Part Two - Chapter Six: Sharing the News

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"How did your mãe take the news?" Cristiano asked when Eliana returned from her lunch, he had wanted to be there when Eliana had told her mother that she was pregnant but he'd had to go to training. 

Eliana was thirteen weeks pregnant and she was officially out of her first trimester and the couple were ready to start telling people; they had started with Eliana's mother and would be telling Cristiano's family when they arrived that weekend. 

"She was happy," Eliana said smiling, she sat down next to Cristiano on the couch glad to be home and she knew that Jennifer wouldn't tell anyone until the couple were ready. 

Eliana hadn't really spoken with her father, she didn't know if she could just forget what had happened and he was too busy with his girlfriend right now to care what she was doing with her own life. 

Cristiano nodded his head, it had never been a doubt for the couple that Jennifer would take the news well that they were expecting their first baby together; it was everyone else that had them worried about what was going to happen. 

"Are you going to tell your pai?" Cristiano murmured watching Eliana, he didn't want to force her to do anything and he knew things were bad between Eliana and William; she was hurting from his decision to cheat on her mother like he had. 

Eliana shook her head, she didn't want to share this news with him and she knew it was petty but she didn't think she would forgive him for what he had done; she didn't want anything to do with his girlfriend. 

"I don't want to talk to him Cris," Eliana whispered closing her eyes, she was glad that Cristiano wasn't pushing her to speak with William; he had seen how Jennifer had been after what had happened and the divorce hadn't been easy. 

Cristiano nodded his head and wrapped an arm around his fiancée, he hated that she was hurting over all of this; he might have asked William for his blessing but he wasn't going to hurt Eliana by forcing her to do something that she didn't wish to do.

"It's gonna be okay," Cristiano murmured holding Eliana close, if she didn't want to tell William that she was pregnant that was fine; it was her choice and he wasn't going to force her into doing anything she didn't want. 

Cristiano hadn't spoken to William since he had travelled to see the man in Portugal, he was a little annoyed that his future father-in-law hadn't been in contact to even congratulation them on their engagement. 

William hadn't reached out to Eliana since he had divorced her mother, he seemed so wrapped up in his girlfriend that he didn't seem to realise just how much he had lost by choosing her over his wife and daughter. 

"What's going to be okay?" asked a voice making the couple turn to see Jorge Mendes, they hadn't been expecting him to arrive so early but they needed to speak with both him and Tanya. 

Jorge raised an eyebrow at the couple, he wasn't overly fond of spending the afternoon around Tanya Collins; he hated the woman who was causing him so much grief since their clients had started dating. 

It had taken Jorge some time to get used to the fact that Cristiano was with Eliana, he hadn't thought that it would work out but he was happy for them; he could see that the couple were good for one another. 

"This had better be important," Tanya said appearing behind Jorge, she wasn't happy that Eliana had called her to Madrid; she had a lot of things to do and she didn't want to be there. 

Cristiano took a deep breath and looked at Eliana, there was no going back now and he hoped that things were going to be okay now that they were about to tell their agents about what was going on. 

Tanya and Jorge moved to sit down, they dreaded to think what their clients were about to tell them; they had gotten engaged and they didn't seem to have broken up.

"So what is this news?" Jorge asked sitting away from Tanya, he had a sneaky feeling what it was and he hoped that he was right; he couldn't imagine what the couple would when things moved forward. 

Jorge was getting a lot of offers for photoshoots and things for the couple together but he could never get Tanya to agree to them; she seemed determined to keep Eliana's career separate from Cristiano for good. 

"Eliana and I are expecting," Cristiano announced with a smile, he couldn't wait for February and he hoped that the baby would arrive when they were ready; he was a little curious to see if he would share the same birthday with the baby. 

Jorge stared at his client for a moment before he got to his feet to congratulate the couple; he could already see this working out so well for them, he was sure that it would cause a media frenzy. 

Cristiano was a little relieved that his own agent had taken the news so well, he was still a little concerned that Tanya was so silent right now but he doubted that it would last for long. 

"Tell me you're joking," Tanya murmured staring at Eliana, she couldn't believe what she was hearing right now and she knew that this couldn't have come at a worse time. 

Tanya had so many things booked for the next few months and now they would all have to be cancelled because Eliana would be too fat to do them; she had warned her against getting pregnant when they were so busy. 

"Do you have any idea what this could do to your career?" Tanya asked ignoring the look that Cristiano was giving her, she had worked so hard to get Eliana to this point in her career and now she was throwing it all away for the footballer's spawn. 

Jorge didn't say a word, he held back a smile knowing that this was what he needed to finally get rid of Tanya; he wanted the other agent gone so that he could manage the couple himself.

"I have worked so hard to get you to the top," Tanya said exasperatedly as she collected her things to leave, Eliana Silva was a global name because of her and she would be finished by having a baby. 

Eliana didn't say a word, she had expected this from Tanya and it wasn't as bad as what she had been expecting; she was going to have this baby no matter what her agent thought. 

Cristiano gritted his teeth as Tanya stormed out of their home, he had never liked her and he hoped that she wasn't going to give Eliana too much grief over this; he wasn't going to let her ruin their happiness. 

Jorge smiled to himself, this was working out just when he needed it too; there were a lot of big things coming up for Cristiano, things that would need Eliana there for. 

Tanya had been hard enough to talk to about all of that, they had argued for months about everything and he knew that things wouldn't get better now that Eliana was pregnant. 

Cristiano took a deep breath and turned to focus on Eliana, he wasn't going to let Tanya ruin this for them; he was thrilled that they were going to have a baby, and he couldn't wait for the little boy or girl to arrive. 

Jorge moved to collect his things, he had to get going back to his wife and daughters but he knew that this wasn't going to be the last of this; he had to play this right if he wanted things to work in his favour. 

"If you need anything... give me a call," Jorge said to Cristiano, however his eyes focused on Eliana; she was the key to getting what he wanted and he wasn't going to give up. Cristiano nodded his head, he kissed Eliana and hoped that things would get better for them soon.

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