A Nice Man, a Quiet Woman, and a...Goth Person?

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David led Red to a room. It was a nice, cozy room. She seemed to really like it. "This one is free, if you want it. It is a little small, but the others are bigger." David said. After showing her a couple more rooms, she walked back to the small one without warning! "You really like this one, huh?" David asked. She nodded. "Well, it's yours then!" David exclaimed. Red seemed really happy! She smiled awkwardly.

Alex suddenly leaned into the room. "Hey, have you seen my sword?" Alex asked, "How come?" David asked, "I need to open this dumb box." Alex answered, "You can't use a knife for that?" David asked, "No, the knife is stuck." Alex answered, "Whenever a knife gets stuck for me, I just use a second knife." David said, "What are you, an assassin? How many knives do you have on you???" Alex asked. David opened his coat, revealing a set of at least twelve knives! He only showed one side, so the other could have more!

"Well that answers that..." Alex said. David closed his coat back. "Now where is my sword?!" Alex asked, "I don't know. Tell you what...why don't I get the knife out?" David asked, "Pfffttt...go ahead tough guy." Alex answered. David walked into Alex's room, and Red followed closely behind. "Alright, now watch this." David said. He walked up to a tall box, which had a knife sticking out the top of it.

"Like that jar of pickles." David said, grabbing the knife handle. He pulled with little effort, and his hand slipped off it! "'Like that jar of pickles.'" Alex said, mocking David. He glared at Alex. "I wasn't even trying." David said, grabbing it again. He pulled hard, and it didn't come out! "Dude...how did you even get it stuck in a cardboard box???" David asked, pulling as hard as he could! It just wouldn't come out of the box!

"I don't know! It just went in, and didn't come out!" Alex answered, "Heh, that's what she said." David said. Alex slapped him on the back of the head. "Now's the time to pull, not make 'that's what she said' jokes." Alex replied. They both laughed. Red watched in confusion. David let go. "Why don't you get a second knife?" David asked, "Why don't you use one you have on you???" Alex asked, "These are precious, just get a new one." David answered, "I don't need that. Watch this you sissy." Alex said, grabbing the knife handle, "Didn't you pull me in here because you couldn't take it out?" David asked, "I needed you to loosen it." Alex answered, pulling on it.

It didn't come out. "This box is annoying." Alex said. David grabbed the knife over Alex's hand. "Hey! Don't touch me!" Alex exclaimed, "Just shut up and pull." David said. They both pulled with all their strength, and the knife flew out! It slipped through their grasp, and flew at Red! She caught it! "Nice catch!" David exclaimed! She looked at the knife. The blade was covered in some kind of...red liquid. She licked the liquid! "Hey! Don't lick that! You don't know what's in that box!" David exclaimed! She coughed, and spit the liquid out! "Probably a bad idea to drink that." Alex said, holding his hand out. She gave him the knife, and he stabbed it back into the box. He went to pull on it...and it didn't budge.

"You've gotta be kidding me..." David said, "Let's go do something else." Alex said, ushering them out of the room. David turned to Alex. "So what should we do now then?" David asked, "I'm kinda hungry. We should go get a pizza or something." Alex answered, "Alright. Sounds good." David said. He led them through the house, and out the door.

They all went over to David's car. "I'll drive." Alex said, "Alright. Red can have the front seat." David said, handing Alex the keys. He got in the back after. "Red?" Alex asked, "Oh right, that's the lovely lady." David answered. Alex turned to her. "Well you certainly look like you could use a few pizzas. Let's go." Alex said, getting in the driver's seat. Red got in as well, and they drove off down the street.

Just as they drove off, a man walked around the corner of the house! He looked at their car as it moved away. He had a black helmet on. It covered his full head. It was prismatic, like the men from the facility's gear. He had the same armor as them too! The front of his helmet had no features, and appeared screen-like.

"Three escaped Ascended. One lesser. One from the Life Treatment Facility. And one from the Child Recreation Facility. How lucky for me." The Man said. Another Man stepped out from behind the corner. He was very tall, and buff! The other one was average height, with some muscle. The Huge Man had the same attire as the smaller one.

"For us, Varoka." The Huge Man said. Their voices were deep, and synthetic. Just like the men from the facility Red came from!  Varoka, the smaller man, laughed a little. "Right, I forgot. You know, that one from the Child Recreation Facility looks like one of the First Gen. And the one from the Life Treatment Facility looks like the one everyone's after. This might just be our luckiest day, Mr...uhh...what is your name again?" Varoka asked, "Kimera, from the Life Treatment Facility." The Huge Man answered, "Well I know you're from the LTF, I'm from there too you moron. I just didn't remember your name." Varoka said. Kimera laughed.

"Huh, makes sense." Kimera replied, "Well, let's go claim our prize." Varoka said. Kimera nodded, and they began walking after Red and the others!

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