Exiting the Facility

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Alex and David were walking down yet another hall! Only this one seemed promising. They felt like they were nearing their destination. "I feel like we are getting closer." Alex said, "Me too. I feel some sort of energy shift coming up, but it doesn't seem like a Monster." David replied. This was another Ascended ability.

Ascended naturally emitted an energy due to their durability. When they used their powers, their durability was not only drained, but dispersed as an energy. Others could feel this. However, some Ascended of higher strengths could even feel the Ascended energy without powers being used. Alex and David were of this class.

At last, they saw four people ahead! It was the others! "Hey guys!" Alex exclaimed, "Ha! You owe me ten euros!" Gill exclaimed, "Damn." Knull responded, "Betting on our lives?" David asked, "Yeah...I lost." Knull answered. Red saw them, and seemed very happy! "Hey Red!" David exclaimed, smiling! She smiled back.

"This is adorable, but I do believe we should get out of here." Knull said, "Agreed. That roaring, the strange wall, everything...we need to go." Firehawk replied, "Yeaaahhhh...we may have been the cause of almost all of that." David said, "So should we urgently leave? Or is it fine?" Gill asked, "Oh, we should leave like...immediately." David answered.

"Ah, great. Well, time to squeeze through again." Knull said, "Wait, that's where we are???" Alex asked, "Yeah." Knull answered, stepping aside. This revealed the collapsed ceiling near the entrance! They were on the other side! On the wall nearby, there was a hole to squeeze into! "Perfect! Let's get out of here, we'll explain everything later!" David exclaimed!

They began squeezing between the walls, making their way back out! "Be careful of oddly sticky spots." Gill said, "Yeah, I'll remember that this time." Alex responded. Meanwhile, the Gallows' members were walking through the facility! They were in a dark hall, which they lit up with flashlights built into their helmets.

They saw an old woman approaching. She had a white cloak, and was wobbling! She looked just like the woman Alex and David encountered! "Huh, that's creepy." Kimera said, "Ignore her. And don't look at her wounds. She's a walking alarm." Ranger replied. They walked past her, and she collapsed!

"How do you mean?" Kimera asked, "We didn't get too far on that part, considering Doctor Redvin went mad, and the Queen escaped too quickly. But what we do know is when their wounds are seen, they scream and act as an alarm for the Dragon Spawn." Ranger answered, "Doctor Redvin? The guy with the red hair?" Varoka asked.

"Yes, he went mad shortly before the facility went to hell." Ranger answered, "I see. That's unfortunate." Varoka said. They walked for a while, before Kimera pointed out something in another room. It was the grinders! They walked inside, and immediately noticed the blood. Ranger walked up to the strange arm, and put a hand on it.

"Interesting." Ranger said, "Hey! You don't know where that's been!" Kimera responded. Ranger pulled it out of the grinder, and it fell in half! The bicep was what fell off. It started to bubble, before bursting apart! All that remained was a strange, worm like creature!

It began rapidly moving away! Fortunately, Ranger shot it, and it seemed to die! "Nice shot! We can't let things like that escape." Mathias said, "Yes, well, we have obtained something far more valuable than the girl now. I advice we leave. I'll take this arm personally, the rest of you go inform the Architect." Ranger said, "Wait...we're just leaving???" Kimera asked.

"They can keep their precious lady. It doesn't matter if she leads them to the Dragons or not. We have her arm, and now something far more valuable." Ranger answered, "Alright then...but I won't be taking the blame if the Architect gets mad." Kimera said. Ranger nodded, and they began walking back.

As they exited, David and the others exited too! Though they didn't exit in the same area of course. "Well, we lived." David said, "And we got out finally. Where to now? Back home?" Knull asked, "Not quite. We need to inform the Leader of this immediately." David answered, "Alright then. Let's get back to the car." Alex said.

Firehawk put his grappling hook down, and it worked this time! They used it to get down, then progressed down the cliffs. David needed a bit more help this time, since he hurt his legs earlier. But besides that, they made it down fine. They got in the car, and Alex got on his motorcycle. With that, they drove off.

"So who is the Leader anyway?" Knull asked, "His name is Galin. He is the Leader of the Western Ascended Alliance." David answered, "How is he?" Knull asked, "Well, he is a kind person. He really cares about others. But...the thing is, a lot of people don't trust him. Mainly because he is a Human and not an Ascended." David answered.

"A Human??? Leading Ascended???" Knull asked, "Yes. He is our Leader." David answered. Knull sighed, and they rode the rest of the way in silence. They eventually pulled up to a building. The building looked like an apartment complex. They entered, and surely enough, that's what it was!

As they walked through the building, many Ascended passed by. They began walking up some stairs. "This way. He is usually on the roof." Alex said. They continued for a while, before making it to the roof exit. "Alright. I'll introduce you three, and do the talking." David said, "Sounds good to me. Do you remember everything?" Alex asked.

"I do. All that's left is to see Galin, and figure out our next steps." David said, "Well, let's go then." Alex replied. They exited, and found a Man looking off into the distance. The sun was rising over the Redwhich City skyline. It was truly gorgeous! The Man looking out, this was their Leader.

At last, the others would meet with him. And they would figure out their next steps together!

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