The Other Targets

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David woke up in bed. He was definitely feeling pain. The pain was...everywhere. But he was alive! He was in a bedroom. His bedroom. It was nothing special. There was his bed, with white covers and black pillows. Then some dark wooden furniture. A dresser, and a bookshelf.

There was also a closet. That's all there was to it. He tried to sit up, and felt the pain increase tenfold! "OW!" David shouted! A moment later, Alex entered the room! "You're awake already!" Alex exclaimed, "I wish I wasn't." David replied, "Yeah, me too." Alex said, "Did you get hurt too?" David asked, "No. I just don't like waking up." Alex answered, "Oh, makes sense." David said.

Alex walked over to his side. "Well, on a scale from one to ten, how bad is the pain?" Alex asked, "Thirty-six..." David answered, "That's a specific number..." Alex said, "Yeah, it's probably equal to the amount of broken bones I have." David replied, "Well, you'll have to stay here and recover then." Alex said, "Are you going somewhere?" David asked, "I got two codenames from the memories I looked into. People they were after." Alex answered.

"They might be able to help us..." David said, "Exactly. And judging by the tools one was using, one of the targets may be extremely powerful. If not both." Alex responded, "What tools was he using...?" David asked, "Some kind of special sand tool. Almost like it was meant to go against me. Though he said it wasn't meant to be used against me. And implied it wasn't meant to be used against wind users." Alex answered.

"So who could it have been meant for?" David asked, "Either someone who can turn into mist. Or someone who can be crushed to pieces, and come right back together." Alex answered, "An...immortal???" David asked, "Potentially. Though it is highly unlikely." Alex answered, "I see. You said you got the names too..." David said, "Yeah. Just codenames though." Alex replied.

"What were they...?" David asked, "Someone called 'Blade Master,' and another called 'Great White Demon.'" Alex answered, "That's...vague." David said, "Yes, quite. Though even getting this much information is rare." Alex replied, "I suppose so." David said. Suddenly, Red entered the room. She seemed to have just woken up. "Da-vid...o-kay...!!!" Red exclaimed, rushing to his side!

"My body doesn't seem to agree with that. But I'll live." David said. Red awkwardly stood beside him, not sure what to do. "Well, are you okay Red?" David asked. She nodded. "Good. I'm glad you're okay. Sorry I couldn't really protect you..." David said. She didn't seem mad about it. "Well, I hope you forgive me." David said.

David turned to look at Alex. "So, where do you think they could be?" David asked, "I have no idea." Alex answered. Red didn't know what they were talking about. "Hey Red?" Alex asked. She turned to him, and smiled awkwardly. "Do you...know a 'Blade Master?' Or maybe a 'Great White Demon?'" Alex asked. She didn't seem to recognize the words. "Huh, just checking." Alex said.

"Well in any case, we can't really do much at the moment." David said, "Yeah...that's true. Still, I do hope we can find them soon. Maybe they can help us." Alex replied, "Maybe. Wherever they are, I hope they're okay..." David said.

Meanwhile, in the middle of...nowhere. It was somewhere off the coast of Redwhich. A submarine hatch slowly lifted out of the water! A few minutes later, it got hit from the inside! "I thought you said you could break it in one hit..." A Voice said from within, "That was a joke..." Another voice replied. It got hit again, and it didn't break. "This is humiliating." One of the Voices said.

The third time, it broke! A massive humanoid creature emerged! It was very buff, and appeared to be a humanoid shark! He had long fins coming off his forearms, as well as on his calves and shoulders. He had one large fin on his back. He was a white shark, with golden eyes. He had black pants on. The pants had a slim fit, and seemed to be made for him. His top half was hunched forward, with gills on his neck and collarbones.

He held his hand down into the hatch, and talked telepathically! "Need a hand, Mr. 'Genius?'" The Shark asked. His voice was a bit higher than medium pitch, with a Chinese accent. "No." Another Voice said. A few moments later, another shape emerged.

This one was an average human. Though something was off about him. He was only wearing pants. They were the same as the Shark's. He had a strange mouth piece. It seemed to be some kind of respirator built into his mouth area. It was silver, and looked like the bottom of a gas mask. He had long black hair. He was white, with green eyes.

"What are the odds we would be captured again? And not even by the guys who were meant to come after us." The Shark said, "The odds were roughly ninety to ten." The Man replied. He also talked through some kind of telepathy. His voice was deep, and synthetic, with an American accent. "I didn't mean to literally tell me the odds...wait. If the odds were that low in our favor why did we try to pull a fast one on them?!" The Shark asked.

The Man stretched out. "It feels good to stretch again...I was in that box for so long." The Man said, "Eh, well I'm out." The Shark said, jumping into the water. The Man jumped on top of him! "OW! Hey! Who said you could jump on me?!" The Shark asked, "I'm coming with you." The Man answered, "Maaaannn...I was gonna go to a Hawaiian paradise, and now I get stuck with you." The Shark said.

"Hawaii is quite far away. Redwhich is closer. Let's go there instead." The Man said, "I guess we could go there. And who knows, if I end up going underwater on the way you might die. Then I won't have to deal with you anymore." The Shark said, "Just swim. Or is 'The Great White Demon' just a dumb name?" The Man asked, "Speak for yourself, 'Blade Master.' I haven't even seen you use a blade yet." The Shark answered.

"Didn't I tell you to swim?" The Man asked. The Shark sighed, and burst forward at an incredible speed! The Man could barely hang on as they moved through the water! The Shark was incredibly fast! They made their way towards Redwhich City, where David and the others were!

There was a chance they could meet soon! But would it happen?

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