Piecing Things Together

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Everyone had just returned from the memory. They all had many questions. "That man...how did he survive a gunshot?" Alex asked, "I don't know...but it seems an odd coincidence that man lost his eye to a Gallows' member, and the man I met in the fog had lost his eyes too..." Firehawk answered, "That man with the red hair...his hair was just like Red's..." Gill said.

"He also referred to her as 'dear,' as if she was his girlfriend or something." Knull replied, "I don't think so. If you looked closely, you would have seen his face much resembles Red's. It almost seemed like a more rugged version of it." David replied, "I didn't get a good look at his face, everything was too foggy." Knull said, "Same here." Gill replied, "I didn't either. What about you Alex?" Firehawk asked.

"I saw it, but not as much as David." Alex answered, "Odd..." Knull said. In the confusion they forgot about Red herself! Alex looked around, and saw she was nowhere to be seen! "Where's Red?" Alex asked, "I'll go look for her." Gill said, walking out of the room. Alex nodded, and turned back to the others. "Let's try to piece this together." Alex said.

"Alright. So what I got from that is...immortal guy who looks like Red, Cowboy, and her having the numbers carved into her neck." David said, "I noticed the Cowboy saw her numbers, and he was the only one who saw it before she got out of the facility besides that other guy. Does that mean anything?" Knull asked.

"Where she fell out of the facility...that's where I found her. So it's likely the Cowboy initiated the search, unless that crazy guy did it..." David answered, "I see. So he could be anywhere from a leader, to a scout. And we don't know which one survived, if either of them did, or if either of them died." Knull said.

"Don't forget what they said. 'She is the key to everything.' What could that mean?" Alex asked, "I'm not sure. But when it flashed to the memory of her not being fed, the guy mentioned 'her kind.' That could have something to do with it." Firehawk answered, "Well, the Gallows hunt Ascended, so that doesn't really surprise me." Alex said.

"Still, a detail like that mixed with the 'key' part is something to keep in mind." Firehawk replied, "Interesting...what else do we know?" David asked, "That man who was in the cell with her. I know him. He was the man I met in the fog. We could ask him if he knows anything else." Firehawk answered, "Alright, so we have a lead. Anything else?" David asked.

"Before she exited the facility, the monster that took her arm...it had numbers on it too. Maybe the numbers are some kind of sign? Some way of identity should they ever be lost? It would make sense since the red haired man mentioned that. 'In case she runs away again.'" Knull answered.

"I see. So overall, we know this; the red haired man looks like her, and referred to her as 'dear.' So it can be assumed he is a relative, or someone close. He chased after her, talking about leaving with her. But before he came in, they mentioned her being the key figure. As she ran from him, she faced a memory in which she was discriminated against for being 'her kind.' Once it resumed, she stopped and shivered.

As if she knew he was coming for her. He carved the numbers on her neck, seemingly as a way of locating her, likely via other people, since he knows how she looks. She hid it from the cowboy who stopped the red haired man, but he managed to see it, and likely told his organization about it. That is...if he survived. She managed to get out in the end, but not without losing an arm. Yet when I found her, the wound was healed. Perhaps a healing power?

And don't forget the odd voice in the background. It spoke every time something shifted. Perhaps it was...no, it can't be her. She doesn't even speak English properly." David said, "Hmm, yes, the person who speaks a different language doesn't speak our language, which means she doesn't speak her language. Genius, David." Knull replied.

"Alright, well, listen here. She doesn't ever speak, she seems to understand emotions and actions only. So I don't understand how she suddenly fluidly speaks that strange language." David said, "I suppose that's fair. Though a lot of this is very skeptical. We'll have to figure out more over time." Alex replied, "Indeed. Well, I'd say it might be best to take a moment to breath. I need some fresh air." David said.

David very slowly stood up! He was able to...stand now! "You could walk the whole time?!?!?" Alex asked, "Uhh...no. I was healing. My legs are the only thing that's healed. As you may notice, I have to walk like I reeeeaaaalllyyy need to use the bathroom. Otherwise my entire spine is going to feel like it is being broken several times." David answered.

He walked off...indeed like he really needed to use the bathroom. Meanwhile, Red stood just outside the house, panicking! Gill tried to calm her down. "Hey...it's okay Red. Do you want a cookie? They're really good and you know it!" Gill exclaimed! A moment later, Red dashed away from the house! "Hey! Where are you going?!?!" Gill asked, running after her!

Firehawk exited the building at that moment. "Huh? What are you running away for???" Firehawk asked, "Come on! We gotta catch up to Red!" Gill answered. Firehawk nodded, and they rushed after her. "Where are you going?!" Gill asked! Red kept running, but it wasn't as if she was running anywhere in particular. She was running out of...panic!

"What's wrong?!" Firehawk asked. She dashed as quickly as she could. It was around dusk, and since it was still January, it was quite dark out. "She had to pick the creepiest time to run out on us!" Gill exclaimed, "Save your breath for running." Firehawk responded. She suddenly stopped in front of a car, then dashed back towards them!

A dense fog started to surround the area! She sprinted past them as fast as she could, and they tried to follow. But when they turned, they bumped into each other! "Ow..." Gill said, "Sorry." Firehawk replied. The roof of the car she dashed away from suddenly crunched down! A strange creature had landed on it! It had bent legs, like an animal. Though it held a humanoid shape.

It's face lacked any features, besides a large slit, which seemed to be a mouth. The slit moved around the sides of it's head, nearly up to it's strang pointy ears. Long claws slashed across the car in a strange rage, moving up into the air. It's reach was very far due to it's long arms. It held a slender physique, but was certainly strong!

"A Stalker? And fog...I'm beginning to see a very bad pattern..." Firehawk said, "What pattern?!" Gill asked, shivering in fear, "We'll talk about it later. Go get Red. I'll deal with these Stalkers." Firehawk answered, "'These?!' As in multiple?!" Gill asked. At that moment, Stalkers emerged from all around them! "Go!" Firehawk exclaimed!

Gill dashed in the direction Red ran. As he moved away, the Stalker on the car jumped down, and rushed towards Firehawk! He threw his cloak back, revealing a silver sword. He dashed forward, and took the first swing!

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