A Beautiful Smile

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Red and David eventually reached the bottom of the mountain. They walked for a minute in silence, until they reached a car. It was a black sedan, with glowing red lights lining it. The lights were faint however, as it would be blinding to other drivers if they weren't. David opened the passenger door for her, and she seemed suspicious of it.

"Don't worry, it's safe." David said. She cautiously looked inside. It had lights lining the inside as well. Just a faint glow. It couldn't be seen well at the current time with the door open. Though the windows were tinted, and likely gave the lights a little more effect when all doors and windows were closed. The seats were made of black leather, with red lining. Though the seat lining was not glowing like the rest.

She noticed something on the headrest. It was a symbol. There was two angel wings. The wings were spread fully. They were outlined in red, while the inside was black, along with the head rest. It looked complex, as the wings were quite detailed. Each feather was lined in red, to give it definition. She certainly recognized this symbol. But from where?

"What's wrong?" David asked. She pointed at the symbol cautiously. "Oh that? That's just a symbol. Nothing to worry about. I just love wings." David said. She still seemed very suspicious, but she got in anyway. It was very cold out, and she didn't think she would make it very far unless she got in. He closed the door, and got in the driver's seat.

"You certainly don't talk much...do you? Well, that's okay. I just hope you're alright." David said. She looked at him with no expression. "Well...I suppose you probably aren't. All alone out in the snow...I'm glad I found you. It's a miracle you survived the snow to be honest. People don't usually survive a night out here with no shelter, especially not dressed like that." David said. She kept looking at him with no expression. Something was really off about her. He was starting to get confused.

"Do you...understand me...?" David asked. She kept looking at him, not making any motion. Something seemed to click now. She had spoken a word before, which meant that she could speak. Though she almost only seemed to react to his actions. However, she also reacted to something he said once, meaning that she wasn't deaf.

"I get it...you only understand some words..." David said. She just kept staring at him. He smiled at her, very reassuringly. She looked at it, and seemed to be feeling something...it was as if this was the first time she ever saw someone smile. He held it for a moment longer, realizing she liked it. He then started the car. He looked around to make sure it was safe to drive. There was a lot of cliffs in the area, and if there was too much snow it wouldn't safe. "You ready...?" He asked, looking over at her. She was replicating his smile!

"Huh, you're pretty good at replicating that. Nice job!" He exclaimed. She kept smiling brightly. "Well, it's about time we head out to the city. Don't worry, it'll only take like 10 minutes." He said. They started driving, and she seemed scared. She didn't understand what was happening! "Hey, it's alright. It's safe!" He exclaimed. She seemed to calm down a little. He smiled, and she settled into the seat. They began driving down the snowy road.

Meanwhile, back where David found her...a group of men were looking around! They looked like the men from before, only they were different. Their armor was much more high tech looking. It was clear they were more dangerous! Their armor was prismatic, and seemed to be made of black metal, with carbon fiber mixed in. They all had the same signature gas masks on. The masks had red tinted glass to see through. The masks were part of helmets. Most of the men wore the same helmets. The helmets were shaped like military helmets. Though they were bigger, and prismatic. But one helmet had a scorpion ornament on top. The pincers protruded upwards like horns! They were massive!

The one with the strange helmet was also much bigger. He seemed to be their leader. "Hey! I found part of her!" One of them shouted, waving Red's severed arm at the Leader! The Leader looked over, and sighed. "Don't wave that around, you idiot! Are you actively trying to risk the mission???" The Leader asked. The Leader had a very deep voice, which was made synthetic by his mask. He had an American accent.

"Oh...uhh...sorry boss." The Man said, dropping the arm, "YOU IDIOT! DON'T DROP THAT!" The Leader shouted! The Man suddenly jumped behind a rock! They waited...and nothing happened. "Huh...?" The Man asked, getting out from behind the rock. The Leader looked at him. "Uh...is it not gonna blow up or something?" He asked, "No you idiot. We just don't want to be dropping such precious cargo! We don't need the rest of her to continue experiments. But we can't just let her go off wherever she wants." The Leader said.

One of the men suddenly approached the leader. He spoke out. "Boss! A car recently left the area, probably her and some kind of rescuer." He said, "Send most of the squads to search wherever the car went. I'll go back to base with a squad. The rest of you search around here. We'll take the arm back." The Leader said, walking off. A small group followed him, one of which was holding the arm. Everyone else began searching nearby.

Whoever these men were...they were after Red. But why?

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