A Drive through Redwhich

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David and Red were driving down a snowy road. David was thinking to himself as he drove. "How did she recognize that crest? Very few know it...that only leaves a few explanations for who she is..."

Red looked at the car panel. She saw the lit up buttons, and was curious. She tapped one. Suddenly, David screamed! "DON'T DO THAT!!!" David shouted! She jumped in her seat, and seemed terrified! He burst out laughing! "Ah, sorry. I couldn't help it." He said. She realized it was a joke, and calmed down. David kept thinking to himself. "She is very jumpy. I've never seen one like this. I wonder what they did to her...why she is missing an arm..."

A few minutes later, the city came into view. It was massive! Futuristic skyscrapers...scraped the sky. Futuristic cars drove down the streets. Neon lights were everywhere. It was beautiful. Though it surely looked better at night. Red looked out the window in awe. She had never seen it before. David thought to himself again. "She hasn't seen it before...has she...? Was she in that lab since birth...?"

"You ever seen it before?" He asked. She shook her head. "It's pretty, huh? The house isn't too far away." David said. He went to turn down a road, and he noticed something. The road was blocked! "Damn, they must have hit this road too..." David said. Red looked at him, confused. She didn't understand what happened.

"Last night...some bad things happened. But don't worry, it's safe here now." David said. As they were driving, she saw a man in a hazmat suit exiting a building. She seemed scared of him! "What's wrong...? You're safe...don't worry." David said. She pointed to the man in the hazmat suit, and he understood immediately. "I see...that's a...Cross Industries Scientist. I'm not going to lie...he looks like he's part of one of their...more secret wings." David said. She still seemed scared.

"But don't worry, you're safe." David said, smiling at her. She smiled back, and felt reassured. He started thinking to himself again. "If Cross Industries is somehow involved, this is gonna get a lot more complicated..." Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a call! He answered, and a voice spoke out through the car speakers. There was a name on a screen built into the panel. The name was "Alex."

"Heeeeyyyyyy...Alex..." David said, "Where are you, David?! The others have already gathered." Alex said. Her voice was medium pitched, with an American accent. "Well...things are a little more complicated than we thought..." David said, "Whatever...I'll let them know. Are you gonna try and make it?" Alex asked. David dropped his voice to a whisper, so only Red could hear it. "Do you want me to stay with you at the house...or are you okay with being alone...?" David asked.

"O...o...o-k...k..." Red answered. David nodded. "I'll do my best to make it." David said, "Alright, I'll let the others know." Alex replied, "Alright, goodbye!" David exclaimed, "Goodbye, 'sweetheart.'" Alex replied, "I'm never gonna live that down...am I?" David asked, "Nope. Goodbye." Alex answered, hanging up. David laughed.

They kept driving for a few minutes. Eventually, they reached a suburban area. The houses were quite fancy. The street they were driving down was filled with manors. David drove them up to one, and stopped the car. David got out, and opened the door for her. She got out as well, and looked at the manor. It was two stories tall, with blueish-white walls, and a black triangular roof. There was many windows on the front, though it was unclear if there were as many elsewhere.

David handed her a key. "Here, I really need to dash, but you can head inside! Make yourself at home! You're safe now." David said, getting back in. She seemed worried, but he smiled at her. She felt much better about it now. "I'll see you later...!" David exclaimed, driving off. He waved as he drove away. She didn't understand what he was doing, but copied the motion awkwardly.

She walked up to the door with the key in hand. She tried to open the door without unlocking it. Obviously, it didn't open. "Huh..." Red mumbled to herself, again, with no emotion. She put the key against the door knob, then tried to open it. It didn't work. She then tried to wave the key in front of the door, across the center. Obviously, this didn't work either.

After ten minutes of trying to open the door, she was getting very frustrated! Finally, she figured out that she needed to put the key in the lock! She did so, and tried to turn it the wrong way! Finally, she gave up, and took the key out of the door. She walked around the house, and entered through an open window!

She had entered into the home. But the question was...would it soon be her home too?

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