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Red entered the building through a window on the left side of the house. She entered into a bedroom. It had dark grey walls, with black carpet, and a dark grey ceiling. The walls were filled with rock posters. The room itself had a very Gothic theme. The bed was black, as was all the other furniture in the room. There wasn't too much furniture, as there was a large drum set taking up a lot of space. It was electronic. There was also an electric guitar hung on one of the walls. Other than that, there was a large rocking chair in a corner. Then there was a closet with black curtains.

Red looked around, and seemed to have her interest peaked. She had never seen anything like this before. She walked over to a pillow, and seemed fascinated with it. It was black, with a strange texture. The texture and material seemed to be...movable! She rubbed her hand along it, and where she rubbed, it turned white! She rubbed it in the other direction, and it turned black! She was very fascinated with it.

Eventually, she got bored, and walked over to the door. She already hated this door. She opened it with ease, but still seemed annoyed at it. There was a hall outside the door. It had the same design as the room, though there were no posters. The furniture was made of dark wood. There were pictures around the hall of David, and a female. Red found the pictures too boring to look at. There was a small table in the hall, with two chairs next to it. All three pieces were made of wood. That was all there was to the hall.

She started to walk through it, but stopped. Out the corner of her eye, she noticed something. In one of the pictures, the female had her right hand showing. Her hand...had a hole in it! Just like Red's! Red looked down at her own hand, and seemed scared of the hole! It was reminding her of bad things. A deep voice echoed through her mind, and the hall became pitch black! "I told you I would find you." The Voice said. She looked up, and a large pair of golden eyes looked down at her! She was completely petrified! Too scared to even move, or blink!

She forced herself to blink, and the darkness was gone when she opened her eyes! The eyes were gone along with it. Suddenly, the doorbell rung! She was terrified now! She dashed back into the room, closed the door, and hid under the bed! She stayed there for a while, as long as she could!

Meanwhile, outside, a mailman was holding a package. "Hello? I have a package here for a...uhh...uh Mr uh...Car-mil-li-on-us? Did I pronounce that right, sir...?" The Mailman asked. A few moments later, after no response, he set down the package outside the door, and drove off. Red stayed under the bed still.

Roughly an hour later, a motorcycle pulled up. The driver had an open black jacket on, with a large collar, and short sleeves. Beneath this, they had a black long sleeved shirt. It was made of black leather, seeming to act as very light armor. It was lined in carbon fiber. This style continued in their pants. Their whole outfit was slim fit. They had boots that also followed the pattern, as well as gloves. Finally, they had a black motorcycle helmet, with long black hair sticking out.

They took off their helmet as they got off the motorcycle. It was the lady from the pictures! She was very beautiful, with a Gothic appearance. She had pale skin, long fluffy hair, and very dark brown eyes. She stood by her motorcycle, and watched David pull up. He got out, and she laughed at him! "I win." She said. Her voice was medium pitch, with an American accent. "Of course you did...you are driving one of the fastest motorcycles around." David replied. She walked up to the door, and saw that there was no package.

"It...it said it was delivered..." She said. David walked over to her. "It was probably stolen. Most likely the kids down the street as usual." David replied, "Damn porch pirates..." She said, walking off, "Where are you going?" David asked, "To go get my package." She answered. He nodded, and entered the house. "Red? I'm home!" David exclaimed. She got out from under the bed, and peeked out the door. She saw him in the hall! Quickly, she exited, and walked over to him.

"Hey Red! I hope you don't mind that a friend lives here too...I forgot to tell you. Don't worry, it's still just as safe!" She nodded, trying to motion that it was okay. A moment later, the lady entered the hall too! She had the package! "Ah, I didn't hear you come in!" David exclaimed, "They spelt my name wrong." The Lady replied, "They did...?" David asked, "Mhm." The Lady replied, "I think everyone does at this point." David said. The Lady sighed, and looked at Red.

"Go on! Introduce yourself!" David exclaimed, looking at the Lady, "Fine, fine. I'm Alex Carmalionus. I enjoy the creation of music, Gothic things, and riding my motorcycle. And right now I really need to get this package in there, so if you'll excuse me..." She said, walking past Red. She entered the room, and started to close the door! It was her room! "Oh, and I'm a dude by the way..." Alex said, closing the door. Red looked at David. "Yeah, he was born using some experimental thing. So he looks kinda feminine. Though if you look at his shape, it is masculine. He is a dude." David said.

Red seemed confused. "It was meant to help increase studies on infant alterations. Basically a way of controlling how your baby...is. You can make a guy look like a princess from a fairy tale, and vice versa. Or you can make them beautiful or handsome. Or even make them look like they got kicked in the face five times in a row by a horse. You can also change their personality and the like. It is a very incredible experiment, though it seems kinda messed up to me." David said, trying to help her understand.

She still didn't get it. "Oh right...you don't understand, huh..." David said. She stared at him blankly. "Right...well long story short, he was a messed up experiment. And he is veeeerrrryyyy insecure about it. So please don't tell him he looks like a girl if you talk to him." David said. She nodded. "Well, how would you like to choose your own room?" David asked. She looked at him, confused. "You can live here as long as you need, even if it is forever...! We'll take care of you. You're a friend now!" David exclaimed.

She smiled at him. He smiled back, and began leading her down the hall. Soon enough, she could choose her own room!

The Ascended, "This is the Future"Where stories live. Discover now