The Great White Demon, and The Blade Master

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Gill walked over to his friend with an outfit in hand. They were in the men's clothing section. "I think this one will look good on me!" Gill exclaimed, "How much?" The Man asked. Gill checked the price, and laughed nervously. "Uhhh...eight hundred." Gill answered, "I hope you have enough to cover it." The Man said.

Gill reached into his pockets, and pulled out a wallet. It smelled horrible. "Ew, I gotta get a new wallet too." Gill said. He opened it, and emptied it onto his hand. No money fell out. Instead, some kind of green slime fell out! "Eeeek!" Gill exclaimed, throwing the slime. It flew towards the Man!

"Watch out, Knull!" Gill exclaimed! The Man, Knull, dodged the slime without even looking! "Watch where you're throwing." Knull said. Suddenly, the slime bounced off the wall and hit Knull in the face! He grabbed it, and threw it on the ground! It bounced off the ground back into his hand!

He then threw it aside, and it hit someone else in the face! "Hey! Watch where you're throwing that...whatever that is!" A Man shouted. Knull sighed, and continued looking. "Hey, Knull, my good friend. My absolute best friend for life. How are you?" Gill asked, putting his hand on Knull's shoulder.

"What are you playing at...?" Knull asked, "You know, my wallet was filled with slime, and uhhh...I'm kinda poor. it okay if you cover again?" Gill asked, "Get your own money. I've already let you borrow today." Knull answered, "Awww man...and here I was thinking I would look amazing...but I guess I'll just have to stick with my pants only..." Gill said.

Knull felt guilty, but he didn't want to spend eight hundred on a single outfit. "Fine. I'll make you a deal. I'll pay for your outfit." Knull said, "Yes!!!" Gill exclaimed, "However, you will have to buy an outfit of my choosing." Knull replied, "Awww man...I'm gonna look like a loser aren't I....?" Gill asked, "My money, my purchase." Knull answered.

Meanwhile, Alex and Red walked down the beach. For some reason, it was open again. Red covered her eyes. She felt embarrassed seeing everyone in their swimwear. "You don't have to cover your eyes, Red. It's a beach." Alex said. He walked over to a family. There were two parents, and a child. The parents looked pretty old, and the child was young.

"Hey. You there. Do you know anything about a shark that was here?" Alex asked, "It was scary! Like a big giant shark grew arms and legs!" The Kid answered, "Bah, don't listen to that stuff. It was obviously a Government Drone." The Father said, "Huh?" Alex asked, "Now let me tell ya about them Drones." The Father answered.

"Uh what-" Alex was cut off. "Ya see, the Government is spying on us. They've created fish robots to spy, and are actually controlled by an evil cult!" The Father exclaimed, "Umm...good to know...?" Alex said, not sure of what to say. The Kid spoke out again. "It was like the Kraken!" The Kid exclaimed, "The Kraken was a Squid!" The Father replied.

"I'm pretty sure the Kraken was an Octopus..." Alex said, "Nobody asked you, Miss...?" The Father replied, asking his name, "MisTER, moron!" Alex exclaimed, "Your name is Mister Moron?" The Father asked, "What?! No! You're a moron!" Alex answered. Red laughed to herself. She seemed to enjoy Alex's personality. And the...strange Father's.

While Alex talked to the family, Gill and Knull were just leaving the store. Knull had a black jacket, with a hood. It had two white, vertical lines on either side of the front. On the back, it had a white circle with red letters. An R and a W. It was a souvenir of Redwhich. It was a tailcoat. Though the tails were short.

He had the same pants on. He had black boots, with black gloves. His jacket was zipped up. "Man, you look cool and I look like a loser." Gill said. Gill had a Christmas sweater, with Santa on it. It was red and white, and quite ugly. He also had red shoes on. "Correct." Knull said.

"This is gonna be embarrassing..." Gill said, "Where to now?" Knull asked, "Let's go to the beach." Gill answered, "Huh? Why would we go back...wait. Are you just going back so you don't have to wear the sweater?" Knull asked, "Huh?! No! Never! I just wanna go to the beach...!" Gill answered, "Fine. Let's go." Knull said.

They started walking, and Gill tripped! "Ow! OW! I think I broke my ankle...!" Gill exclaimed, holding his ankle, "Oh come on. As if I'm gonna fall for that. You're just trying to get me to carry you so you don't have to walk." Knull replied. Gill got up. "Fine...I'll walk..." Gill said.

They walked back to the beach. A few moments later, Alex and Red approached them! "Hey, have you heard about the shark that came through here earlier?" Alex asked, "No." Knull answered, walking past. As Knull walked by, Alex seemed to feel something between them.

"Hey. Hold up a moment." Alex said, "Make it quick." Knull replied, stopping, "Judging by what I just felt, you're one of the tests. Is that correct?" Alex asked, "Some kind of sensory skill?" Knull asked, "No one can hide their power from me." Alex answered, "That's obviously not true." Knull said, "No one can walk by me and hide their power." Alex replied.

"That sounds more realistic." Knull said, "What do you want with us?" Gill asked, "We're assembling a little team to fight back against our...captors. We want to stop the experiments on Ascended." Alex answered, "Get lost." Knull said, continuing towards the shore. Alex followed. "Come on! We need people like you!" Alex exclaimed, "You can't beat them." Knull responded.

"Not without people like you! We need the greatest Ascended to help us fight back." Alex said, "'The greatest Ascended?' Is that what you call this ragtag duo? Some girl I've never seen in my life, and whoever the hell you are? Face it. The Leader of that organization alone could destroy you both without even looking." Knull responded.

"You don't even know me. Do you think everyone new you meet is weak?" Alex asked, "Only the ones who I've never seen or heard of." Knull answered. A sound rang out. It sounded like...sand moving. The sand beneath them was shifting a little. "Hmm? What's happening?" Gill asked, "Something's coming. And it's big!" Alex answered!

They looked up the shore, and saw a massive beast jump out onto the beach! Only it was familiar to Red. It was the beast that took her arm! It managed to survive since the night it escaped! "What is that thing?!" Gill asked! Red hid behind Alex! She was terrified!

"An experiment. Looks like this one is really strong." Alex said. Gill and Knull moved to his side. "I suppose this will be a way of...judging your power." Knull replied. Alex nodded.

This was the perfect opportunity. But if this creature had survived so long, how strong was it? That would be answered soon.

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