An Aggressive Shopping Trip

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Alex drove them up to a pizza place. They entered in silence. Immediately, a Chef ushered them out! The Chef was female. She had a chef's attire on of course, with long black hair. "Hey! What's the big idea?!" Alex asked, glaring at her. She was very beautiful. She was Italian, with brown eyes. "Well, Mama Mia. How you doin', baby?" Alex asked. David sighed, and laughed. "Read the sign, moron." The Chef said. She had a voice just higher than medium pitch, with a very thick Italian accent. "Hey! What did you just call me?!" Alex asked, "Calm down. No entry?" David asked.

The Chef nodded. "That's right! What are you doing coming in here with no shoes?!" The Chef asked, looking at Red, "Man, this place probably sucks anyway. I bet the place down the street has better pizza in their dumpster. Actually, comparing dumpster pizza to your's is probably an insult to the dumpster pizza." Alex said, "You're banned from entry." The Chef replied, "Pfft. Okay. All your doing is losing business, idiot. Goodbye." Alex said, walking back to the car.

The others followed. "Great, what now?" David asked, "Well we can't go anywhere with Red wearing those ragged clothes. She looks like she just escaped a prison. We gotta get her a pretty outfit or something." Alex said, "Right, let's go shopping then! First she needs shoes." David replied, "Hold on, I might have some actually." Alex said, putting his hands behind his back. David seemed confused. Red just looked around, not understanding a word they were saying. "Uhh...why do you have women's shoes? And why would you have them on you at this moment?" David asked.

Alex pulled a pair of women's shoes from...somewhere. "Where did those come from?! And are you dressing up like a...girl...?" David asked, "No, you moron. I planned to give it to you as a gag gift for your birthday, but now it seems I need to give them to her." Alex said, "Ohhh...I see. Makes sense. How did you get them so fast?" David asked, "I've been practicing in some of my abilities. I can't explain here." Alex answered, "Alright then. Hey Red!" David exclaimed, turning to her.

She turned to him, seeming curious. Alex walked over to her, and handed her the shoes. "Put those on, see if they fit." David said. She looked at the shoes curiously. She put them on her hands, and started clicking them together! She laughed happily at the sound. "No no, on your feet." David said. She stopped, and tilted her head. She was confused.

Alex lifted up one of his feet, and motioned to it. "See these sexy boots? You wear them like this, on your feet." Alex said. Red seemed to get it now. She put them on right, and they fit perfectly! Though she seemed uncomfortable. "Nice fit! Now we can go get you some clothes." Alex said. He got in the car, and they followed.

"You do the woman shopping. Where do they sell a lot of women's clothes?" David asked, "Do you want me to smack you?" Alex asked, "Just take us somewhere." David said, "I know a clothing shop. We'll head there." Alex said. They drove off. Down the street, just around a corner, Varoka and Kimera were watching!

"These Ascended...a Gen 1, the escapee from the LTF, and an unknown assailant. They are quite dangerous. Shall I blow up the street ahead of time?" Kimera asked, "No you moron! Is there anything inside your head?! We'll take them in the evening time, it will be easier then." Varoka answered, "Huh?" Kimera asked, "There's people all over right now. We don't need civilian casualties. And we really don't need to be fighting three Ascended during day time with this many witnesses." Varoka answered.

Kimera seemed to get it now. "Ohhh, okay. I get it." Kimera said, "Good, I was starting to get worried about you." Varoka replied. They continued following the three.

Meanwhile, the three pulled up to a clothes store. They entered. This time, no one ushered them out. It looked like an average store. It had white walls, a white tiled floor, and lights making up most of the ceiling. What wasn't lights was also white. It was lined with clothing racks. "Well, have yourself a look, Red." David said.

A Male employee walked up to Alex. "You're quite the beautiful lady! I think I know some of our stuff that would look extra good on you. Want me to show you?" The Employee asked, "WHAT'D YOU CALL ME?!?!" Alex asked, "Woah there! Calm down Alex! So sorry mr...uh...pervert. But firstly, that is a man. Secondly, I sincerely advise backing away from him!" David exclaimed, "Wha-?! Man, I can never find a pretty girl anymore." The Employee said, walking off.

Alex exhaled sharply. "I oughta use his blood for decorations instead of the fake blood I got." Alex said, "That's what was in the box?! Why did you order that?" David asked, "Halloween decorations." Alex answered, "It's early January." David said, "Well every day should be treated like Halloween." Alex replied, "Huh...I suppose you certainly fit Halloween." David said, "That better be a compliment." Alex responded, "Take it as you like, Mr Goth Man." David said.

David turned. "Now, Red..." He stopped, as he didn't see her. He looked around. "Red???" David asked. They looked around for a few moments longer, and noticed her by a clothing rack. She tapped it suspiciously. There was a woman nearby, smiling, and looking through the clothes for something she liked. Red awkwardly copied the motion. She smiled very awkwardly, and moved the clothes around. She wasn't actually looking at them though.

They walked over to her. "See anything you like?" David asked. She seemed confused. "Anything you like? Like that you would want to wear?" David asked. Alex sighed, and walked up to her. He motioned towards the clothes, then motioned towards her. "Anything you want?" Alex asked. She got it now.

She started looking through the clothes. "We'll just find a spot to sit down." Alex said. They sat down, and she kept looking. Roughly ten hours later, she was still looking! "How long is she gonna be looking?!" Alex asked, "You can't tell me you haven't spent a long time looking through clothes before." David said, "The Goth section isn't exactly big." Alex replied, "Have you ever worn an outfit that isn't Goth?" David asked, "Bright colors and happy shirts don't express hate." Alex answered.

David sighed. "Yeah, I suppose they don't." David said, "Mhm." Alex replied, "Man, I have never met someone as hateful, and angry as you. And yet you are still so nice." David said, "Nice?" Alex asked, "Yes, admit it. You are just a biiiig softie." David said, "The day I admit the day I fail in my mission. And trust me, I won't fail." Alex responded, "You will admit it one day. Though I doubt you'll fail." David said.

Finally, Red walked over with an outfit. "You want that one?" David asked. She seemed confused again. "To buy it! And wear it!" Alex aggressively exclaimed. She got it now. Red nodded. "Good, let's buy it and go. It's like eight PM." Alex said.

They bought it for her, and walked outside. "Now, let's head home." Alex said. They walked over to the car, and Red put the outfit inside. Suddenly, she started to breath heavily! "What's wrong?" Alex asked, "Hey, you okay?" David asked. She started breathing heavier and heavier! Suddenly, she screamed and ran away! "Hey! What's wrong?!" David asked, running after her. Alex started to run too, but a massive shape dropped down in front of him! The ground cracked beneath the shape! It was Kimera!

"Hello." Kimera said. Alex backed up, and prepared himself for what was to come next! 

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