The Meeting

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Red was dreaming. At least, she hoped so. She was sitting in a corner. It was in a cell. A bald man sat in the corner opposite of hers. It was the man Firehawk met! Only he had no scars, and his eyes were fine. He was rambling. "These Gallows are fascinating. I wonder what their motives are, what they desire most? I can only imagine..." He said.

Red couldn't understand what he was saying, but she pretended to. A voice suddenly rang out. It was one of the Gallows' members. His voice, as with all other average Gallows' member's voices, was deep and synthetic through his mask. "What?! What do you mean the Queen escaped?! Do you have any idea what that can cause?!" The Voice asked.

A few moments later, a loud alarm was raised! As it blared, she felt a gaze over her. A gaze so sharp...she could almost feel pain under it! A moment later, something nudged her shoulder and she woke up! She quickly threw her arm up to guard! was the arm she was missing. "Uhh...what?" Knull asked, sitting next to her. They were on the couch in the living room.

She looked around, and saw everyone gathered around her. Her face turned red under their gaze. Noticeably, the Firehawk was there! At last! It seemed he had just entered moments ago. "This is Red, our new friend. We think she understands us a bit, but we aren't too sure. My bet is she is actually French." Alex said, "Do you call her Red because she blushes like that?" Firehawk asked.

"I don't know actually. I figured we called her that cause of her red lightning power." Alex answered, "Red lightning? Is that even possible?" Firehawk asked, "Well apparently, seeing as she has it." Alex answered, "I thought she was called red cause you know...her hair is red..." Gill said, "Right, well we have a lot of things to cover. Let us be off to David's room." Firehawk said.

They walked into David's room all at once. "Oh hey guys!" David exclaimed, "I have a very important question!" Gill replied, "What is it?" David asked, "Why is Red named red?" Gill asked, "Well when I met her, her hand had blood on it. And she doesn't really speak much English, so she was unable to give a name. Since then I called her red." David answered.

"It's not cause of her red hair?" Gill asked, "Her hair is more ginger than red..." David answered, "Ginger is red." Alex said, "No it isn't." Firehawk replied, "Why don't we ask Red herself, and get this over with?" Knull asked, "Good idea! Hey Red!" Alex exclaimed. She looked at him curiously. "Is your hair red or orange? It is ginger, but is it more red or orange?" Alex asked.

She seemed to understand this question. In a...strange...Russian accent, she exclaimed; "Ginger!" Everyone was confused by this. She definitely did not understand the question. "Uh...okay." Alex said, "Well, we have more pressing matters." Firehawk replied, "Right, what do you know about the enemy?" Knull asked.

"Well that is a wide question..." Firehawk said, "Fine, what do you know about the enemy hierarchy?" Knull asked, "That is a very specific question..." Firehawk said, "Oh well you just answer? Just say something and stop talking about the width of my questions..." Knull responded.

"Well the thing is, no one really knows much about the enemy. I think your organization knows the most about the enemy, and you know basically nothing. Though I do have a lead. Back near the base you found uhhh...Red, there was a thick fog. I entered, and found strange things within." Firehawk said.

"What kinds of things?" Alex asked, "Well, there was a shack with a man. He had no eyes, and was cutting himself while repeating a poem. It was the Gallows' poem. I can only assume it is their doing. There were also a lot of Stalkers around, as well as a strange woman. She was gorgeous...and felt like a magnet..." Firehawk answered.

"Gorgeous huh? I would like to see this woman myself." Gill said, before getting smacked on the back of the head by Knull, "Yes. In a book I found within the house, there was a note about a beautiful woman within the fog, one the man seemed to be looking for." Firehawk replied, "Odd. I've never heard of this fog, or seen it." David said.

"Did you come across any stalkers near that area?" Firehawk asked, "No. I didn't see any." David answered, "I see. Do you think they may have been stragglers?" Firehawk asked, "I don't know...maybe." David answered, "Well, no use to dwell on that until we know more." Firehawk said. David nodded in agreement.

"Well, do you know anything else?" Knull asked, "I do know a larger member of their group is after a Woman. One with the number one-seventeen on her neck." Firehawk answered, looking at Red suspiciously, "What? You think they're after the Closet Goblin?" Knull asked.

"It's quite likely, two men came for her before. But I don't understand why a higher level member would be after her." David answered, "Huh...I didn't know she was so special." Knull said. They all glared at her. She didn't know what was happening, so she just awkwardly smiled.

Alex walked over to her, and put a hand on her shoulder. She let out a confused "ehp?" She looked to Alex, meeting his gaze. Knull exhaled sharply. "What...who makes that sound?" Knull asked, "Her, apparently." Gill answered. Alex gently moved a strand of hair, it had been in the same spot for a while, as if Red was actively trying to keep it there.

When he moved it, something was revealed. Something was...carved into her neck! It read; "117." The others maintained a bit of distance, that way Red wouldn't get scared. "Well, what have you found? Are the numbers there?" Firehawk asked, "They're there alright. Carved into her neck if that's what you meant." Alex answered, "Jesus..." Firehawk said.

Red seemed to be getting stressed out. "Hey, it's okay Red..." Alex said. She started blinking rapidly, before fixating a sharp gaze on Alex! Something seemed to...emit from her eyes. It linked to everyone. As they gazed at her, they began to...see things. They were seeing what had happened to her previously!

This seemed to be a secondary power! As all light in the room faded for a moment, they saw her story!

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