Part Two - Chapter Ten: Preparing for Baby

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"Have you spoken to your pai?" Jennifer asked looking at Eliana as they walked down the street, they were out getting things for the baby since Cristiano was working hard on the nursery. 

Jennifer didn't usually ask about her ex-husband, she had no interest in what William was doing anywhere; she never wanted to speak to him again after what he had done to her. 

However that didn't mean that Jennifer didn't want Eliana to stop speaking to her father, he was still that even if he was an idiot; she didn't want Eliana cutting anyone out of her life because of her. 

"Not recently," Eliana murmured she truly couldn't remember the last time that she had spoken with her father, she didn't want to meet the woman that had destroyed her parents' marriage. 

Eliana hadn't even called him to tell William of her engagement to Cristiano or the fact that they were expecting their first child together; she had left William to find out via the news since she wasn't sure if she could forgive him for what he had done. 

Jennifer sighed looking at Eliana, she knew that her daughter was hurting after what William had done; he had brought this on himself and she wasn't going to fix this mess for her. 

"I don't want to speak to him mãe," Eliana said looking to her mother, she recalled the last time that she had tried and all her father could talk about was Sara; she had felt sick and hung up on him, not wanting to know anything about her. 

Jennifer nodded her head, she wasn't going to push Eliana into doing anything that she didn't want to do; she just wanted her daughter to know that if she did speak with William that it would be okay. 

Eliana took a deep breath and changed the subject, she didn't want to talk about her father when they were meant to be shopping for her baby daughter. 


"How did your talk with Lilian go?" Cristiano asked as he continued to paint the room that had been picked out for the nursery, he wanted to get the room ready for his little girl and he knew that there was so much to do. 

Cristiano wanted everything to be perfect for when the baby arrived, they were slowly running out of time and he had no idea what was going to happen when his daughter was born. 

Hugo shrugged his shoulders, it had been two weeks since he had arrived in Madrid and he still hadn't really spoken to anyone else from their family; he wanted to keep things quiet for as long as possible. 

"It'll get better," Cristiano murmured not knowing what else to tell his brother, things would take time to settle down again; Lilian wasn't going to forgive and forget so easily after what had happened, it would take time for Hugo to make things right. 

Cristiano wasn't sure what he would do if he ended up in the same position, he doubted that he would give up since he didn't want to lose Eliana and the baby; he would fight to make things right like Hugo was doing. 

"I just wish I knew what I could do to make things right," Hugo muttered shaking his head, he had no idea what was going to happen but he hoped that one day that Lilian would forgive him. 

Hugo didn't want things to drag out, he wanted his family back and he was never going to mess up again; he wanted them to be happy and he wasn't going to stop until they reached that point. 

"I'm sure you'll think of something," Cristiano replied smiling at Hugo, he wasn't sure what he could do to help but he doubted it would be long before everyone would find out that Hugo was in Madrid. 

Cristiano could only imagine how their mother would react and he wasn't looking forward to her descending on the city when she found out. 


Cristiano smiled as he kissed Eliana, he had missed her while she had been out with her mother and he was just happy that she was home; he had done a lot of work on the nursery and there was still so much to do. 

Eliana smiled into the kiss, she knew that things had been so tense recently and she was hopeful that things would calm down; she wanted things to work out for them and they had a baby to prepare for. 

"How was shopping?" Cristiano asked pulling away from Eliana, he couldn't imagine what they were going to do when their baby was born but he wasn't going to slip up. 

Cristiano was compiling a list of everything that the baby would need, he wanted nothing more than to be prepared for the baby when the birth came around; the baby was due in February and he was hopeful that he would be there. 

Cristiano didn't want to miss the birth of his first child, he wanted to be there and he would do anything to be at Eliana's side as she pushed their baby into the world; he just hoped the baby wouldn't arrive when he was meant to be playing a match. 

"It was good. I found some things for the nursery," Eliana said glad that she had gone, she had ordered some things to be delivered and she was sure they would be perfect for the nursery. 

Cristiano would have to put them together but Eliana was sure that he would be able to manage it; she was surprised at how involved he was being with everything that needed to be done.

Cristiano smiled brushing his fingers through Eliana's hair, he kissed her softy again wanting to enjoy this time with her; he didn't know how long things were going to be quiet. 

"How was painting?" Eliana asked raising an eyebrow at Cristiano, she was sure that he had done a good job on the nursery; she couldn't wait to see what had done. 

 Cristiano smiled softly, he wasn't going to let Eliana see the nursery until it was completed and ready for the baby; he wanted it to be perfect before she even stepped into the room. 

"It was good. Hugo was helpful," Cristiano replied wrapping his arms around Eliana and holding her close, he wanted nothing more than to enjoy this time; he knew that the season was going to get more hectic in the coming weeks. 

Cristiano couldn't imagine what was going to happen, he had so much coming up and they weren't going to have much of a break when the Christmas holidays arrived; things were starting to come together. 

"Any news on him and Lilian?" Eliana asked curiously, she wasn't sure what was going on with them but she knew the couple were trying to work on their marriage; she couldn't imagine how hard it was for them and she hoped that they were able to make it work. 

Cristiano shook his head, there wasn't much to report and he could only imagine how long it would be before Hugo's presence in Madrid was revealed; he wasn't looking forward to Dolores coming to the city. 

Dolores would want answers on why Hugo hadn't come to her, she wasn't going to take the news well and she would want to baby her eldest son; she would want to make things better for Hugo in her own way. 

"I hope they can make things work," Eliana mumbled cuddling Cristiano, she couldn't imagine how the other couple were going to cope; she wasn't sure she could if something like had happened to her and Cristiano. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and he knew that things would go back to normal sooner or later. 

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