Red's Hand

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Varoka had just grabbed Red's arm when some kind of power shot out of her hand! It was red lightning! Varoka got hit in the chest by it, and flew back! He landed on his side! Red quickly dashed over to David. He was alive, but heavily injured by this "Grand Ice Shower."

Varoka laid on his side, barely conscious after that direct blow! "Da...vid..." Red said. She had fear behind her voice. He was knocked out. There was no way he could hear her! She stayed by his side.

Meanwhile, Alex and Kimera both gazed towards Red and the other two. "Looks like your friend is down." Kimera said, "Your's too." Alex replied, "Heh...well, I can take you myself. And that other one too." Kimera said, "Well, come at me then." Alex responded. Kimera stepped forward, and once again was right beside Alex! He was just a tad slower than last time.

Kimera went to throw a punch, but Alex threw one first! The punch connected, and Kimera flew back into a wall hard! The wall cracked as he hit it! "That punch...was way stronger than any other hit he threw..." Kimera thought to himself. Alex started walking towards Red. Kimera has taken massive damage from that single blow! He couldn't continue this fight.

"Does he have...three powers...?! No...he had to absorb some kind of strength from me when he put his hands against my head..." Kimera thought to himself. A few moments later, he fell down. He then fell unconscious. Varoka also fell unconscious. Alex reached the others.

He put his hands beside Varoka's head, and the same strange energy flowed between them for a moment. He stopped, and walked over to Red and David. "Poor David...let's get him back to the house." Alex said, picking him up, "Da-vid...o-kay...?" Red asked, "He'll be fine. Don't worry. He seems to have shielded himself as best as he could. Otherwise that attack would have either killed or injured him even worse. I should be able to heal him." Alex said.

Red smiled happily. Though she barely understood anything he said, he didn't seem worried, so that made her feel good. They walked back to the car, and he placed David gently in the back seat. Red thought of what had happened, and realized the reason they were able to attack was likely due to her taking so long. She looked down in sadness. "What's wrong?" Alex asked, "My...fault..." Red answered.

"If you mean it's your fault they attacked us at this time, then we should be thanking you. I wasn't just randomly holding my hands by their head. I have a particular power in addition to wind. It allows me to quickly read through recent memories, and create a permanent block on a certain memory. In other words, if they try to think of where we live,  it will be on the edge of their mind, just out of reach from their thoughts. So it is safe." Alex said.

Red just smiled, she didn't understand what he was saying until the end. "Well anyway, let's go home." Alex said. He got in the driver's seat, and she got in the passengers seat. They drove off towards the house. A few minutes later, Varoka woke up. He stood up, and made his way over to Kimera. As soon as he made it, he collapsed again! "Damn, all that took my energy away..." Varoka said. He was laying next to Kimera.

"Hey...wake up moron..." Varoka said, "Huh...? Am I home now...?" Kimera asked, "No, you are laying on the sidewalk." Varoka answered, "Oh...that's unfortunate." Kimera said, "Yes. Yes it is. It seems we lost. And further more I can't remember where they live to send reinforcements there..." Varoka said, "''s...I can't remember...but I know we've seen it..." Kimera replied.

"Great. We have been utterly bamboozled by a one handed, anorexic, half metal idiot. By a random man. And by a guy who got his face messed up by a child alteration project." Varoka said, "Hey! Don't make fun of her. You can't make fun of the disabled." Kimera said, "WILL YOU SHUT UP AND LISTEN!?" Varoka shouted!

Everything went dead silent. "Well?!" Varoka asked, "You just told me to be silent!" Kimera answered, "Not literally you idiot!!!" Varoka exclaimed, kicking Kimera, "Ow! Hey! Stop that!" Kimera exclaimed! While they argued over nothing, Alex pulled the car up to the house.

They got out, and Alex gently carried David to the door. "Can you get it?" Alex asked. Red seemed annoyed. She clearly didn't want to get the door. "Fine, I'll get it." Alex said. He opened it, trying very hard not to drop David. They got inside, and Alex carried David to a room. "Get some rest. I'll heal him." Alex said.

Red went into her small room. It was empty, so she had no bed. She layed down on the most comfy looking part of the floor, and went to sleep. She dreamt of three pairs of eyes looking down on her. One yellow, one red, and the other blue! She was paralyzed all throughout the dream, until she woke up in the morning.

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