New Leadership

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David called Alex into his room. "What's up?" Alex asked, entering, "Well, seeing as I'm injured, I figured I'd let you take the lead." David answered, "You want me to lead!?" Alex asked, "Sure! You may be a little aggressive...well no, very aggressive, super spiteful, quick to anger, and maybe a little weird-" David answered getting cut off, "Get to the point...wait...what do you mean weird?!" Alex asked.

"Uhhh, so anyway, there is no one else I would want to lead. You are my best friend, and I really trust you. Like really trust you. You're like a brother, you know." David said, "Well technically I'm your son..." Alex replied, "I don't like to think of you that way..." David said, "Uhhh...okay then." Alex responded, "Well, I'm glad to know you'll be taking the lead." David said.

Alex walked over to the door. "Thanks...'dad.'" Alex replied, "If you ever call me that again you are sleeping in the attic." David said, "Pfft, jokes on you. I love creepy things." Alex replied, "That's what you said when you were fifteen." David said, "And you never made me sleep in there." Alex replied, "Don't think I'm gonna spare you now." David said, "Suuuuureee..." Alex replied, laughing. With that, he exited the room.

Meanwhile, Red rested in her room. It was still empty. She was laying on the ground, looking up at the ceiling. She seemed rather sad. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door! She got scared by the sound, and scrambled to a corner to hide! Alex entered the room, and saw her immediately. "Hey." Alex said.

He walked over, and sat down next to her. "So...uhh, we can't leave you without anything in the room. So we can get you some stuff in here now." Alex said. Red looked at him in confusion. He sighed, and got up. "Follow me." Alex said. She got up, and he led her out of the house. "Let's go shopping. This time it will be more peaceful I hope." Alex said.

They drove in silence for a few minutes. Soon after they arrived at a furniture store. Alex led her inside. "Let's just get a mattress for now." Alex said. They walked over to the mattress section. The store wasn't busy at the moment, so that was good for Red. "Try some mattresses." Alex said. She didn't get it. He laid down on one, and she seemed to get it!

She...laid down on the floor, and closed her eyes. She was trying to fall asleep! "Wha-?! On the mattresses, Red!" Alex exclaimed. She opened her eyes, and realized what he meant. She got on a bed, and sunk into the mattress! Only figuratively though. The mattress actually felt more like a rock. Despite the mattress being...particularly rocky, she actually seemed extremely comfortable!

"You like that one, Red?" Alex asked, standing up. He walked over to the mattress, and laid down on it. "OW!" He shouted, getting up! Red seemed startled! "How do you seem so comfy?! That thing isn't a mattress, it's a rock in disguise!" Alex exclaimed. Red just laid on the bed, in strange comfort. "Well, we can buy that one then." Alex said. He looked at the price. Unsurpisingly, it was quite cheap!

"Hah! Nice!" Alex exclaimed, giving her the thumbs up! She awkwardly returned the gesture. Meanwhile, back at the house, Gill and Knull were in the kitchen. It had the same pattern as the rest of the house. Part of the wall extended out, making a small bar. There was a sink, an oven, a fridge, and a lot of cabinets built into the bar, and hanging down from the ceiling. The cabinets were white, and all the kitchen ware was silver.

Gill was slicing up some carrots with a knife. "Maaan, you couldn't do this? You're more suited to cut these things." Gill said, "Fine, I'll do it. You take the hard part then." Knull replied. Gill laughed, and walked over to the oven. "Not the oven, idiot." Knull said, "Huh, where am I going?" Gill asked, "Idiot..." Knull said.

Knull walked over to the carrots. They rested atop a white marble cutting board. The carrots were barely cut! Knull held his hands out, and looked at his palms. He flipped them over, then flipped them back. When he flipped them back, there were knives in his hands! He tossed them all into the air, and caught them in between his fingers!

He quickly sliced through the carrots as Gill watched in awe! "See, why didn't you do it?" Gill asked, "I just did." Knull answered, "I meant in the first place!" Gill exclaimed, "Why didn't you specify that?" Knull asked, "Every time I try to specify you say you get it..." Gill answered, "Well, some things you say you don't have to specify." Knull said.

"That was nice and...explanatory..." Gill replied, "How do you know words like 'explanatory,' yet you don't know what to specify and what not to?" Knull asked, "You weren't raised in the water, man. They don't speak English down there." Gill answered, "Well, what do they speak?" Knull asked.

Gill made awful Dolphin sounds. "Stop trying to use your fishiness as an excuse to not learn proper English." Knull said, "I'll learn eventually!" Gill responded, "Well I would hope so." Knull said, " know what we should add to this?" Gill asked, "What?" Knull asked in response. Gill let out an almost evil cackle! A short while later, Alex and Red arrived back at the house.

Finally, they were having a day of peace. But how long would the peace last?

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