's hand turned into an orb, and he threw it at David! He held his hand out, and a shield of fire formed in front of him! Ice spikes burst out of the orb! The fire froze into a wall of ice! Varoka kicked it, and David swiftly dodged back! Ice spikes burst out of the wall too!

Varoka kicked it again, and the ice spikes shot out of it! They flew through the air towards David rapidly! He quickly unleashed a series of punches! His hands ignited, and he destroyed the ice crystals merely by punching them! Varoka kicked the wall for the last time, and the wall itself flew towards David!

David threw another series of punches, only this time he was hitting early. This caused the fire to shoot out of his hands, and blast the wall! "Fool, that won't break my wall." Varoka said. The wall started to crack, and had many holes in it, but it was too fast!

Instead of trying to dodge, or finishing the wall, David grabbed it! He wasn't trying to destroy the wall, he was weakening the ice! He heated up the wall, and punched it! It burst into a massive barrage of fireballs! Varoka stomped on the ground, and an ice dome surrounded him!

The flames suddenly flew high into the air, out of view from anyone! "Whether you cast it in flames or not, I will forever rule my ice." Varoka said. He just stayed inside the dome, well after the attack was avoided. "What is he planning...?" David thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard a loud sound. He looked up into the air, and saw a massive barrage of ice orbs coming down to him! They were gargantuan!

He had turned the barrage of fire into these ice orbs! "This is one of the greatest ice offensive attacks..." Varoka said. The ice orbs crashed down on top of David! He had no way to dodge or block! "Grand Ice Shower!!!" Varoka shouted! The Ice Shower blew up, covering the nearby area in a freezing mist!

David was down! Now there was nothing stopping Varoka from taking Red! She was shaking badly in the cold mist! He grabbed her arm again, and she started screaming! "Come here and be quiet...!" Varoka exclaimed! She screamed louder, and tried to kick him away! He pulled her over to him! Her hand was aimed towards his chest. Something started to form within the hole in her hand!

Red energy shot out of her hand! It was lightning! Was this...her power?

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