Part Two - Chapter Eight: Happy 2nd Anniversary

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Cristiano smiled as he shared a kiss with Eliana, they had come to see their midwife for a check-up and he was a little excited to find out what they were going to have; he couldn't wait and it would help him prepare the nursery. 

Eliana was eighteen weeks pregnant, her bump was a lot more noticeable now and she was slowing down with the work that she was doing; Jorge had taken over as her agent and he was making sure that she wasn't over doing things. 

"How do you feel?" Cristiano asked softly peeking around, he was a little nervous about being in public with her; he didn't like the fact that the paparazzi were getting so close to her while she was pregnant. 

On more than one occasion, they had gotten in the way while Cristiano was driving and he had been forced to slow his car down while they snapped pictures of him and Eliana. 

"I'm fine," Eliana whispered back, she smiled at her fiancé wishing she could ease his mind; she wanted nothing more than to forget how tense things were. 

Cristiano sighed and nodded his head, he took Eliana's hand and held on to it tightly not wanting to lose her; he was worried about what would happen if things didn't calm down anytime soon.

Eliana squeezed his hand and took a deep breath, they had done so well in the past few weeks and today was their second anniversary; it seemed unreal that they had only been together for two years when so much had happened. 

"Eliana Silva," called the midwife as she walked out of the corridor and looked around the private waiting room, she smiled at the sight of the couple as she held onto her clip board. 

Cristiano looked over at the midwife, he had spared no expense in finding the best midwife and doctors for his pregnant fiancée; he wasn't going to be taking any risks when it came to her and their unborn child. 

Getting to their feet, the couple walked over to the midwife wanting to get their early morning appointment out of the way so that they could head home and relax without worrying about anyone else.


Cristiano looked around the office as Georgina Torres did the necessary checks on his fiancée and baby, he had never felt so awkward but he wouldn't be anywhere else; he loved the idea of seeing their baby on the screen. 

Cristiano ran his fingers through his hair as he turned to look at Eliana when she sat back down on the examination table, he watched her closely and wondered what he would ever do without her. 

Eliana looked to Cristiano and smiled reassuringly, she could see that he was worried but she was sure without a doubt that everything was fine with her and baby; she didn't want him worrying over nothing. 

"Everything looks good," Georgina confirmed making sure that she had everything that she had needed, she didn't look up at the couple while she ensured that her results were correct; she didn't need to get anything wrong and put anyone in danger. 

Cristiano sighed in relief, he watched Georgina while he thought about how everything was going to change when the baby was born in February; he couldn't wait and he would do anything to be there when his first child was born. 

Eliana leant back on the examination table, she watched Cristiano closely wondering what was going on inside his mind; she wanted nothing more than to ease his mind and she knew he would be worrying about nothing. 

"Okay time for the scan," Georgina said smiling at the couple, they were her easy patients for the day and she was sure that everything was going to be just fine for them. 

Eliana took a deep breath and pulled up her top a little so that Georgina could do the scan, she smiled as Cristiano took her hand while the midwife prepared for the scan.

Georgina smiled as she started to scan Eliana's bump, she worked slowly as the sound of the baby's heartbeat filled the room; she loved this part of her job and she knew that she wouldn't change any of it for the world. 

Cristiano stared at the screen at the sight of his unborn child, he couldn't believe how much had changed and he couldn't wait for the moment that his little boy or girl was placed in his arms. 

"Do you want to know the gender?" Georgina asked turning to look at Cristiano and Eliana, she had a pretty good idea of what the baby was going to be and there wasn't going to be much change from now until Eliana gave birth in February. 

Cristiano looked at Eliana who laughed at his expression before she nodded at Georgina, she wasn't going to deny Cristiano this moment and she wanted nothing more than to know what they were having herself as well. 

Cristiano swallowed as Georgina checked to make sure that she had everything right before she told them what they might be having; he watched her work while Eliana held onto his hand tightly. 

"Congratulations. It appears you are having a baby girl," Georgina said turning to look at the couple, she smiled at them knowing that there could be no denying that they were going to have a baby girl. 

Cristiano couldn't stop a grin forming on his face, he turned to kiss Eliana not able to contain how happy he felt at the news that they were going to have a baby daughter.


Eliana laughed softly as Cristiano kissed her again, he hadn't stopped since they had found out that they were going to have a little girl; she had been a little worried that he would be upset that they weren't going to have a son. 

"I love you," Cristiano whispered kissing Eliana again, he was thrilled with the idea of them having a little girl and he was already planning out the names that they could give her. 

Cristiano wanted the perfect name for their daughter, he didn't want something odd or something common; he wanted the right name that would fit her perfectly. 

Eliana brushed her fingers through Cristiano's hair while they kissed, it seemed the perfect way to spend their second anniversary and she couldn't have been happier. 

The sound of the doorbell ringing made the couple pull apart, Cristiano groaned wondering who could be interrupting them when they hadn't been expecting anyone. 

Eliana looked at Cristiano confused, she watched as he shook his head before he got to his feet and headed to answer the door; she smiled to herself and rested a hand on her bump. 

It seemed unreal that in February of the coming year that they were going to have a beautiful daughter, Eliana was happy and she could tell Cristiano felt the same way about the impending birth of their baby girl. 

Cristiano ran a hand through his hair moving to answer the door, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy spending time with his fiancée; he hoped that whoever this was wasn't going to stick around. 

Cristiano opened the door and stopped when he saw who was on the other side, he certainly hadn't been expecting this when he had come to answer the door. 

"Olá Cristiano," Hugo greeted smiling nervously at his younger brother, no one else knew that he was in Madrid and he hoped Cristiano wasn't going to turn him away; he needed his help if he was going to fix things.

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