Part Two - Chapter Seven: Being Betrayed

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Eliana smiled to herself while she looked in the mirror, she had a small bump and she couldn't believe that she was fifteen weeks pregnant and things were going so well; she was looking forward to what came next. 

Eliana and Cristiano had informed everyone that needed to be told that they were going to have a baby, they had known that things were going to be a little rough when it came to telling Cristiano's family. 

Eliana was a little surprised that Dolores had taken the news well that they were having a baby; she hadn't known what to expect with her future mother-in-law but she was glad that Dolores had been a little excited about the news. 

Eliana tugged down her top and smoothed it out over her small bump, she couldn't wait to find out what they were having and she was sure that Cristiano would be happy either way if they had a little boy or little girl. 

Eliana didn't mind either, she was excited about the idea of being a mother for the first time no matter what the baby was that she was carrying; she smiled to herself just thinking of what her baby might be like. 

"You're doing it again," Cristiano teased leaning against the bedroom door watching her with a smile on his face, he knew that they were both enjoying the happiness that came with everything that was happening in their lives. 

Eliana turned to look at Cristiano and rolled her blue eyes, he was just as bad as her when it came to the bump that she was carrying; it was the first sign that she was pregnant and they both couldn't help it. 

Cristiano grinned moving away from the door and walking over to her, he wrapped his arms around Eliana and kissed her knowing that neither of them could wait until their baby had been born.


Cristiano sighed as he heard the front door open and close, he pulled away from Eliana wondering who it was now; he was just glad that his mother had gone back to Portugal since she had started to annoy him with her constant questions. 

Cristiano knew that she was worried about Hugo, his brother was still in America and he doubted that Hugo was going to rush back if he didn't feel ready to face things yet. 

Hugo was speaking to his wife and daughter and that was what mattered, he had to make things right with them if he wanted his marriage to work after everything that had happened. 

Jorge walked into the room carrying some papers with him, he smiled at Cristiano knowing that this wasn't going to be easy for his client to hear; he wondered what would happen when they found out what Tanya had done. 

"Jorge," Eliana greeted smiling at Cristiano's agent, she was surprised to see him and she eyed the papers in his arms curious about what was going on; she peeked at Cristiano knowing that they hadn't been expecting to see him that afternoon. 

Jorge moved to set down the newspapers, magazines and other things that he had brought for them; they needed to see this and he knew that Tanya wouldn't be far behind him, he needed to act now. 

"This is all over the news," Jorge said making the couple look at him confused, they moved to see what he was talking about before they saw the covers of all the papers and magazines.

 Eliana felt sick as she picked one of them up, she swallowed reading the headline that announced that she was pregnant; she couldn't believe what she was reading and she wondered who had told the papers. 

Cristiano gritted his teeth as he did the same, he stared at the headlines wondering who had betrayed them by going to the press; they had only told their families that they were going to have a baby.

"It says Tanya confirmed it," Eliana whispered wanting to be sick, she didn't want to believe that her agent could have done this to her; she stared at the papers wondering what was going on. 

Cristiano closed his eyes, he didn't want to believe it here but all the papers stated that Tanya had been the one to confirm the pregnancy; he wasn't sure what the agent was playing at but he wasn't going to let this stress out Eliana. 

"I can't believe this," Eliana whispered shaking her head, she looked at Cristiano knowing they had both wanted to hold off on telling the world that they were having a baby; they wanted to wait until they were both ready. 

Cristiano looked at Eliana as they heard the door open and close again, he didn't have to guess to know that it was Tanya; he felt angry that she had turned up like this after what she had done. 

Tanya hurried into the room, she had just found out about what the papers were saying and she couldn't believe this; she stopped at the look that Cristiano and she guessed Jorge had told them. 

"Do you want to explain this?" Cristiano asked glaring at Tanya, he couldn't believe that she'd had the nerve to come to their home after what she had done. 

Jorge was silent as he looked at Tanya, he was curious to see what Cristiano and Eliana would do about this; he had come to them hoping that they would do something. 

Tanya opened her mouth to say something, she hadn't told anyone that Eliana was pregnant; she might not have been fond of the news but she would never do something like that to Eliana; she knew that the blonde had wanted to keep things quiet. 

"I think you should leave Tanya," Eliana said looking to her agent, she didn't think that she would be able to forgive the woman for what she had done. 

Tanya stared at Eliana for a moment as her words sunk in, she had a horrible feeling that she knew what was coming and she hated to think what else was going to happen.

"I think I'll also be finding a new agent," Eliana explained chewing on her lip, it would be for the best especially now that Tanya had told the world something that she wasn't ready to share. 

Tanya stared shocked, she had never thought that this would happen and she wasn't sure what to say; she didn't think that there was a way that she could make this right and she knew that she hadn't said anything to the press. 

"I'll show her out," Jorge offered smiling to Cristiano, he wanted to prove that he would be the right person to manage both of their careers and he was sure that things were going to work out just perfectly. 

Cristiano nodded his head and wrapped his arms around Eliana, he whispered to her softly as he held her close; he didn't want this to stress her out and cause problems for her and the baby. 

Tanya opened her mouth to object and to protest her innocence when Jorge grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the house; she couldn't believe any of this and she was going to get to the bottom of it. 

Jorge pushed Tanya out of the front door and smirked at her, he couldn't believe his luck and he knew that things were finally looking his way; he had finally gotten what he wanted and he wasn't going to let it go. 

"I win," Jorge whispered to Tanya, he wasn't going to let it slip to Cristiano or Eliana that he had been the one to let the news slip to the press; he had framed Tanya so he could gain control over the power couple.

Tanya stared at Jorge, anger filling her as she realised what had happened; she stepped forward to slap him only to have the front door shut in her face.

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