Part One - Chapter One: The Photo Shoot

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“Couldn’t I just go on holiday?” Cristiano Ronaldo grumbled following his agent onto the set of the photo-shoot for Armani, he just wanted to relax and he doubted that it would happen when the new season started.

Jorge Mendes rolled his eyes ignoring his clients complaints, just because he’d had a bad world cup in South Africa didn’t mean that he could just disappear for weeks on end; he had work to do if he wanted to provide for himself when his football career was over.

“No… now focus,” Jorge snapped hoping that Cristiano wasn’t going to sulk for long, he was doing his best for his client and he knew that this wasn’t easy.

Cristiano sighed nodding his head, he had not long returned back from Portugal where he had spent a week listening to his mother moan at him for not settling down like his siblings; she wanted him to find a nice Portuguese girl to settle down with and give her grandbabies.

Opening his mouth to say something, Cristiano was stopped short as she knocked the wind out of him; he quickly grabbed a hold of the blonde that had crashed into him so she didn’t fall.

“I am so sorry,” the woman said stepping back from Cristiano as soon as she had righted herself, she brushed some hair from her face wondering how she hadn’t seen the man before her.

Cristiano opened his mouth to snap something before he stopped, his brown eyes blinked confused as he recognised her accent.

“Você é português?” Cristiano said surprised, he was so used to running into Spanish models at these shoots; he had never expected to run into someone who was from his home country.

The woman stared at Cristiano for a moment before she nodded her head, she fixed her glasses on her face and smiled; the last time she had heard someone speak her national language was when she called her mother.

“Eliana come on,” barked someone from the back making Cristiano look back at the woman startled, he hadn’t been expecting anyone to interrupt their little moment; he almost wanted to protest until Jorge called for him annoyed.

“I’m so sorry… I have to go,” Eliana spluttered before she hurried off in the direction of where she had been called, she had to get ready and she was already running late; she could only imagine how annoyed her agent was.

Cristiano watched her leave, he opened his mouth to call after Eliana wanting to say something but Jorge broke his concentration by grabbing a hold of his arm and dragging him towards the make-up truck so that he could get ready for his shoot.

“Who was she?” Cristiano demanded, he needed to know her name and he couldn’t believe that he had run into someone who was Portuguese that didn’t seem football related; he looked back curious if he would see her ever again.

“Eliana Silva… she’s some model from Portugal,” Jorge explained ushering Cristiano into the truck, they didn’t have time to stand around chatting because the shoot was already over running and he didn’t want to be the cause of the shoot running late.

Cristiano made a small noise as he stepped into the make-up truck, he had heard the name in passing before and he didn’t know where; he was hopeful that he would be seeing her again soon since he was curious about her.


Cristiano rolled his brown eyes as a couple of ladies on the set swooned at him, he was wearing nothing but tight Armani jeans that hugged his bottom half in just the right way; he looked at Jorge who was busy talking to the photographer.

“Cristiano… come here and meet Eliana,” Jorge called spotting his annoyed looking client, he smirked remembering how many questions the footballer had asked him about the model that he had bumped into.

Cristiano perked up and walked over to where his agent was standing, his eyes locking on Eliana as she stood with the photographer; she was wearing a black bra with Armani skinny jeans and a pair of heels.

“Cristiano this is Eliana… she’ll be modelling with you today,” the photographer announced when Cristiano reached them, he moved away to get his camera not wanting the shoot to drag on; he had places to be and wanted to finish as soon as possible.

Eliana stared at Cristiano, she should have known when she had first seen him that he would be modelling; he was too good looking to be here for anything else.

“Olá,” Eliana greeted a little nervous, she brushed some hair from her face and looked away from Cristiano; she couldn’t believe that she had bumped into him like that, she had been running late and hadn’t seen him.

Cristiano opened his mouth to say something when the photographer ordered everyone into their places; he scowled wanting to speak with the blonde without interruption.


“That’s perfect,” the photographer called to Cristiano and Eliana, the shoot was progressing nicely and he was pleased with the shoots that he was getting of the pair; he was sure that these was the easiest shoot that he had ever done.

Cristiano rested his hands on Eliana’s hips, his nose brushing against her neck as he peeked over her shoulder; they had been at this for ages now and they hadn’t stopped once.

Eliana wrapped her arms around his neck, she couldn’t wait for this to be finished since she had to get home; she took a deep breath and focused on her job, it wouldn’t be long now until they were done.

“That’s a wrap,” the photographer called after taking several more pictures, he was sure that he had everything for the campaign; he handed the camera off to someone while Eliana pulled away from Cristiano and moved over to her agent so that she could to talk to her.

Cristiano watched her, he ran his fingers through his hair and headed for Jorge knowing that this was going to be a long afternoon; he could only imagine what was going to happen next.

“That went well,” Jorge mused nodding his head, he looked at his client with a smile sure that it wouldn’t be long until the pictures would be released; it was for some advertising campaign.

Cristiano didn’t look to his agent, his attention caught on Eliana who was quickly heading for her dressing room so that could change out of the clothes that she had been given.

“Earth to Cristiano… are you listening?” Jorge teased smiling at his client, he had never seen Cristiano so taken with anyone like this before; he had a feeling that Cristiano had taken a liking to the model that he had just worked with.

“We have to go,” Jorge said looking down at his watch, they had another appointment to get to this time for an interview; he didn’t want to be late since he doubted that it would make a good impression.

Cristiano groaned, he wanted nothing more to relax for a bit but it was clear that this wasn’t going to happen anytime soon; Jorge had kept him busy since he had returned back from the World Cup and he doubted that he would have any free time until the new season started.

Cristiano looked over to where Eliana had disappeared, he would have to wait for another chance to speak with her; he wasn’t going to forget about her so soon.  

The Footballer's GirlfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora