Chapter 1: The Escape

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It was a few moments before all experiments escaped. A young Woman was running through a hall! She had very long, unkept reddish orange hair. It seemed the hair had not been taken care of. It was quite tangled, and rough looking. She had brown eyes, and white skin. She was very skinny, far skinnier than the healthy limit on size. It was clear she was very unhealthy. Her right hand had a large hole through it, like someone had stabbed a nail through the palm of it! She was dressed in a ragged grey shirt and pants. She ran as fast as she could, but it seemed she was running out of energy quickly! She fell to her knees, and tried to force herself up! She looked forward. The hall looked the same as the one the armed men entered through. Though it was longer. At that moment, the wall to her right burst open! A strange creature burst into the hall! It had a humanoid shape, but with bent legs, long arms, a tail, and a snout! It had no eyes, and long claws! It had strange black scales. It had something written on it's neck! It was white writing. It read "359." It was written on the left side of it's neck. It looked around, seeming to listen. The Woman covered her mouth, but she was breathing hard! The Creature heard the alarm, but seemed to tune it out, and listen for other sounds. It grabbed a piece of the wall that had been torn apart, and walked towards the Woman! It held out the piece of the wall like a shield! It seemed it was trying to defend itself from potential attacks. This creature was...intelligent! She knew she had been found out! She breathed in deep, and dashed past it! She tried her best to breathe as little as possible. The floor was quite soft, and made little noise as she ran on it. It seemed the experimenters had taken precautions for this situation. She ran towards a door at the end of the hall! The door opened, making a loud sound, and she barely stopped herself! It opened straight into a cliffside! She looked down, and saw that there was supposed to be a large platform for planes and other air vehicles, but it had collapsed! She looked back, and saw that the creature had thrown the wall piece! The wall piece was flying straight at her! "No!!!" She shouted! Her voice was just above medium pitch, with a British accent. She tried to dodge, but failed to do so completely! The wall sliced through her left arm like a blade, severing it at the shoulder! She fell off the ledge with a stream of blood! The Creature was not stupid enough to follow. It dashed off at an incredible speed! And a few moments later, all experiments escaped the facility. The Woman had fallen on a rock, and was unconscious. Something was off. Her wound from the severed arm had already stopped bleeding. In fact, it seemed to already begin healing. It seemed she would just barely survive! That night, chaos rained on Redwhich City. But would anyone outside believe it?

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