Part Three - Chapter Five: Victoria Secret Show 2013

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"You look so nervous," Lily Aldridge teased walking past Eliana, she had never seen her friend this nervous before a show and she was sure that it had nothing to do with the fact that was wearing the Royal Fantasy Bra worth about £10 million. 

They'd all had moments to be nervous about but Eliana had always put on a brave face and got on with it; she had never been this nervous before any of the other shows even if this was her first back after having Elsa. 

Behati peeked over from her changing area, she felt a little odd about how things had played out recently; she really spoke to Eliana when they had once been best friends but she knew that it was her own fault. 

After the kiss, Behati had known that things would change between them and while Eliana had said that she was willing to put it all behind her there was always going to be a wedge between. 

"Cristiano is here," Eliana revealed softly, she took a deep breath trying to steady her breathing and not freak out; she had never thought that things would come around like this, she felt so nervous about walking the catwalk with Cristiano watching. 

The room around her seemed to go silent at her words, Cristiano wouldn't be the only husband watching the show and Eliana couldn't work out how the other women handled this. 

"So we finally get to see the new Mr Eliana Silva up close," Alessandra teased knowing that Eliana would just fine when it came to strutting her stuff on the catwalk; she had no doubts that it would all work out. 

Eliana nodded her head, she couldn't help but smile glad that her friends were taking her mind off the fact that not only was she the first to walk out but her husband was going to be sat front and centre at the show. 

"I wonder where he will be sitting," Adriana mused smiling at Alessandra, everything had been going so well for Eliana and she was sure that it would continue to do so.


"I can't believe that we are at a Victoria Secret show," Ricky Regufe mused taking his seat next to his best friend, he had been surprised when Cristiano had told him that they were going to New York City to watch the show. 

This was the last place that Ricky had expected Cristiano to want to be especially with a match coming up, he had a feeling that Cristiano was just doing this to improve things with his wife. 

Hugo nodded his head sitting down next to his brother, he had been surprised when Cristiano had invited him along on the trip and Lilian had encouraged him to go; she wanted him to have a good time especially with how well he had been doing. 

"Are you excited about watching Eliana?" Jorge asked grinning, he hadn't been expecting Cristiano to want to come and watch one of Eliana's shows; it wasn't going to be possible all of the time especially with matches becoming more frequent as the season picking up. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he eyed the catwalk knowing that it wouldn't be long before it was filled with women walking up and down it. 

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Ricky murmured patting his best friend on his shoulder, he could see that Cristiano was a little nervous about all of this; the room slowly started to get dark and the four men grew quiet as they waited for the show to start. 

A marching band stepped out onto the run-way drawing everyone's attention, they walked down the cat-walk and disappeared off the end before Fall Out Boy appeared on the stage and started to sing. 

"There's Eliana," Ricky said grinning as he picked at Cristiano, the blonde was the first out for the show and there was no denying that Cristiano was a very lucky man right now.

Cristiano didn't say a word, he couldn't take his eyes off his wife and he felt a wave of pride at the sight of her; he was the man that got to go home with her at the end of the night no matter what these other people thought. 

Walking down the aisle, Eliana couldn't keep the grin off her face as she spotted Cristiano's face in the crowd; he looked completely in awe and it only boosted her confidence as she walked. 

Reaching the end of the runway, Eliana posed for a moment before she turned around and walked back; she couldn't resist blowing Cristiano a kiss as she passed him feeling a lot better now that she had done the walk. 

"If looks could kill," Ricky teased softly as Behati took to the catwalk, he knew that there were men around the world who would kill to be in his place; Eliana was a very beautiful woman and Cristiano had put a ring on her finger before anyone else could. 

Cristiano chuckled watching Eliana disappear, his wife looked stunning and he couldn't wait to see her after the show; he had a bit of time before he had to return to Madrid and he hoped to spend it with her. 

Hugo smiled watching his brother, he was happy that Cristiano had something good in his life and he was hopeful that nothing was going to ruin it; he knew that there was always going to be rumours but he was sure that none of it was true. 

Things were always going to be tense and Cristiano always seemed to come out on top, he was even going to have a film made about him in the next year; it was going to take time but Hugo was sure that nothing was going to ruin this for him. 

Their father would be so proud of everything that Cristiano had done in the past few years, he had always wondered what would have happened if their father hadn't of passed away.


"I take it you liked the show," Eliana laughed as Cristiano ducked down and kissed her, they were in his hotel room and she was just glad that they were out of sight before he got handsy after the show. 

It had been amazing and Eliana was so happy that it had gone well, it would be a while before the show was shown on television but the recording had been perfect and everyone was celebrating. 

Cristiano nodded his head kissing down her neck, his hands eagerly helping Eliana out of her short sleeve crinkle wrap blouse; he was so happy right now and he was sure that they would have time to do whatever they wanted without being interrupted. 

"Cris," Eliana warned as he pulled her top over her head, she was a little worried that he would rip her clothes right off her; they backed towards the bed knowing that it had been a while since it had been just them. 

The couple were always focusing on Elsa and they had barely found any time to spend with one another without work coming in the way. 

They were looking forward to their holiday plans even if their parents had made their disapproval known about the fact that they were planning on being out of the country for Elsa's very first Christmas.

The little girl was nine months old now and Eliana was sure that she would enjoy the day no matter what happened and she would be with her parents. 

Cristiano kissed Eliana and started to remove his own shirt; he wanted them to have some time together and he couldn't help but get hot and bothered after watching Eliana strut her stuff. 

Things were going to be just fine for them and Cristiano was sure that they would have all the time in the world with no one around to interrupt them. 

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