Part Two - Chapter Four: Cheering Cristiano Up

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Eliana took a deep breath as she made sure that everything was in place, she wanted tonight to be perfect since Cristiano was a little down after Portugal had been knocked out of the Euros by Spain.

Eliana smoothed out her peach fit and flare dress as she checked that the dinner was okay, she hadn't wanted to go out to dinner since she doubted Cristiano wanted to be harassed by paparazzi so she had ordered in and made the room look nice.

Eliana hadn't really seen her fiancé see Portugal had lost but she was sure that he would be here since she'd asked Pepe for a little help; he was one of the few players that she knew on the team and he had been happy to help.

Eliana hadn't told Pepe what was going on, only that she wanted to surprise Cristiano since he deserved it; she had handled everything else that was baby related so that her little secret wouldn't get out.

Eliana checked the clock on the wall and smiled as she heard a knock at her hotel room door, she looked at herself in the mirror one last time before she headed to answer the door; she turned the main light off leaving the room lit by candle light and nothing else.

Opening the hotel room door, Eliana smiled at Cristiano and was pleased to see that he had gotten her note; she stepped aside to allow him into the room, she was a little taken back when he presented her with red and white roses.

"Cris," Eliana whispered with a shake of her head, she didn't know how he could be so sweet and she was sure he would be happy with the news that she had to share with him.

It seemed so strange that Eliana still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she was pregnant; she had been careful with everything when it came to planning this meal for them.

Eliana set down the flowers carefully while Cristiano looked around the room wondering why she had done this, he wasn't in the mood to celebrate or be romantic; he had let his national team down today by not scoring.

"I ordered cozido à Portuguesa for dinner," Eliana revealed turning her full attention to Cristiano, she had avoided ordering fish and seafood since she couldn't have that while pregnant.

Eliana had done her research and she thought it would be best to avoid certain things if she didn't know how they were cooked; she didn't want to take any risks since this was her first pregnancy.

Cristiano just nodded his head as he looked around the room, he sighed not feeling very hungry but there was no way that he was going to ruin this for Eliana; she looked happy and he didn't want to let her down.

"You didn't have to do this," Cristiano murmured moving to sit down, he didn't want to upset her and he hoped that things would go back to normal soon.

Eliana sighed shaking her head and moving to wrap her arms around Cristiano's shoulders, she kissed him wanting to take his mind off what had happened; he was only one man and he couldn't do everything.

"I have a present for you," Eliana said sitting down on Cristiano's lap, she was sure this was the right time to break the news and she couldn't hide it anymore; she wanted him to be the first to know.

Eliana kissed Cristiano's nose before reaching for the small box that she had wrapped up, she was so pleased with herself and she hoped that he would like it; she had spent ages thinking all of this up.

"I don't deserve a present," Cristiano mumbled just wanting to go back to his hotel room and sleep until their flight home the next day.

Eliana ignored Cristiano and handed him the present, she smiled knowing that this was going to cheer him up from the funk he was in.

Cristiano sighed taking the gift from Eliana, he had no idea what had brought this on and he slowly unwrapped the box; he knew that he was being grumpy and he was surprised that Eliana wasn't letting this bother her.

Cristiano made sure to put the wrapping paper out of the way before opening the box, he stared down at the small red jersey that lay inside the box wondering what was going on.

"Surprise," Eliana whispered watching him take the small Portugal jersey out of the box, her stomach twisted making her a little nervous about what he might say.

Cristiano furrowed his brow as he turned the small jersey over in his hands, his breathe caught in his throat making him choke at the sight of his jersey number on the back with the word Papa printed just above it where his name would have been.

"Ana..." Cristiano whispered in awe as he looked at his fiancée, he certainly hadn't been expecting this when she had said that she had gotten him a present.

Eliana smiled at Cristiano, she had been watching his face and she could see that he was happy about this; even if it had come as a bit of a surprise for him like it had been for her.

"I'm six weeks pregnant," Eliana revealed knowing that this was the best surprise that she could give him, she had waited long enough to tell him and she hoped that this was okay.

Cristiano opened and closed his mouth for a moment trying to find the right words, he couldn't believe that he was going to be a father; he leant forward and kissed Eliana thrilled with the news that she was carrying his baby.

Cristiano rested a hand on Eliana's flat stomach, he didn't know what to say but right now that didn't matter; he was going to be a father and that news was the best he'd had for a while.


Dolores sighed as she set down the house phone, she was disappointed that Hugo still wouldn't speak to her over the phone; she just wanted to know if he was okay and when he would be getting out of rehab.

Dolores had been shocked that her eldest son had extended his stay by another month, she had no idea what to make of that fact and she hoped that everything was going to be okay.

"Still nothing?" Elma asked looking to her mother, she knew that things were tense and she wanted nothing more than her family to be happy; she just wished that things were easier for them.

Dolores shook her head, she knew that Hugo was speaking to his children and Lilian; she just wished that he would do the same for her since she was so worried about him.

"It'll be okay... he'll come around eventually," Elma reassured peeking over at her daughter, she had no idea what was going on with Hugo but she hoped that the extended stay would be good for him and would make him prepared to come home.

Dolores didn't say anything, instead she focused on making her dinner; she wanted nothing more than for things to go back to normal, she wanted her family back.

"Have you called Cristiano?" Elma asked knowing how upset her youngest brother would be about the fact that Portugal had been knocked out of the tournament; she hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid like push Eliana away.

In the past few months Elma and her siblings had found themselves getting along well with the blonde, she was going to marry their brother and there was no point in making things awkward.

Dolores pursed her lips not saying a word, she wasn't sure how to feel about the news that Cristiano was going to marry Eliana; it felt wrong to celebrate it when Hugo was so far away from the entire family.

Elma sighed shaking her head, she hoped her mother would soon realise that Eliana was here to stay no matter what.

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