Cookies and Information

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Alex had just carried the mattress into Red's room. Red did her best to help, but she wasn't too physically strong. Gill entered the room. "New bed, eh? Looks comfy!" Gill exclaimed, diving towards it! The rock of a mattress did not allow him to sink in. Instead, it bounced him off! "Ow! What the hell?!" Gill asked.

Alex shrugged, and Red laughed. "Don't laugh at me!!!" Gill exclaimed, "Well now even I want to laugh." Knull responded, entering the room. He was holding a tray. It had cookies on it! "You know how to bake?" Alex asked, "HMPH." Gill answered aggressively, "What's that about?" Alex asked, "He fancies himself a baker." Knull answered.

"They must be good then." Alex said, grabbing one. He bit into it, and his face described the taste perfectly. The cookies were...terrible. "These cookies are...terrible..." Alex said, "Wha-?! You have no taste!" Gill replied. Red grabbed one, and bit into it. Her expression wasn't as expected. She...loved them! She grabbed a few more, then went into the closet to hide for some reason. "Uhh...okay." Alex said.

They stood in awkward silence for a minute. "So...lovely weather today, ain't it?" Alex asked. No one said anything. "SOOO...LOVELY WEATHER TODAY, AIN'T IT?!" Alex asked, quite enthusiastic, "We heard you the first time." Knull answered, "Whatever. So what did you put in these anyway?" Alex asked.

"Eggs, cookie dough, milk, ham, cheese, flour, sugar, bread crumbs, so on and so on." Gill answered, " cookies?" Alex asked, "Mhm. It will catch on eventually." Gill answered, dead serious, "No wonder they were so bad..." Alex said, "Ehhh?!?! WHAT?!" Gill asked, "Uhh, so edgy guy, there has been something on my mind." Alex said.

"'Edgy guy...?'" Knull asked, "Yeah, you." Alex answered, "I've seen your room. You have no right to call anyone edgy." Knull said, "HUH?! STAY OUT OF MY ROOM!" Alex shouted, "Nice Halloween decorations, loser." Knull said, "Shut up! Those are awesome!" Alex replied, "guys, guys. Come now. Mr...uhhh...Alex, had a question." Gill said.

"Yeah, there has been something on my mind for a bit. I'm going to be taking the position of leader, so I need to know all the information you guys know about the enemy." Alex said. Knull nodded and crossed his arms. He cocked one eyebrow up.

"So, you want to know about them? I only know a few things. The main thing I know relates to the Leader." Knull responded, "What is it?" Alex asked, with his curiosity peaked, "I know he is only a two-point-three on the power scale at base level." Knull answered, "Wait, what?! How is he a leader if he is so weak???" Alex asked.

"I have no idea. I just know he is really weak at base power level. Maybe his power increases exponentially, but even then, he would really only be a four with the biggest possible increase." Knull answered, "So the reason he never most likely because he is too weak then? Interesting. Do we know anything else?" Alex asked.

"Only one other thing. Their Leader used to be one of the Leaders of the Black Sun. Cross's secret organization. Though they defected and became their own thing. So they likely have a near endless supply of money and other supplies." Knull answered, "Great..." Alex said.

Alex suddenly seemed to realize something. "Wait, how come when we first met, you said their Leader would destroy us?" Alex asked, "I figured you were...uhh...really weak." Knull answered, "Hmph. I'll have you know I'm a nine on the power scale." Alex said, "How does this scale thing work? Where am I on it?" Gill asked.

"It is a scale from one to ten based on power. A one is incredibly weak, and a ten is strong enough to be considered a God." Knull said, "I see! I bet I'm pretty far on the scale!" Gill replied, "Just because you are far on the spectrum doesn't mean you are far on the scale." Knull said, "That was good! I'll have to use that on some poor soul." Gill replied.

"Uhh...right." Knull said. Alex leaned over towards Knull. "Why are you getting so close???" Knull asked. Alex kept leaning towards him. "Stop that!" Knull exclaimed. Alex leaned over to his ear. "Is he actually on the spectrum...?" Alex asked, "I don't know..." Knull answered, "What??? What do you mean you don't know???" Alex asked, "I mean I don't know...uhh...Mannequin." Knull answered.

"'Mannequin?'" Alex asked, "Uhh...yeah." Knull answered, "But...why Mannequin?" Alex asked, "So many questions, not enough cookies. Eat more." Gill said, "I'm good." Alex replied, "I'm not hungry." Knull responded, "You have a mouth?" Alex asked, looking at Knull, "How did we even get this far off topic?" Knull asked, "Right, right. Let's continue. Well, I suppose I'll need more information about you two as well." Alex said.

"Like what? Our hobbies or something?" Knull asked, "No, like your powers and stuff. You can save your hobbies for the Resume." Alex answered, "Hey Knull, I think Mannequin just made a joke." Gill whispered, "I can hear you." Alex said, "I think he can hear us." Gill whispered, but quieter, "You are standing less than three feet away from me. Obviously I can hear you." Alex said.

"Well, going back on topic hopefully for the last time, I control metal. I can bend it into any shape I desire. Spears, swords, axes, hammers, even armor and shields. I could even bend it into a pot if I really wanted to. The catch is I need a lot of metal to do some of this. I can compact metal as well. So I could turn a spear into a knife, but I cannot turn a knife into a spear if that makes sense." Knull said.

"I see. So I assume you always have a lot of metal on you?" Alex asked, "That's the catch. I was experimented on by the enemy, and in short, much of my body is metal. It allows me to do things like this." Knull answered, holding his hand out. A blade slowly sliced through the palm of his hand from the inside. He grabbed it between two fingers, and pulled it out! "Interesting." Alex said, "Disgusting!" Gill exclaimed, "Are you going to say that every time you see me do this?!" Knull asked.

"It doesn't get less disgusting each time." Gill answered, "Well, what about you? What's your power Gill?" Alex asked, "I turn into a Shark and control water." Gill answered, "Well...that's different. You both seem to have very unique powers." Alex said, "Yes, hence why we were so experimented on. What about you?" Knull asked, "Me?" Alex asked, "Yes. What are your powers?" Knull asked, "That's a bit of a story." Alex answered.

"Well, take a seat and tell us." Knull said, "Seat on what? The rock?" Alex asked, "On a couch or something." Knull  answered, "Well, it doesn't matter what the story is. It's more of an answer to questions. Just know my main powers are extreme strength, memory erasing, and wind." Alex said, "Main powers? I was unaware three powers was even possible, let alone having more." Knull replied.

"Yes, well I have more than three." Alex said, "Interesting. Well, what about the weird closet lady?" Gill asked, "You're one to talk about weird." Knull said, "I have no idea. She seems to have some form of lightning. I've never seen it in red before though." Alex answered, "Strange. Well, we probably know all we need to know. Should we go see if that...weird name dude has a time set up to meet?" Knull asked. Alex nodded.

Now they were preparing to find a time to meet, and to finally get some proper information on the enemy, outside of their leader and origin! But would this strange peace last as they prepared?

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