Part Three - Chapter Twenty-Two: Delivery Day

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"So how many babies are being delivered today?" the nurse asked helping Eliana get settled into her hospital room, today was the day that Eliana was going to have her baby; the procedure was scheduled for later that afternoon. 

Cristiano set down the bag that had Eliana's things in, he peeked around the quiet private room and tried to ease his own nerves about what was going to happen. 

He would be sat right next to his wife when she had her operation and Cristiano had little interest on being anywhere else but with Eliana at this time. 

Elsa was spending the next couple of days with her grandmothers, between Dolores and Jennifer they would keep the little girl too busy to really notice that her parents weren't really around. 

"Just the one," Eliana replied resting a hand on her bump, it seemed completely unreal that she was going to be holding her baby by the end of the day. 

The nurse blinked at Eliana's words, she didn't believe her for a moment especially after seeing so many women deliver two or three babies when they had been the size of Eliana. 

"Are you sure?" the nurse asked raising an eyebrow at Eliana, she was in no doubt that there was more than one baby in there; she hadn't seen the woman's notes but she was huge. 

Cristiano frowned at her questioning, they were sure of that answer and he didn't like the nurse trying to tell them that they knew nothing of their pregnancy. 

"Positive," Eliana mumbled knowing that there was only one baby inside of her, her midwife had reassured her of that and they were pretty sure that Caleb was going to be perfect.


Taking a deep breath as she stared up at the ceiling of the operation theatre, Eliana couldn't believe that she was in this position; this was certainly not how she had imagined Caleb being born. 

Cristiano sat near her head dressed in hospital scrubs, he looked so strange but it was only until they left the operation theatre; he kind of looked hot dressed up as a doctor. 

Whispering softly in Eliana's ear, Cristiano peeked up at the sheet that blocked their view of what was going on; he couldn't imagine how this felt and he just hoped that everything went well. 

"Does it hurt?" Cristiano asked holding Eliana's hand, he chewed on his lip hoping that Caleb would be here soon; he kissed the top of Eliana's head and prayed that everything went well. 

It would be a couple of days before Eliana and Caleb would be allowed to come home and Cristiano was planning to stay here at the hospital with them. 

"No. It just feels strange... like a pulling sensation," Eliana replied with a small shake of her head, she rested her head back against the pillow; this was so different from how Elsa had been delivered. 

All that mattered at the end was that Eliana got to hold her baby in her arms, she was looking forward to this moment for a long time. 

Cristiano smiled at her wording and he didn't have to wait long before they were both greeted with the cries of their newborn son; he peeked up wondering who Caleb looked like more. 

"Would papa like to come and cut the cord?" Georgina Torres asked peeking around the sheet, she smiled at the couple knowing that while baby was not as big as they first thought; he was still a descent size for a newborn and that was what mattered. 

Cristiano paused for a moment, he wanted so much to do so but he didn't want to let go of Eliana's hand and leave her alone.

"Go," Eliana encouraged seeing the look on his face, she couldn't believe that Caleb was here and she just wanted them to hand him over; she watched as Cristiano got to his feet and moved to go and cut the cord. 

The sounds of Caleb crying made Eliana smile, she had a lump forming in her throat and she doubted that she would be able to stop the tears when he was finally placed in her arms. 

"He's perfect Eliana," Cristiano whispered reappearing with their son in his arms, the nurse had wrapped him up so Eliana could finally meet her baby boy. 

It felt unreal that he was holding Caleb in his arms and he was just in shock that he was so perfect; he seemed to suit his name, Caleb Hugo Silva Aveiro perfectly and Cristiano wouldn't change this for the world. 

Eliana smiled peeking at the newborn, he had a dark tuft of hair on his head and he clearly got that from Cristiano; she was happy that he seemed to take after his father already. 

"It appears there is another baby..." Georgina announced making Eliana and Cristiano stare at where her voice had come from; they certainly hadn't been expecting this and before they knew it the operation theatre was in action preparing for the birth of their second child of the day. 

Eliana looked at Cristiano, unable to wrap her head around the fact that they were about to welcome another baby into the world; she didn't know what they were going to do for things for this baby when they were only prepared for one. 

They didn't have to wait long before cries of the second baby filled the room, making Eliana's heart pound in her chest as she prayed that they would be okay.


"I actually can't believe it," Eliana whispered staring down at Rafael Dinis Silva Aveiro as he lay sleeping in her arms, she couldn't believe that they had twin boys, she certainly hadn't expected this to happen. 

Rafael was a little smaller than his big brother but Georgina had reassured the proud parents that he was going to be just fine; he was a good size considering being hidden behind Caleb for the entire pregnancy. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he shifted Caleb in his arms and hoped that this wasn't going to upset Elsa when she discovered that she had not one but two baby brothers. 

They had been worried enough that the little girl wasn't going to like Caleb when they had thought that it was just him; they were just going to have to wait and see. 

"We'll have to get another cot," Eliana mumbled knowing that for now the twins would have to share a bedroom but with them both due to stay in hospital with their mother and by then there was no doubt in her mind that Cristiano would have sorted out another cot. 

Cristiano smiled looking to Eliana, she had done wonderfully and he couldn't quite find the words to tell her that; he was still surprised that they had two beautiful boys. 

"How are we going to tell people?" Cristiano asked softly, it wouldn't be long before both their mothers arrived with Elsa wanting to meet their grandson only to find that there were two of them. 

It would certainly be a great surprise and Cristiano was just glad that he'd been granted the day off to be here with Eliana; he would have to return to training tomorrow and he wasn't looking forward to it. 

Everyone would be waiting for news on the birth and Cristiano was a little concerned how crazy the media were going to go when they found out about Caleb and Rafael. 

"I think I have an idea," Eliana replied with a grin, she had been thinking about this since Rafael had been popped in her arms and she couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when they found out. 

Cristiano chuckled, he couldn't wait to see just what his wife had planned for everyone. 

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