A Battle Begins!

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Alex backed away from Kimera! David turned back to look! "Get Red! I've got this one!" Alex exclaimed! David nodded, and ran off. "How quick your friend is to leave your side. Funny how that is, huh?" Kimera asked, "He was quick to leave because he knows you aren't a match for me." Alex answered, "Cocky aren't you? Let's see if that holds up!" Kimera exclaimed!

Kimera charged Alex, and threw a very fast punch! Alex dodged to the right, avoiding the attack! "He's fast." Alex thought to himself. Kimera stopped the punch, then swung his arm to the left! It connected with Alex! He flew back several feet, and landed on his back! "For someone so cocky you sure can't dodge." Kimera said, walking over to Alex. But something was off.

Alex's body seemed to...fade away! It slowly faded into nothing! The way it faded was so strange to watch. As if cell by cell his body was rapidly disappearing into thin air! It faded completely, and Kimera seemed confused. "What kind of power is this...?" Kimera asked. Wind picked up, and started to blow in the opposite direction of where Kimera was facing. He turned around, and found Alex standing some distance away from him!

"I see. So that's it then." Kimera said. Meanwhile, David ran after Red! Red was not very fast, so he caught up easily! "Hey! Hold up!" David exclaimed! She stopped for a moment to look at him. She pointed towards Alex and Kimera! "Yeah, don't worry. We'll protect you." David said. Suddenly, a shape jumped out of the shadows!

It was Varoka! David tried to punch him, but Varoka caught his hand! Varoka threw him to the side, and started walking towards Red! She had immediately started running, but stopped when she saw David knocked down. She didn't know what to do! Before she knew it, Varoka was right in front of her!

"One-Seventeen is it? You may remember me. I'm Varoka." Varoka said. She started to shake a little. She was facing a man who wanted to take her back to the facility...or kill her! "Why don't you come with me..." Varoka said, reaching towards her, "No!!!" Red responded, running away! Right as she started running, he grabbed her arm! "Come here!" Varoka exclaimed!

David suddenly grabbed Varoka, and threw him on the ground! Red backed away quickly! David pulled his hand back, and a small flame formed in it! He thrust his hand down, slamming the flame into Varoka! He punched the flame, and it caused a huge explosion! The explosion faded, and David stood above a hole. The hole was shrouded in shadows, and nothing could be seen within.

"Are you okay, Red?" David asked. She was scared. Her arm had a mark from where he grabbed it. David walked over. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you." David said. He smiled at her for reassurance. It didn't work as effectively this time, but it did work a little. "I hope you don't think I'm that weak." Varoka said, now standing over the hole! His armor was barely scratched!

"This is gonna be a lot tougher than I thought..." David said. Varoka rushed David! He was very fast! David barely had time to block a kick, and not enough to block a punch! The punch connected with his chest, but he endured it! He grabbed Varoka's hand, and punched his arm! He stumbled back, but made sure to kick David's shin on the way!

They stared at each other from a short distance away. "You're fast." David said, "You're strong. I must say, I think my partner picked well. You're a defensive opponent. I can tell. And a good one at that." Varoka said, "I haven't used any defensive moves..." David replied, "That fire attack earlier...that is a high skill move. I know you are strong, but that move would have done a lot more damage if you were offensive." Varoka said.

David realized his mistake. He had exposed the type of fighter he was already! "You're pretty observative." David said, "I am more of an observsative person, though I will gladly destroy my opponent!" Varoka responded, rushing David again!

While they clashed together, Alex and Kimera stared each other down. "A wind user, huh? That's not very common." Kimera said. Alex just glared at him. "Well, I suppose I'll at least get to see this power first hand...before I kill you!" Kimera exclaimed, rushing at him!

Kimera tried to throw a punch, but Alex countered with a very impressive move! He threw his hands down, and wind burst out of them! It lifted him right into the air! As Kimera got close, Alex launched a very rapid series of kicks to his face! He then lowered himself a small ways, and kicked Kimera's legs! He fell forward, and Alex spun around, hitting him in the face with his knee!

Kimera fell down, and slowly got back up. Alex simply landed on his feet. "Is that all?" Alex asked, "That's quite the maneuver." Kimera said, stretching. Alex nodded. Kimera finished stretching, and Alex started to walk away! "Well, seeing as you went down so easy, I don't think it's worth a second shot." Alex said, walking off, "Hah! Don't underestimate me!" Kimera shouted, shoulder bashing Alex! "He's very fast..." Alex thought to himself.

Kimera grabbed Alex by the leg, and slammed him onto the ground! He then punched a hole right through his chest! Alex disappeared into the wind, before appearing right above Kimera! He didn't have a hole in his chest, but he definitely got hurt by the other attacks. He landed on Kimera, and put his hands on either side of his head! A strange energy seemed to flow between them!

In a flash, Kimera grabbed Alex, and threw him aside! "What did you just do?!" Kimera asked, "Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Just know that this fight...is only beginning." Alex said. Both of them prepared for the true battle to begin! Meanwhile, Varoka and David were rushing each other again! They both threw a punch, and their fists collided!

They threw several more attacks, before being dashing away from each other! None of their attacks landed. "That's enough. Prepare yourself, because this fight is about to get real." Varoka said. They both prepared as well.

But what was going to happen next?

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