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Galin stood at the edge of the roof. He turned around as they approached. He wore a black robe, with gold lining throughout it. He had black boots, and black pants beneath the robe. Black gloves covered his hands, while a white fur cloak covered his shoulders, and the top half of his back. He had shoulder length black hair, with a trimmed black beard. He looked middle aged. His eyes were a very dark brown. Lastly, his skin was pale white, almost sickly looking.

"Let me guess, you heard the roar too?" Galin asked. His voice was medium pitched, with a quiet tone. It sounded almost as if he was speaking quietly, though it could be heard fine. Through the quiet tone, one could tell he had a slight English accent. "Have you been asked about it today?" David asked, "By nearly everyone in the Alliance." Galin answered.

"Ah, great, so everyone heard it..." David said, "It is exactly as the old tales say. 'The roar of the Dragons shall be heard far and wide, and all will know of their might.' Only now, everyone wants to search for the Dragons." Galin responded, "I see...well, uhh, I don't know how to say this..." David said, "What is it?" Galin asked.

"Well, for starters, have I told you about Red?" David asked, "Yes, the mysterious woman you found?" Galin asked, "Yeah! That's the one! Well, we went back to the facility she was kept at to investigate. There we found all sorts of information! But at the center of it all, we found...a Dragon." David answered, "A Dragon?" Galin asked.

"Yeah, or at least we think so. It roared, and flew off into the night." David answered, "Interesting...tell me more about what you found." Galin said. They told Galin all they had discovered, and he seemed to understand more and more. "I see. So they were researching Dragons. And a red haired Man wanted to claim their power." Galin said, "That's what we found." David responded.

"And did you find what you were looking for? The source of the fog?" Galin asked, "Well...no..." David answered, "Do you have any ideas of what it could be? Perhaps something within the facility was tied to it?" Galin asked, "Well...this is only an idea...but there was mentions of a Dragon Queen. I don't really think this correlates, but Firehawk found a beautiful Woman within the fog, seeming to be the epicenter of it." David answered.

"Dragon Queen doesn't have to mean she is a Dragon. And she could be the center of the fog indeed. But why would she pursue Red?" Galin asked, "Well, they were kept at the same facility. And supposedly Red is the key to finding the Dragons. So maybe she wanted to stop Red...?" David asked, "That seems likely to me. Though I suppose we won't know more unless we act." Galin answered.

"So what's the plan?" Alex asked, "Everyone is searching for the Dragons now. The Eastern Alliance, the Southern Clans, and the Goulkatans have sent many groups to go searching. Not only that, but many non-allied Ascended, Ascended groups, and even Humans are searching. To not enter the search would only serve to anger the Western Alliance.

As such, I am sending groups to search. You will be the lead group." Galin answered, "I see. What will our role be?" Alex asked, "We need information, and allies. The Goulkatans, otherwise known as the 'Giants of the North,' know much about the old tales. Far more than most. They would also make the perfect allies. Others will also be going for an alliance with them.

Your goal will be to reach that alliance first." Galin said, "You can count on us. I do have a request though..." David responded, "What is it?" Galin asked, "Can our team stay together? All six of us?" David asked, "I don't typically trust several outsiders, but if you trust them, then very well. So long as you all agree, you may stay together as the leading team." Galin answered.

"Thank you! We will definitely secure the alliance! But uhh...where should we go to meet them? Do we even know where their camps are?" David asked, "We know they have camps in ideal spots. Near water, and food. And of course that they live in the snowy mountains." Galin answered, "I see. Well, you can count on us!" David exclaimed.

"I know. Update me as you make progress. And I advice you make haste, as the search has already begun." Galin responded. David nodded. "Well, I believe that covers everything. So we'll get to searching now!" David exclaimed, "Very well, I shall return to watching the sunrise...while I still can." Galin responded.

David led the others back to the stairwell, and they began walking down. "So, would you all like to stay in a team?" Alex asked, "At first I wasn't sure about you. I thought you were dumb...but now...yeah, I think I'll stay." Knull answered, "I'll go wherever he goes, so I'm with you guys." Gill answered, pointing to Knull.

"What about you, Firehawk?" David asked, "I'll stay too. Normally I work alone, but I think it would be wise to stay with you." Firehawk answered. David nodded happily, and turned to Red. "What about you, Red?" David asked. She didn't understand him, but she saw he was happy. "Yayyy!!!" Red exclaimed, this time in a Dutch accent.

Everyone looked at each other, and shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes!" David exclaimed! They walked down the stairs, and exited the building. And so it was, that the search for the Dragons of legend began! Men and women from all across Redwhich began searching. The main groups from all four regions began amassing troops to search.

But not just them, the variety of those searching had great range! From lowly men and women to those of the great four main groups! Even Humans joined the search. Though not so many Humans desired to find the Dragons, as the great roar was shrugged off as an odd series of avalanches in the distant mountains.

Red and her group would encounter others on their search, and not all would be friendly! As the old tales tell; "The Dragons shall roar, and their great artifacts will be unsealed. The truth shall be revealed as Ascended hunt for their great artifacts." The tales did not go into more detail, but it is said that the rest can be found throughout the land.

The truth of the Dragons, and their artifacts awaited at the end of the search! But the question remained...who would get it first? The Western Ascended Alliance, the Eastern Alliance, the Giants of the North, or one of the clans from the South? Or perhaps even a low reputation group or person? All would be revealed in time. And it all started with this search!

To be continued, in book two...

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